
Love Of God And Neighbor

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5th Sunday after Pentecost 2019
The Church begins our sanctification now with the reminder that our love of God is shown by our love of our neighbor.  This is so important that Our Lord instructs us to delay even prayer and public worship so we can first reconcile with our brother when necessary.  How we do this requires prayer, reception of the sacraments and a generous response to the inspirations of the Holy Ghost.  By this we turn our hearts and affections from this world to the invisible treasures of heaven.

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We Wait As True Sons Of God

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4th Sunday after Pentecost 2019
The reception of the Holy Eucharist is most important for our spiritual life and we are given life through It and through the flowing of His Precious Blood.  We have been made sons of God and always remain ready to respond to whatever God asks of us.  In today’s Gospel we see how the apostles, especially St. Peter, answered Our Lord’s directive promptly and their obedience was rewarded.  This is an example for us on how we are to follow our own vocations.

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Humility Turns Men Into Angels

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3rd Sunday after Pentecost 2019
Although some might think it unbecoming for God to become a man, Our Lord chose this path to teach us humility.  All the saints excelled in this virtue and without it we cannot be saved.  Pride is the characteristic vice of Luther and all those who are lost.  Even in daily life people do not like those who are proud.  Some wonder why bad people prosper while the good suffer in this life.  The good are given the opportunity to imitate Christ and gain merit for heaven while the evil are given a reward in this life for whatever good they do because they cannot receive any reward in hell.  Practice humility and be assured of heaven.

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Season of the Holy Ghost

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2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2019
The time after Pentecost is designed by God to sanctify us by putting the teachings of the first half of the year into practice.  This season begins by celebrating feast days which mark the key helps along our path to holiness, namely, the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Eucharist and the Sacred Heart.  As Catholics we believe completely in Our Lord’s real, true and substantial presence in the Holy Eucharist.  We treasure this gift and never let anything else deflect us from attachment, devotion and love of the Blessed Sacrament.



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Sacramental Contract

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Leoffler-Hermes Wedding
Matrimony is the sacrament which raises the natural bond of marriage to a supernatural level and sanctifies the married couple throughout life and leads them to heaven.  In addition, the blessed rings are sacramentals which are bestowed during the ceremony so the couple can avail themselves of the actual graces needed for their life together.  A spiritual life based on prayer will enable the groom to have the self-sacrificing love of Christ crucified while the bride will become a faithful spouse as the Church is.

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Long To See The Trinity

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Trinity Sunday 2019
The Sign of the Cross is the signature action of Catholics which expresses our faith in the Blessed Trinity.  This feast enhances the importance of this supernatural mystery which is remembered at every Sunday Mass.  God has revealed this secret of His life which teaches us that in God there are Three Divine Persons: Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  References to this doctrine can be found in the Old Testament and more explicitly in the New.  Created grace is our share in God’s Trinitarian life which we long to enjoy in heaven one day.

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Grace Of Love

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Wedding on May 3, 2019
The marital bond formed today will be a beacon to the world of sacramental love and the grace given.  The married couple shares in the priestly life in a way today and is a beautiful reflection of the Blessed Trinity.  The grace received sanctifies today and continues to do so in the future.  The couple will remember this day and the heaven it foretells for them in union with God.

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The Pharisee And The Publican

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10th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
After learning about Saints Ignatius, Alphonsus and Dominic the Epistle and Gospel for the Tenth Sunday after Pentecost tell us about the charismatic gifts found in the early Church and the power of humility to move God to be merciful.

















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    The Lord Wept

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    9th Sunday After Pentecost 2018
    This Sunday teaches us to be humble and thankful for God’s gifts lest we lose them for our lack of appreciation.  The Gospel relates the event as Christ was to begin His triumphal entry of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  He paused on the Mount of Olives and wept over the Holy City and what would be its punishment for rejecting Him and putting Him to death.  This moment uniquely shows Christ’s divinity and humanity.  All can repent as St. Mary Magdalen and be saved from the fires of hell.

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    We Have Reason To Hope

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    3rd Sunday after Pentecost 2018
    The Sacred Heart is shown to us in the Mass of this Sunday.  The texts emphasize the hope of this season symbolized by the color green.  Our Lord describes Himself in the Gospel as the Good Shepherd who carries His lost sheep home on His shoulders.  St. Peter warns in the Epistle that the devil is an obstacle on our path to heaven and we must know our enemy in order to combat him.  He was a murder and liar from the beginning and those are the evidence of his presence in the world today which is seen in recent news items.  Despite the dire circumstances we must have hope.


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