The Only Solution

Holy Thursday 2022
Today is a good day to remind everyone about how to receive Holy Communion properly. The Epistle is a warning from St. Paul that is timely  because we live in a time of unprecedented sacrileges against Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.  The Gospel describes the Mandatum when Christ washed the feet of His apostles.  This was the first interruption of what was the last Passover meal.  The second interruption near the end when when Our Lord gave His most precious gift just before His death – Himself in the Holy Eucharist.  This is the supreme sacrament in the Church that everything revolves around.  The Mass and priesthood which were instituted this night with the Holy Eucharist are essential to Its continuation to the end of time.  All the problems which face us can and will be solved by God in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.

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Ite Ad Joseph

Sermon On The
Feast of St. Joseph 2022
Devotion to St. Joseph can be seen in the testimony of St. Teresa, Mary of Agreda and the prophetic words of Isidore of Isolanus.  It flows from his vocation as spouse of the Mother of God which was an essential component of the Incarnation and guarding of Our Lady and the Son of God.  St. Joseph had purity which enabled him to fulfill this role, not only towards the Blessed Virgin but as a virginal father to Christ in imitation of God the Father.  St. Joseph was a pious man who led the Holy Family in their liturgical observances and is the first traditional Catholic.  He often was faced with challenges that tested his virtue, but he relied on God for assistance which always came.  Therefore St. Joseph is patron of all people and walks of life so we can go to him with confidence.

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Lent Is A Season Of Joy

Ash Wednesday 2022
Septuagesima season has prepared us for this time of removing sin from our lives.  This should comfort us as we begin this time of penance.  When examining our conscience we should not look at self but at Our Lord crucified to realize the effects of our evil on Him.  Lent is the bond of unity in the Church when we all struggle together. By  Penance we understand different things.  It is the sacrament, a moral virtue and the acts flowing from it.  Ashes are given today because they are one of the three major sacramentals in the Church and remind us powerfully of death which is the consequence of Adam’s sin.  Finally, practical suggestions are given to help us choose and practice spiritual exercises which will make Lent truly beneficial for us.

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Charity Lifts To Heaven

4th Sunday After Epiphany 2022
This week we will bless throats in honor of St. Blaise.  The Holy Ghost through St. Paul writes that we should owe no man anything except to love one another.  This endorses living debt free, as much as possible, but it does not include being free of charity which all must practice.  Charity is the greatest of all the virtues, including the other theological ones.  Without charity we are lost. It is the only thing that can make us happy here and in heaven.  The second part of today’s Mass is the reminder that Christ is in complete control of everything and that we must never lose trust in Him.  Finally, we learn about the upcoming feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple.

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God Will Provide

Feast Of The Holy Family 2022
This first Sunday after the Epiphany begins the short season of manifesting the divinity of God made Man.  The Gospel contains the first words of the Word made Flesh and clearly reveal He is completely aware of His identity and mission.  The Holy Family is the model for all of us who belong to families and Pope Leo teaches in his encyclical about the domestic life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and how our families should imitate them.  This is also the 45th anniversary of the beginning of our religious community and a time for thanksgiving.  It is a reminder that one must follow principles no matter the sacrifice entailed and maintain loyalty.  God, who permits evil so to draw good from it, will do the rest.

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Marriage of the Incarnation

The Holy Name Of Jesus 2022
This day can also be called the feast of God’s friendship with man.  It began to be celebrated in the fifth century but its origins reach back to the Old Testament when God first gave His Name of “Yahweh” which means “I am, Who Am” to Moses.  The reverence towards this Name was such that it could only be spoken once a year by the high priest in the Holy of Holies.  Once God became man He was given the Name of Jesus meaning Savior.  Now we are encouraged to say God’s Name often and if done repeatedly on our deathbed St. Francis de Sales said we will have a peaceful death.

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Our Lady of La Salette

17th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
Today is also the feast of St. Januarius who was martyred in the fourth century.  A vial of his blood is preserved in Naples in a reliquary and on his feastday it often liquifies to show the saint’s protection of the city.  It did so today. On this day in 1846 the Blessed Mother appeared to a shepherdess and a young boy who were pasturing cattle on the side of a hill in the French Alps.  Our Lady explained how disregard of the second and third commandments by profaning her Son’s Holy Name and missing Mass and doing servile work on Sundays were the causes of the famines etc. that were punishing the people.  She gave the children prophecies of terrible future events if the world did not convert and do penance.

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Vessel Of Election

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2021
Profession of Sr. Josepha

All profession days are beautiful moments for our religious communities and for the people.  Today is also unique and reminiscent of Jesus’ words about St. Paul at his conversion, “I will teach him to suffer for My Name”.   This joyful day is also a pure and perfect sacrifice in union with Our Lord on the Cross.  The means of this oblation are the evangelical vows of poverty, chastity and obedience that were professed this morning before Mass.  These are counsels from the Gospel which are for those called to embrace them and who are generous in doing so.  All the baptized must live the spirit of the vows but religious practice them.  Now begins the work of living the interior life deeply and thereby becoming a fruitful spouse of Christ.  There is much to learn about the theological virtues and the vows but the Sacred Heart and the Blessed Mother will be your guides.  Be stout-hearted because the Lord is your light and salvation  and He will never forget you.

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The Care Of Sacred Things

14th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
God and His worship is the most important thing on this earth and everything that surrounds Him and the Liturgy are treated with the utmost respect and care.  This explains all that we do and why we encourage all to do the same.  Today is also the feast of the beheading of St. John the Baptist who perfectly parallels Our Lord in having a miraculous birth, a private and public life and a passion and death.  St. Paul’s epistle describes the fruits of the Holy Ghost which are the benefits of those advanced in the spiritual life who achieve virtuous acts with ease.  The Gospel is the warning by Christ that we must not compromise with the mammon of the world.  This is a particular monitum for parents who instill material instead of supernatural values in their children.

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Pentecost Law and Language

Pentecost Sunday 2021
This feast is known as Red Easter because catechumens are baptized now who were unable to do so earlier.  The Blessed Mother and the Apostles were in Jerusalem awaiting the coming of the Holy Ghost because Our Lord commanded that.  The Jews from places near and far were there to celebrate the promulgation of the old law to Moses.  The Holy Ghost brought the new law of love.  The special vestments for this Mass teach the doctrines contained in the liturgy.  An immediate result from the coming of the Holy Ghost was the miracle of the preaching of the Apostles being understood by all.  This continues today for us by the use of the Latin language at Holy Mass.

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