Closing Our Eyes to the World

Passion Sunday 2023
During the season of Passiontide, we are meant to die completely to the “old man.”  Our conversion during Lent is now to be perfected during these last two weeks.  We have not only given up our vices, but now even the spiritual consolations that we find in the saints, and the greatest consolation of the crucifix, are all veiled and removed from our view.  We have been given the chance to close our eyes to the world and practice true recollection in our mediation on Christ’s sufferings.  With the use of the Mass, we can amend all the shortcoming of our Lenten practices, and be truly united to the sacrifice of our Savior.

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The Fight for Salvation

Laetare Sunday 2023
As we pass the middle of Lent, we are given this Sunday a spirit of joy.  The Holy Catholic Church is the new Jerusalem, and we, as the Church Militant, are called to fight for our salvation with the use of prayer and the sacraments.  There are no exceptions when it comes to accepting God’s Word and the articles of Faith.  In the miracle of this Gospel account, we see the figure of the Eucharist and Baptism in the multiplication of the loaves and fishes.

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Lest We Forget

3rd Sunday In Lent 2023
We must never presume that our way is better than God’s.  During this season we should read the texts for each Mass, even if we are unable to attend them.  Through them we are taught the importance of Baptism and the mercy of God, and we are instructed as the catechumens, with whom we must identify.  We learned to fight temptations at the beginning of Lent, and now we see the power of Christ demonstrated as He casts out devils in this Gospel account.  We must cast out our own demons.  We must uproot the remains of sin in our soul.

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Not Of This World

1st Sunday In Lent 2023
The ashes distributed on Ash Wednesday are a reminder that all the descendants of Adam came from the dust and to it they will all return.  It is a reminder to humble our rebellious nature.  We must be prepared and remain faithful, not only during Lent, but all year long, because we never know when death might take us.  During this season the most important sacrifice we can make is to give up sin.  We can only do this if we desire to change our life.

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Season of Consolation

Ash Wednesday 2023
We think of the sins we must avoid but rarely do we think of the virtues we must practice.  How often when we confess, we think of the sins we commit but not the reasons why we commit them.  We forget that all the hardships we face in life are given to us directly by God.  Lent is the season of charity, comfort, and consolation.  Charity unites us to God and it will last for all eternity.  It is charity that gives this season its purpose.  We must use this time to express our sorrow for offending Our Lord, to obtain mercy, and receive the sacrament of Penance.

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Join The Sacrifice

Quinquagesima Sunday 2023
This is a time of examination of conscience.  Once our predominant fault is identified, we can battle against it.  At the end of this Septuagesima season, the Church reminds us that we must have Charity.  We should not only go to confession when we are in mortal sin, but often.  This is a great aid in cutting down our vices.  The priest at the “Orate Fratres” asks you to join with him in his sacrifice.  Let us truly join the priest at his Sacrifice at the Altar.

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Traditor Not Traitor

Passion Sunday 2022
Saints this week include Sts. Isidore and Vincent Ferrer.  Friday honors our Mother of Sorrows.  We should imitate St. Joseph and the Holy Family and make every effort to attend Holy Week ceremonies, especially the Sacred Triduum.  St. Paul in the Epistle shows how the Old Testament prefigured Our Lord’s Passion and Death.  In the Gospel we see the conflict intensifying between Christ and the Pharisees because Jesus identifies Himself as God and one with the Father.  This so infuriates His enemies that they pick up building materials to stone Him but Our Lord hides from them.  We are reminded of this by the draping of the statues during these last two weeks of Lent called Passiontide.  We sinners, also,  have offended God and driven Him from our temples, our souls.

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Divine Freedom

Laetare Sunday 2022
The saints this week and especially St. Francis Paola show that grace is more impressive than even miracles.  The Epistle for this Mass concludes by letting us know that we have received a liberation by the new dispensation which Christ has brought us.  No longer are we slaves to sin but free from that evil and all of its consequences.  Soon we will renew the sufferings and death on Good Friday which won this freedom for us and today the Church strengthens us for that and the remaining days of Lent by the Gospel’s account of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes.  This miracle of Our Lord was the sign of confirmation of His words about the Holy Eucharist.  This points to the Mass and the need for us to pray always.

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Hear the Word and Keep It

Third Sunday In Lent 2022
Yesterday’s feast of St. Joseph with the solemn Mass was another encouraging grace during our Lenten retreat days.  Now St. Joseph prepares us for this week’s feast of the Annunciation which celebrates the Incarnation and the beginning of our redemption.  Every day in Lent has its own Mass and stational church which are meant to give us unique graces as we prepare for Holy Week.  Recent Masses taught us the devotion we should have to the Holy Eucharist and another the punishments that follow upon on sins of lying.  Today the catechumens were again given lessons and blessings along their path to Baptism.  These same rituals are part of the baptismal ceremonies.  St. Paul’s Epistle instructs us on evils to avoid and how to do so.  These are critical especially for parents who have been given the responsibility to raise their children as God wants.  The Gospel tells about Our Lord’s exorcising the devil and His defense of the blasphemies brought against Him by the Pharisees.  The account ends with praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary which Our Lord elevated to a supernatural order.

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Appreciate What We Have

Second Sunday In Lent 2022
Today we reviewed the first of the six Commandments of the Church and how to observe it regarding the Holy Mass and the Sunday obligation.  These treasures from heaven have been given to us and we need to be thankful to God for them.  Today’s Epistle is addressed to the early church which St. Paul evangelized.  He warns these Christians of the dangers to their morals in the world around them.  We can learn from this about the situations we face in our own surroundings.  Finally, we too are strengthened with the apostles by the Gospel account of the Transfiguration.  Christ touches us also with His hand through reception of Him at Holy Communion.

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