The Death of Saints and Sinners

5th Sunday after Pentecost 2024 It is not sufficient for those inclined to anger to wait for the moment of temptation before fighting their vice.  To practice the opposite virtues of meekness and fraternal charity is the most effective way of combatting unjust anger.  Those who persecute the faithful, should stir our pity rather than…

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The Compendium of All Religion

Feast of The Sacred Heart 2024 This feast was created relatively recently in the history of the Church, yet it was foreshadowed even in the Old Testament.  As God took the rib from Adam’s side while he slept to form his great love, Eve, so while Christ slept in death on the Cross the Church…

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Where Are The Martyrs?

Pentecost Sunday 2024 Pentecost is called the birthday of the Catholic Church because, although it was conceived on the Cross, this is the first day the Church manifested herself in the world.  Not only every human being, but all nations and governments are called to convert to Christ.  True Catholics reject the false tenets of…

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Freedom From Anxiety

3rd Sunday of Advent 2023 Gaudete Sunday – This is a day in which we take joy in our Catholic Faith, a day without anxiety or trouble of heart.  We must make our petitions known to God, trusting that they will be answered in the best way possible.  God gives us the grace to ask…

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Saints Who Changed The World

All Saints Day Evening 2023 Today we celebrate one of the marks of the true Church – her holiness.  The almost innumerable saints in Heaven are the result of the redemption Christ won on the cross.  Today we especially celebrate the unknown saints.  If we wish to change the course of history, we must be…

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Do Not Weep

15th Sunday after Pentecost 2023 No other religion has produced saints as the Catholic Church has.  The greatest mark of the Church is her holiness.  Discretion is one of the best ways to practice charity.  It allows us to know when to offer correction and when to simply let our example teach our neighbor.  Charity…

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Humility Is Truth

11th Sunday after Pentecost 2023 If we have no attachments to hold us down in this life we will speedily reach Heaven when we die.  Our Lord said we will receive a hundredfold of the things we give up for God’s sake in this life.  We should not attribute anything we do to ourselves because it…

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God Is Light

Transfiguration 2023 (10th Sunday after Pentecost) Pride is placing ourselves before God and neighbor.  We must remember that we would be as evil as our worst enemies if not for God’s grace.  We must acknowledge our weakness.  We ourselves are pharisees because of the hypocrisy of our sinful lives.  The Transfiguration can be summarized in…

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The Davids Of The Future

4th Sunday after Pentecost 2023 This is a Mass of great courage and hope.  We know that even when the enemies are encamped around us, they will weaken and fall.  God allows us to see our weakness so that we may turn to Him in prayer.  This is the Mass which tells us not to…

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Ite Ad Joseph

Sermon On The Feast of St. Joseph 2022 Devotion to St. Joseph can be seen in the testimony of St. Teresa, Mary of Agreda and the prophetic words of Isidore of Isolanus.  It flows from his vocation as spouse of the Mother of God which was an essential component of the Incarnation and guarding of…

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