Learn As A Catechumen In Lent

2nd Sunday of Lent 2020 Lent is a long retreat for catechumens to prepare for Baptism and for penitents to prepare for Communion. We follow in their footsteps as we learn from each of the Lenten Masses as seen, for example, in this week’s story of Esau and Jacob.  Today’s Epistle stresses God’s holy will…

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In Heaven We Will Meet Again

Funeral Mass March 7, 2020 Our first duty in the face of death is to pray for the soul of the faithful departed so that she may be released from Purgatory as soon as possible.  We have confidence because all the consolations of the Faith through the sacraments were given to the deceased but we…

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Child Of Grace

Quinquagesima Sunday 2020 The Epistle for today teaches the importance of the supernatural virtue of charity which is not to be confused with natural human kindness.  Charity not only enables us to love God and neighbor but it gives us knowledge beyond the highest attainable during our earthly lives.  Today was also the clothing day…

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Why We Need A Redeemer

Septuagesima Sunday 2020 After the story of St. Apollonia this sermon explains the meaning of St. Paul’s Epistle for this Sunday which marks a new liturgical season of Septuagesima and the beginning of the road to Easter.  St. Paul warns us not to presume on our merits. The scripture readings for this week remind us…

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How Can Sin Make Us Better?

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2020 Today is a continuation of the beautiful time after the Epiphany when the God-Man is shown to us for our adoration and love.  The Redemptive Incarnation is with the Trinity as the most important truth about God Who rules the cosmos, even as an Infant.  The Epistle warns us not…

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A Renewal of Christmas

Sunday Within The Octave Of Christmas 2019 The eight days starting with Christmas are the daily celebration of the Incarnation and the Sunday within those days is a highlight of that.  Despite all the propaganda, we should adhere to the Church Fathers, not only in upholding the dogmas surrounding this feast like the virgin birth,…

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Christmas Is Hope

Christmas 2019 As we gather at the crib of Bethlehem we renew our belief in the fundamental truths of the Incarnation (God made Man) and the miraculous virgin birth (the Blessed Mother’s perpetual virginity).  After thousands of years of suffering in consequence of Adam’s sin this night marks the beginning of our redemption and the…

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Eternal Rest

All Souls Day 2019 Mother Mary Austin wrote movingly about the Holy Souls in Purgatory and her congregation was dedicated to helping them.  These saved individuals are holy but not perfect yet and fling themselves into Purgatory to be purified before entering God’s presence.  We have the responsibility to pray and to sacrifice for the…

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Love Is Life Or Death

Feast Of Christ The King 2019 This week is the feast of All Saints which honors God in His heroic examples of sanctifying power.  Today is the feast of Christ the King which was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925 to combat secularism and to re-assert God’s rights in modern society which have been…

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She Reaches Out to Us

Feast Of The Assumption 2019 This is Our Lady’s greatest feast which marks the triumphant conclusion of her life when God took her body and soul into heaven where she reigns today.  This is an ancient feast which requires us to thank God for the Assumption.  We read this in the definition of the dogma…

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