The Dogmas of Christmas

Christmas Conference 2024
In a moment in time the Word assumed a human nature and from then on, He was completely God and completely man and will be so for all eternity.  This feast of Christmas also includes the doctrine of the Virgin Birth.  The Blessed Mother was virgin before, during, and after the birth of Christ.  This miracle foreshadowed the Resurrection, in which Christ passed through His tomb while leaving it shut.

The reason why the Son became man was first to honor His Father, and only secondarily for the salvation of mankind.  All things were made as an expression of His goodness, and all mankind was made for God first.  God became a Father in a new way on Christmas, because it was only then that He became Father in the flesh.  Our Lord came to dwell forever in our hearts as the King of Peace.  This is a feast of hope which offers a foretaste of the final victory at the end of time.  The three Masses of Christmas focus, first on the eternal birth of the Son from the Father, then the birth of the Word in the Flesh, and finally the birth of the Word in men’s hearts.  Christ appeared as a helpless child, and all are drawn to the innocence and purity of an infant.  It teaches each one of us to become like little children so we might enter the kingdom of Heaven.

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God’s Chastisements and the Three Days of Darkness

Last Sunday after Pentecost 2024

This Sunday is not only a reminder of the end of time, but a reminder of the end of each individual life and our particular judgment.  Christ foretold the destruction of Jerusalem, typifying the chastisements the world will face in the last days.  We should be encouraged in seeing how God spared the Christian community of Jerusalem who heeded His warnings.  We too should watch for the signs in our own times and prepare our souls for Christ’s coming.  Whether or not we witness the Three Days of Darkness and the coming punishments of the world, we know that we are all destined to face God and must prepare to do so with the time we have left.

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We Must Answer to God

26th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
In this Epistle St. Paul encourages the Thessalonians, who were enduring persecution for the Faith, instructing them to persevere in their struggle.  The parables in the Gospel similarly encourage Christ’s followers by explaining the external growth of the Church as well as our internal growth in sanctity.  God’s ways are not ours; His way is irresistible.  We should be encouraged by the words of this Gospel and never forget the favors God has sent us.  Our battle is with principalities and powers, and it is easy to be fooled by the sophistries of a pagan society – a society which constantly makes excuses for the murder of the unborn.  Each of us, even the great and powerful, will have to make an answer to God for the choices of his life.

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His Priestly Reign

Feast of Christ the King 2024
This feast was instituted in our times to combat secularism.  Those who claim that we need not proselytize, or that all religions are paths to God, are in direct contradiction of the words of our Redeemer.  The doctrine of the kingship of Christ comes from both His divinity and His humanity.  God owns us because He is our Creator and, by the union of His human and divine natures,  He became Head of the human race.  Christ is both priest and king and will continue His priestly reign until the end of time.  The Catholic youth should have one anthem echo in their hearts: “We have no King but Christ.”

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How We Save the World

20th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Rosary Conference – There are many sacramentals used by the Church, but none seem to be as favored by Our Lady as the Dominican Rosary.  It is a prayer to Our Lord with the Virgin Mary, and after the Holy Mass and Divine Office, it is the most powerful prayer a Catholic can make.  There is no request that is beyond its power.  In this world of secularism, religious indifference, and apostasy, we have one thing left – the Holy Rosary.  It originated as a replacement for the psalms for certain illiterate monks in the monasteries and was later used to assist the preaching of St. Dominic.  This spiritual weapon has led to many military victories throughout Church history.  It supplies in some way for what the faithful of today are being deprived of in the liturgy.  The Rosary offers lessons in the practice of virtue, helps us forget our fears and troubles as we are plunged into the Divine Heart of Christ, and disposes us to receive the gift of passive, infused contemplation.

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Our Reminder To Love

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2024
Emperor Constantine saw a vision of the Holy Cross in the sky which led to his victory.  Years later, St. Helena led an expedition to the Holy Land and miraculously found the true Cross of Our Lord.  Hundreds of years after that, Emperor Heraclius defeated the Persians and rescued the Cross which had been stolen.  This feast was prepared by Our Lord through the many miracles He has performed.  The Cross is the sign of victory over our enemies and gives us the knowledge of God’s love for us, which is, in the end, the only knowledge necessary.  When God’s love is revealed to us, we must respond by offering all our love in return.  The love we are given through the Cross raises us to such heights that we are able to love God with a share in His own sacrificial love.

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God, Help Your Spouse!

Feast of Saints Peter & Paul 2024
This feast is considered so great that, since the earliest days of the church, it was given a vigil for preparation.  Red vestments are used on this day to symbolize not only the blood of these two great martyrs, but more importantly the fire of their love.  They died for everything that true Catholics believe today.  This Epistle reminds us that God is protecting us, even in our darkest moments.  We must respond to the graces of God generously and promptly, following the example of St. Peter.  The conversion of St. Paul demonstrates God’s power to bring good out of evil.  We should be inspired to see how these two great sinners became two of the greatest saints.

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The Compendium of All Religion

Feast of The Sacred Heart 2024
This feast was created relatively recently in the history of the Church, yet it was foreshadowed even in the Old Testament.  As God took the rib from Adam’s side while he slept to form his great love, Eve, so while Christ slept in death on the Cross the Church was brought forth from the wound in His side.  In this Epistle St. Paul speaks in utter amazement about the love of the Sacred Heart.  The essence of religion is found in the love of God the Son for God the Father, and all our prayers find their value when they are united with this love.  Even if we possess all the faith in the world, we will still not be saved if we do not have love.  Anyone who has loved has known the pain of love.  Can we even imagine the pain of Christ’s Heart when He saw how little He would be loved in return?

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Where Are The Martyrs?

Pentecost Sunday 2024
Pentecost is called the birthday of the Catholic Church because, although it was conceived on the Cross, this is the first day the Church manifested herself in the world.  Not only every human being, but all nations and governments are called to convert to Christ.  True Catholics reject the false tenets of religious indifferentism.  The Holy Ghost expresses God’s love for us because He is the Person of Love.  In these days when there is such great cowardice within the Church, we pray for the virtue of fortitude to help us persevere in the face of adversity.  The Holy Ghost will provide us with the strength of the saints and martyrs.

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The Christian Society

Conference given on
1st Friday May 2024
Although some traditional Catholics refuse to celebrate the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, because they believe it is Communist in origin, the fact is that it is an example of the Church’s Christianization of something contrary to the Faith.  There are many examples of this throughout the history of the Church.  In order to understand the devil’s influence in the world and how it affects us, we should know the definitions of fascism, socialism, communism, existentialism, and capitalism.  The Christian view is that labor is the means of showing obediential love, and is to be offered for the love of God and neighbor.  This is what gives our work merit.  What matters in life is not what we do, but the degree of love with which we do it.

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