Comfort Her

Funeral Mass for Saundra Warner The Church encourages us to pray always for the deceased that she be released from Purgatory if she is still detained there.  We know that praying for the dead is not in vogue but its practice is pre-Christian because all peoples, sharing the primitive revelation from Adam and Eve, offered…

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The Church Endures

24th Sunday After Pentecost 2021 Today’s Gospel is warning and a consolation that the good and evil grow together but are separated at the end and receive different rewards based on their deeds in life.  The Church has gone through troubles in the past and present but will always survive because of God’s preserving grace. …

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Christ The King Conference

First Friday, November 2021 Two final notes concerning the Holy Souls are how they pass time in Purgatory and how we relate to them. We are raised with the secular teaching that the Church and State should be separated.  Christ spoke to the people of His time as integral individuals and did not dichotomize them…

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Remember Death

All Souls Day, Evening 2021 The ancient pagan art in Rome often had death as its theme.  We too should meditate on death but Christianize it by seeing the goal as God in heaven.  Some of our brethren have not achieved the goal yet and are in Purgatory.  We can assist them by praying for…

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All Souls Day Conference

All Souls Day 2021 Having a day to pray for the souls of the faithful departed began in the monasteries where the deceased monks were remembered in Masses, the Divine Office and by reciting 150 Our Fathers.  Souls in Purgatory are often permitted to visit family, friends and the altars where they assisted at Mass. …

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The Marks Of the Saints

All Saints Day 2021, Evening It is natural for us to seek the help of our friends when trying to accomplish something.  This is what we do with our heavenly friends, the saints, as well. Today honors all the unknown saints with their own feast day. Our chapel has the Beatitudes intermingled with the statues…

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Humility Of All The Saints

All Saints Day 2021 The Church always celebrated groups of saints and today’s feast includes all the saints.  In the seventh century the pagan Pantheon was consecrated to God and the relics of the saints in the catecombs were brought to this temple for veneration and honoring.  God gave this feast so we thank Him…

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Our King

Feast Of Christ The King 2021 We are subjects of Christ, our King, and as such we are grateful to assist at this feast day and to follow Him faithfully.  Pope Pius XI instituted this feast almost a century ago and placed it before All Saints day.  This highlights His authority over the saints and…

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Stand With Christ And Pray

22nd Sunday After Pentecost 2021 Still in the month of the Holy Rosary, we are reminded of the 15 Promises Our Lady made concerning those who recite it.  The Mass texts today emphasize prayer which is essential as we approach the day of the Lord, whether in the particular or general judgments.  Equipped in this…

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