Penance And Priesthood

4th Sunday of Advent Advent 2021
The guides for Advent are prominent in this last Sunday of the season leading up to Christmas.  The Mass texts come from Isaias the Prophet, St. John the Baptist fulfills the prophecies in the Gospel and the Blessed Mother is honored in the Offertory and Communion.  The Mass itself is connected to the December ordinations and St. Paul writes about the worthy stewards of the mysteries of the Faith.  St. John calls the people to penance in preparation for Christ’s coming.

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Abound In Hope

Second Sunday Of Advent 2021
The feasts of Saints Nicholas, Ambrose and Damasus are this week.  It would be good for parents to teach their children about the practices we have during this season like the Advent wreath, Santa Claus and the Christmas tree.  St. Paul in the Epistle reassures us Gentiles, using the prophet Isaias, that we are saved by God’s mercy and we should have hope.  St. John the Baptist sends his remaining faithful followers to Christ so they realize that Our Lord is the Messiah.  The Mass texts foster prayer in us and we should pray always.  We should not succumb to the fear and force that controls our society today but we have a better story about a God who saves by coming as an Infant.  Finally, the story of Our Lady’s intercession to save a soul confirms the adage that Hope Springs Eternal.

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Signs Of His Second Coming

First Sunday Of Advent 2021
Today begins a new liturgical year and prepares for Christmas and Christ’s return at the end of time.  We have been given signs which will alert us to the second coming and these are explained so that we who remain faithful to Our Lord will lift up our heads and rejoice when we see Him with His angels coming to judge the world and take His own with Him into heaven.  Isaiah, St. John the Baptist and the Blessed Mother are the persons who will guide us throughout Lent.  This Q&A ends with answers about the current situation, exorcists, conclaves and the remembrances of the living at the dead at Mass.

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The End Of The Liturgical Year

26th & Last Sunday After Pentecost 2021
This Sunday marks the end of the liturgical year and is a reminder not only of our own particular judgment but that of the general judgment.  Our Lord prophesied about this and used the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans as a sign of what is to come.  That was a terrible event as will be the last days of the world.  However, God will not abandon those who remain faithful and He will deliver them from the trials of the final days.

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Christ The King Conference

First Friday, November 2021
Two final notes concerning the Holy Souls are how they pass time in Purgatory and how we relate to them. We are raised with the secular teaching that the Church and State should be separated.  Christ spoke to the people of His time as integral individuals and did not dichotomize them by their public and private lives.  The Our Father petitions for the coming of His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.  Christ did not limit Himself to individuals but commanded preaching to entire nations.  All this is based on the hypostatic union which constitutes Our Lord as priest and king.  St. Pius X said that the problems of the world are permitted by the laxity and lukewarmness of passive Catholics.

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Remember Death

All Souls Day, Evening 2021
The ancient pagan art in Rome often had death as its theme.  We too should meditate on death but Christianize it by seeing the goal as God in heaven.  Some of our brethren have not achieved the goal yet and are in Purgatory.  We can assist them by praying for them and teaching others, especially our children, to pray for them.  By taking a moment to help the Holy Souls we will be gaining friends for eternity.

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All Souls Day Conference

All Souls Day 2021
Having a day to pray for the souls of the faithful departed began in the monasteries where the deceased monks were remembered in Masses, the Divine Office and by reciting 150 Our Fathers.  Souls in Purgatory are often permitted to visit family, friends and the altars where they assisted at Mass.  At death a person’s soul leaves his body and is judged instantly.  His decision at that time can never change because without his body to provide new information the soul’s choice at the moment of death is irrevocable.  Those in grace but not yet perfect are purified in Purgatory where the fires purify their souls by humbling their pride.  There is peace and joy there also because the Holy Souls know that they are saved and will see God.  We should pray, fast and give alms to assist them.

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Humility Of All The Saints

All Saints Day 2021
The Church always celebrated groups of saints and today’s feast includes all the saints.  In the seventh century the pagan Pantheon was consecrated to God and the relics of the saints in the catecombs were brought to this temple for veneration and honoring.  God gave this feast so we thank Him for the saints, we can imitate them, implore their intercession and make reparation for any dishonor shown them or the angels.  If worldlings work so hard following their pagan ideals why can’t Christians work as hard to love God as He deserves?  Humility is the secret of the saints and the law of mercy.

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God Is The Solution

20th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
It is important not to waste time especially with today’s technology which causes many distractions.  It is more common now for people to be depressed, sad and lonely more than at other times in the past.  This is because they are not looking to God and the Blessed Mother.  Especially during this month, we should turn to the Holy Rosary which has many consoling promises attached to its recitation.  We should frequent the sacraments like Penance after making an examination of conscience and we should attend Mass with reverence and attention.

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Vessel Of Election

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2021
Profession of Sr. Josepha

All profession days are beautiful moments for our religious communities and for the people.  Today is also unique and reminiscent of Jesus’ words about St. Paul at his conversion, “I will teach him to suffer for My Name”.   This joyful day is also a pure and perfect sacrifice in union with Our Lord on the Cross.  The means of this oblation are the evangelical vows of poverty, chastity and obedience that were professed this morning before Mass.  These are counsels from the Gospel which are for those called to embrace them and who are generous in doing so.  All the baptized must live the spirit of the vows but religious practice them.  Now begins the work of living the interior life deeply and thereby becoming a fruitful spouse of Christ.  There is much to learn about the theological virtues and the vows but the Sacred Heart and the Blessed Mother will be your guides.  Be stout-hearted because the Lord is your light and salvation  and He will never forget you.

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