The Epiphany And The Holy Family

Feast Of The Holy Family 2021 The crèche is a composite of many events surrounding the Nativity and culminating with the adoration of the Magi which is celebrated on the feast of the Epiphany.  The first Sunday after this feast is that of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  The Gospel tells the…

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Bride, Spouse and Victim

Laetare Sunday 2020 – Carmelite Clothing Day This is a joyful day and a preparation for the total gift of self that is to come at the religious profession.  All has been left behind and that includes any reliance on self because now it is time to rely on God alone.  Religious life is the…

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Patron Of All

Feast Of Saint Joseph 2020 St. Joseph is described as a just man in the Gospel which means he was deeply religious.  His virtues prepared him for his vocation to be the spouse of the Blessed Mother and foster father of the Son of God.  His fears after the Annunciation were about his own worthiness…

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What Is Keeping Me From God?

First Sunday of Lent 2020 This sermon begins with a review of the Lenten regulations and a recalling of the life and the struggle for his vocation of St. Thomas Aquinas, whose feast is this week.  Then we learn about the sacramental of ashes which is a powerful aid during this season which offers us…

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Lost And Saved Through A Tree

Sexagesima Sunday 2020 The Divine Office for this week recounts the story of Noah and his Ark.  This is the type for Christ and His saving Cross which undo the fall of Adam caused by his eating the forbidden fruit of the tree in Paradise.  We learn also that God’s grace is offered to us…

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The Candle Shows The Beauty Of Christ

Feast Of The Purification 2020 For only the second time in a couple of decades we are celebrating this wonderful feast of the Purification on a Sunday and this enables more of the faithful to participate in this sacred Liturgy and to hear the doctrines about this feast.  This ceremony is ancient, recorded in the…

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Love Is Life Or Death

Feast Of Christ The King 2019 This week is the feast of All Saints which honors God in His heroic examples of sanctifying power.  Today is the feast of Christ the King which was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925 to combat secularism and to re-assert God’s rights in modern society which have been…

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Transfiguration Conference

Feast Of The Transfiguration 2019 In this conference we learn that transfiguration is not uncommon in the lives of the saints.  The Collect for the Mass today is key to unlocking this feast day.  It says that the mystery or sacrament of the Faith is confirmed through this theophany.  The outward sign instituted by Christ…

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Protector Of Holy Church

Feast Of St. Joseph 2019 The Gospel for this feast is taken from St. Matthew about the so-called doubt of St. Joseph.  These few verses contain a wealth of doctrinal information about his fatherly love of the Son of God, his pure love of his wife, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the unique holiness of…

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Our Presentation

Feast Of The Purification 2019 The feast of the Purification also celebrates Our Lord’s Presentation in the Temple. The Mosaic law required a mother to offer sacrifices before she could be allowed again to participate in worship. In addition, it stipulated that a first born son should be offered to God Who would then return…

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