26th & Last Sunday After Pentecost 2021 This Sunday marks the end of the liturgical year and is a reminder not only of our own particular judgment but that of the general judgment. Our Lord prophesied about this and used the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans as a sign of what is to come. That was a terrible event as will be the last days of the world. However, God will not abandon those who remain faithful and He will deliver them from the trials of the final days. #20211121B
Feast Of Christ The King 2021 We are subjects of Christ, our King, and as such we are grateful to assist at this feast day and to follow Him faithfully. Pope Pius XI instituted this feast almost a century ago and placed it before All Saints day. This highlights His authority over the saints and encourages us to pray to them for their intercession. The encyclical of the pope teaches about the basis of Our Lord’s Kingship in the Incarnation. It explains His three fold powers as executor, legislator and judge. His is a gentle rule over the hearts of men and in due time He rescues us. On our part, we must never compromise what our King has asked us to do and the best way to honor Him is by denying ourselves, taking up our crosses daily and following Him into His heavenly kingdom. #20211031K
1st Friday Conference, October 2021 This conference begins with a sobering account of the current problems with the validity of the sacraments because of the devil’s hatred of priests and the means of salvation. The story of today’s Saint Remy is encouraging in the face of this new paganism because this holy bishop baptized Clovis which began the life of the eldest daughter of the Church – France. This month is dedicated to the Holy Rosary and quotations about it from the saints encourage us to pray it devoutly. Finally, we recall our holy pope, St. Pius X, who enriched the Church and souls during his papacy. His love for God and neighbor was evident in his efforts to preserve the Faith pure and undefiled, to honor Our Lady as Co-Redemptrix, to emphasize the Liturgy, increase devotion to the Holy Eucharist, increase study of the Bible, restore Gregorian chant, revise the Code of Canon Law, reform the Breviary and much more. His sanctity was attested by conversions and miracles during his lifetime and during this canonization process. He is our strong protector and supporter today against the evil of modernism. #20211001
Feast Of St. Michael The Archangel Today’s new vestment is a beautiful depiction of St. Michael defeating the devil who rebelled against God. St. Michael received his name from his response to Lucifer’s challenge to the Blessed Trinity. The leader of the good angels asked “who is like God” (Quis ut Deus)? And that became his name Michael. On this day in the fifth century a church was dedicated to God in St. Michael’s honor and this feast celebrates that event and honors all the spirits called angels who are organized into nine choirs with different functions. We have prayers and devotions which honor St. Michael and the angels. He is the patron of many and one of our own was recently saved by invoking this protecting spirit. A powerful exorcism against the devil invokes St. Michael’s aid and the uplifting hymn from today’s breviary praises him. #20210929K
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2021 Profession of Sr. Josepha
All profession days are beautiful moments for our religious communities and for the people. Today is also unique and reminiscent of Jesus’ words about St. Paul at his conversion, “I will teach him to suffer for My Name”.  This joyful day is also a pure and perfect sacrifice in union with Our Lord on the Cross. The means of this oblation are the evangelical vows of poverty, chastity and obedience that were professed this morning before Mass. These are counsels from the Gospel which are for those called to embrace them and who are generous in doing so. All the baptized must live the spirit of the vows but religious practice them. Now begins the work of living the interior life deeply and thereby becoming a fruitful spouse of Christ. There is much to learn about the theological virtues and the vows but the Sacred Heart and the Blessed Mother will be your guides. Be stout-hearted because the Lord is your light and salvation and He will never forget you. #20210908
First Friday, September 2021 This First Friday comes during Our Lady’s Thirty Days which begin with the Assumption and end with the feast of the Seven Sorrows. There are many feasts related to our Blessed Mother during these days. The month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and this devotion has a long history in the Church. Many saints propagated it through the centuries and there are many stories about its efficacy such as the Miraculous Medal and Our Lady of Victories. The purpose of the devotion is to honor the physical heart of the Blessed Mother and her love for the Blessed Trinity. It is accomplished by veneration, confidence, compassion and reparation. #20210903
3rd Sunday After Pentecost 2021 This Mass and the recent feast days are about union with God, His Love and His Mercy. The earliest depiction of Our Lord in the catacombs is taken from today’s parable of the Shepherd carrying the lost sheep on His shoulders. This season after Pentecost is one of hope and shown by the liturgical color of green. The devil tries to discourage us and drag us into despair or inflate us with presumption. We must maintain our humility in the face of these diabolical attacks and will thereby receive mercy proportionately. Always have confidence in the Sacred Heart and never in the world. #20210613B
Feast Of St. Joseph 2021 The Incarnation and the Redemption depend also on the head of the Holy Family, St. Joseph, who was the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the father, although not the biological father, of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Without St. Joseph our salvation would not have been accomplished. God the Father infused a spark of His own paternal love and care into the heart of St. Joseph so this man would love His Son on earth and raise Jesus to be the Perfect Man. Although Christ looked like His Mother, Jesus acted like St. Joseph. As he cared for Our Lady and Our Lord, St. Joseph has cared for us and all those dedicated to him. The vestments today attest to that care by St. Joseph and miracle of the Holy Stairs in Santa Fe do also. Go to Joseph because he watches over us. #20210319S
1st Sunday In Lent 2021 Jesus Christ leads us by example as we begin Lent. He sanctified the forty days we have begun by first spending that number of days in prayer and fasting in the desert before He started His public life. Upon its completion He overcame Satan and his temptations. We will do the same during this Lent as we walk in Christ’s footsteps by doing penance that will regain control of ourselves. We make up for the sin of eating that Adam and Eve committed. We follow our ancestors who made Lent holy and would not mar these forty days with war, court proceedings and other distracting activities. #20210221S
Octave of Christmas 2021 As we face the unknown that awaits us during the coming year, we can take comfort in the divine promise that Our Lord will be with us always. In addition, Our Lady of Guadalupe tells us through Juan Diego that she is our Mother and cares for us. This octave day of Christmas renews all the joys of the Nativity. It also commemorates the Circumcision and honors in a special way the divine maternity and the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Mother. Finally, advice is given in the form of resolutions which will help us progress in our spiritual life in the days ahead. #20210101
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Servants of the Holy Family, a Catholic religious community in Colorado Springs was founded on the Feast of the Holy Family in 1977 and is placed under the patronage of the Sacred Persons of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Read more