Be Not Anxious

3rd Sunday Of Advent 2022
Gaudete Sunday
The color of the rose denotes a mixture of sadness and joy, while the flower itself represents Christ.  Those who abandon themselves completely enjoy the true peace and freedom from anxiety spoken of at this Mass.  Christ always hears the prayers of those who trust with all their heart.  Christmas is the beginning, not the end.  When Our Lord was born, the world immediately attempted to end His life.  We do not see the victory and joy yet, but we have a foretaste with the graces of Christmas.  It will be at the moment when all seems lost that Christ will triumph completely.  We remain free, our hearts cannot be dominated.

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Undying Confidence

Last Sunday After Pentecost 2022
Even at the end of the liturgical year we are still filled with great hope.  The virtue of hope, not based on natural motives, but based on our confidence in God, gives us the help we need to overcome the obstacles which stand in the way of our eternal goal.  If we desire to persevere in the practice of this virtue, we must practice mortification, and custody of the senses.  Only then are we able to respond to God’s grace, overcome our vices, and truly be numbered among the elect.

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We Fear Our Mighty King

Feast Of Christ The King 2022
We often forget that Christ, as the Son of God, owns us completely.  We belong to Him because He created us.  All power on earth comes from above, because it all comes from God.  Although, we often remember the meekness of Christ, we should also be filled with holy fear when contemplating His might.  We read in the Scriptural account how an entire cohort of men, armed with weapons, drew back, and fell to the ground at the words and look of the Savior and how St. John describes a formidable image of the conquering Christ in his apocalyptic vision.  We desire the social kingdom of Christ in which Our Lord is obeyed by all nations and all governments throughout the entire world.

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We Must Obey To Be Saved

20th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
The official in the Gospel for this Mass traveled a long distance to find Christ, but was rebuked for his lack of faith.  Yet, Christ rewarded the little faith he had, curing his child, and converting his whole household into some of the very first Christians.  St. Paul tells us that God’s Will is that we pray continuously and redeem the time we have wasted.  We must not be foolish with this precious gift of time.  What would the people in hell give for a little more time?  If we do not practice obedience and give up our will, we can be sure we lack the other virtues.  We must act for God and our neighbor, not for our own desires.

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No Salvation Without Belief

13th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
In the collect of this Mass we beg for an increase of the three theological virtues.  If we do not believe, we cannot be saved.  This is why we must be continually taught the catechism.  We see that the lepers of the Gospel were cured because of their faith and trusting hope in divine providence.  If we are not thankful for the many gifts we have been given, God may withdraw His grace in the future.  Those graces that are rejected by us will be offered to another, so the gifts of God must never be taken lightly.

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The More I Will Bless You

12th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
Enthronement Of The Holy Infant Of PragueThe popularity of the devotion to Our Lord in the image of the Holy Infant of Prague has spread worldwide.  After the original image had been treated with disregard and forgotten for many years, through the miraculous direction from Heaven, it was restored to its former place of honor.  The inviting words of encouragement spoken by Christ, “the more you honor Me, the more I will bless you,” have touched the hearts of so many faithful who now approach the Holy Infant in the hopes that He grant them the love and simplicity of little children so that they may enter with Him into the kingdom of God.

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Examples Of Sanctity In The Midst Of Corruption

9th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
We must not neglect the saints.  We should know something about the great saints this week like Saints John Vianney, Lawrence, and Clare.  But we must not forget those saints that are especially attacked in our day, like St. Philomena and St. Christopher.  Those who speak ill of God and His saints blaspheme and will not go unpunished.  We know that God rewards the good and punishes the evil and only permits evil to bring forth a greater good.  Just as He cleansed His physical temple of thieves, so He will one day cleanse the world and the Church of all corruption.

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We Possess All We Need

7th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
We are not only able to determine the virtue or malice of our neighbor by the fruits he produces, but if we are honest with ourselves, we can see whether our own fruits are good or evil.  We can find the first fruits of our lives in our prayers, the second in our confessions, and the third we find in our willingness to follow the Will of God.  To follow God’s Will is obedience and obedience is necessary for salvation.  All we must do is desire to follow the Divine Will and pray for the grace to do so.  We possess all we need to reach heaven.

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Hold True To Principle And To Christ!

4th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
Our Lord chose to preach from the boat of St. Peter in the Gospel because this boat represented the Church from which alone God’s word is taught.  We are in need of God’s help and must never despise it no matter how unworthy and sinful we are.  When we die, we will be judged on how much we love Our Lord and how much we tried to save our neighbor.  We must be detached from the people and the objects of the world, because what matters is our soul, what matters is God.  Hold true to principle!  Hold true to Christ!

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Spirit Of The New Law

Pentecost Sunday 2022
Sunday is a day sanctified by God.  From the creations of the angels to the Resurrection of Our Lord, and now the feast of Pentecost, this day has been made holy in a special way.  The Holy Ghost descended upon that small group of disciples to institute the New Law and inspire them to spread the Good News.  They preached for the conversion of thousands of souls and the growth of their own personal holiness.  We continue this mission to this very day.  We must purify our intentions and refuse to be satisfied with anything less than the Greatest Treasure of all, possession of God Himself.

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