Door To The Sheepfold

1st Friday Conference May 2022
The pagan view is that man is constituted by his work.  Without work, man is not human.  The Catholic view is that work is an expression of the man.  St. Joseph the “faber” is the example of all workers.

Good Shepherd Sunday gave place to the feast of St. Joseph this year, but the Gospel account would not be overlooked.  Christ identifies Himself as the door to the sheepfold.  In those days, the shepherds would build a corral to protect the sheep at night, with one shepherd chosen to guard the door so that he might only let in those who truly belong in the fold.  This example was used to combat those who were teaching without authority.  Christ is the Good Shepard, whom the sheep know, trust, and follow.  It was shocking for the people of Christ’s time to hear Him say that He loved His sheep to the point that He would give His life for them.  He feeds us through the Holy Eucharist and other sacraments and asks for only our heart in return.

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Easter Joy

Easter Sunday 2022
Lent has passed by quickly but we take away the lesson that the “Imitation of Christ” reiterates for us that we win heaven by work and suffering.  With the Resurrection we share in the happiness of being with Our Lord once again.  Christ has proved that He conquered sin by overcoming its consequence, death.  As soon as He rose again He visited His Blessed Mother and later St. Mary Magdalen and all the others during His active Easter Sunday.  We must not let the fervor and devotion that carried us the past forty days subside so that we are reduced to anything less than our spiritual enthusiasm today.  We must build on what we have so to draw closer to our Risen Lord and Savior.

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Catechumen To Neophyte

Easter Vigil 2022
The Easter Vigil is the culmination of our Lenten retreat and especially for the catechumens who are baptized and who will receive their first Holy Communions at the Mass which follows.  The Liturgy brings light to the darkness of the world of sin and sings the praise of Our Lord’s Paschal candle.  Then we are reminded of the miracles around water in preparation for the blessing of the Easter and baptismal waters which lead to the baptism of our catechumens.  The Mass of Christ’s triumphant Resurrection will end with our Easter communion and our union with the Risen Savior.  The newest members of the Church now begin their lives as part of the faithful.

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Die To Self

Good Friday 2022
There is one thing that we know and can be certain about and that is that God became a Man and died on this day.  From all eternity this was in the Divine Mind and the ultimate purpose for all creation.  The Sacred Liturgy, in the absence of the Holy Mass today, re-presents the events on Calvary for us to share.  We are imitating the early Christians by using the same liturgical rites as they did.  When Our Lord died on the cross He made a special effort to direct and to entrust us to His own Mother.  We honor and love her as the Co-Redemptrix and Mother of Sorrows because her Divine Son instructed us to do this.  We must appreciate what our sins have done to Son and Mother and detest them by an immolation of our selfishness with Christ on the cross.

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The Only Solution

Holy Thursday 2022
Today is a good day to remind everyone about how to receive Holy Communion properly. The Epistle is a warning from St. Paul that is timely  because we live in a time of unprecedented sacrileges against Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.  The Gospel describes the Mandatum when Christ washed the feet of His apostles.  This was the first interruption of what was the last Passover meal.  The second interruption near the end when when Our Lord gave His most precious gift just before His death – Himself in the Holy Eucharist.  This is the supreme sacrament in the Church that everything revolves around.  The Mass and priesthood which were instituted this night with the Holy Eucharist are essential to Its continuation to the end of time.  All the problems which face us can and will be solved by God in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.

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Pascha Florida

Palm Sunday 2022
Our Lord’s triumphal procession into Jerusalem today was prophesied and predicted the role that the Gentiles would have in the new kingdom of Christ the King.  This joy is seen in the powerful sacramental of the palms which are carried in procession.  This festive mood soon changes to sadness in the Liturgy as the Passion is presented to us during the Mass.  This all is a warning to each of us that we must beware lest we rejoice with Jesus only to join shortly thereafter in calling for His death as the people of His time did.  We are guilty of such betrayal by our sins and a return to mediocrity after Easter.

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Traditor Not Traitor

Passion Sunday 2022
Saints this week include Sts. Isidore and Vincent Ferrer.  Friday honors our Mother of Sorrows.  We should imitate St. Joseph and the Holy Family and make every effort to attend Holy Week ceremonies, especially the Sacred Triduum.  St. Paul in the Epistle shows how the Old Testament prefigured Our Lord’s Passion and Death.  In the Gospel we see the conflict intensifying between Christ and the Pharisees because Jesus identifies Himself as God and one with the Father.  This so infuriates His enemies that they pick up building materials to stone Him but Our Lord hides from them.  We are reminded of this by the draping of the statues during these last two weeks of Lent called Passiontide.  We sinners, also,  have offended God and driven Him from our temples, our souls.

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Divine Freedom

Laetare Sunday 2022
The saints this week and especially St. Francis Paola show that grace is more impressive than even miracles.  The Epistle for this Mass concludes by letting us know that we have received a liberation by the new dispensation which Christ has brought us.  No longer are we slaves to sin but free from that evil and all of its consequences.  Soon we will renew the sufferings and death on Good Friday which won this freedom for us and today the Church strengthens us for that and the remaining days of Lent by the Gospel’s account of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes.  This miracle of Our Lord was the sign of confirmation of His words about the Holy Eucharist.  This points to the Mass and the need for us to pray always.

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Hear the Word and Keep It

Third Sunday In Lent 2022
Yesterday’s feast of St. Joseph with the solemn Mass was another encouraging grace during our Lenten retreat days.  Now St. Joseph prepares us for this week’s feast of the Annunciation which celebrates the Incarnation and the beginning of our redemption.  Every day in Lent has its own Mass and stational church which are meant to give us unique graces as we prepare for Holy Week.  Recent Masses taught us the devotion we should have to the Holy Eucharist and another the punishments that follow upon on sins of lying.  Today the catechumens were again given lessons and blessings along their path to Baptism.  These same rituals are part of the baptismal ceremonies.  St. Paul’s Epistle instructs us on evils to avoid and how to do so.  These are critical especially for parents who have been given the responsibility to raise their children as God wants.  The Gospel tells about Our Lord’s exorcising the devil and His defense of the blasphemies brought against Him by the Pharisees.  The account ends with praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary which Our Lord elevated to a supernatural order.

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Ite Ad Joseph

Sermon On The
Feast of St. Joseph 2022
Devotion to St. Joseph can be seen in the testimony of St. Teresa, Mary of Agreda and the prophetic words of Isidore of Isolanus.  It flows from his vocation as spouse of the Mother of God which was an essential component of the Incarnation and guarding of Our Lady and the Son of God.  St. Joseph had purity which enabled him to fulfill this role, not only towards the Blessed Virgin but as a virginal father to Christ in imitation of God the Father.  St. Joseph was a pious man who led the Holy Family in their liturgical observances and is the first traditional Catholic.  He often was faced with challenges that tested his virtue, but he relied on God for assistance which always came.  Therefore St. Joseph is patron of all people and walks of life so we can go to him with confidence.

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