Our Promised Land

Easter Vigil 2024
Our time of training as catechumens and penitents is almost over.  We begin this ceremony in the darkness of the tomb where the light of Christ will be restored.  Without the Resurrection, our faith is in vain.  This light is carried by the clergy and the people and is meant to be spread throughout the whole world.  The deacon represents St. Mary Magdalene while he proclaims the joy of the Resurrection.  By God’s grace we may be restored to our baptismal innocence and be worthy to enter the true Promised Land of Heaven.

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We Must Be Changed

Good Friday 2024
We do not have the Mass today because even though the Mass is the re-presentation of Our Lord’s death, it is also the reminder of His Resurrection.  The Church avoids even the slightest hint of joy on this day.  An infinite offense was offered to God and only an Infinite Being could make up for it.  Why did Christ do this?  So that we would appreciate the evil of sin, and the great love of God.  We prostrate under the weight of our sins at the beginning of this ceremony, and we recite the solemn prayers in union with Christ on the Cross.  We must pray that today we remove all the obstacles we have placed in the way of God’s grace.

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The Prerequisite of Charity

Holy Thursday 2024
These are the most sacred days of the liturgical year, because they make present the very act of our Redemption.  The Holy Oils, from the Mass of the Chrism, receive their efficacy from the Holy Eucharist.  Today is the birthday of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which was offered in anticipation of Christ’s death on the Cross the following day.  A gift of Faith is required to believe the dogma of the Holy Eucharist.  The Holy Oils made this morning are prepared to sanctify us.  The exorcisms performed over these oils drive away the influence of the devil from the oils themselves and from all whom they will anoint.


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The True Passover

Easter Vigil 2023
Everything is dark at the beginning of this ceremony, just as it was before the creation of the cosmos.  The darkness is representative of the Old Testament, while the Lumen Christi, or Light of Christ, is the New Testament.  The completion of the Passover takes place this evening.  Evidence has been found in recent years of the passage through the Red Sea, but tonight, in a real way, we celebrate the true Passover, which is renewed through the liturgy.  All of creation is made clear to us this night.  Our faith is made perfect in the Resurrection.

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Children of The Hebrews

Palm Sunday 2023
We are a liturgical people, and as we pray so we believe.  Christ bridged the gap between God and man, and He gives us the vehicle through which we may bridge that gap back to Him, in the sacraments and sacramentals of the Church.  Sacramentals are given by Christ through the Church, and the grace we receive is dependent upon our fervor.  The palm gives us the victory; it gives us the strength to persevere towards Heaven.  We should fight during these days to be as close to Our Lord as possible.

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Closing Our Eyes to the World

Passion Sunday 2023
During the season of Passiontide, we are meant to die completely to the “old man.”  Our conversion during Lent is now to be perfected during these last two weeks.  We have not only given up our vices, but now even the spiritual consolations that we find in the saints, and the greatest consolation of the crucifix, are all veiled and removed from our view.  We have been given the chance to close our eyes to the world and practice true recollection in our mediation on Christ’s sufferings.  With the use of the Mass, we can amend all the shortcoming of our Lenten practices, and be truly united to the sacrifice of our Savior.

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Catechumen To Neophyte

Easter Vigil 2022
The Easter Vigil is the culmination of our Lenten retreat and especially for the catechumens who are baptized and who will receive their first Holy Communions at the Mass which follows.  The Liturgy brings light to the darkness of the world of sin and sings the praise of Our Lord’s Paschal candle.  Then we are reminded of the miracles around water in preparation for the blessing of the Easter and baptismal waters which lead to the baptism of our catechumens.  The Mass of Christ’s triumphant Resurrection will end with our Easter communion and our union with the Risen Savior.  The newest members of the Church now begin their lives as part of the faithful.

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Die To Self

Good Friday 2022
There is one thing that we know and can be certain about and that is that God became a Man and died on this day.  From all eternity this was in the Divine Mind and the ultimate purpose for all creation.  The Sacred Liturgy, in the absence of the Holy Mass today, re-presents the events on Calvary for us to share.  We are imitating the early Christians by using the same liturgical rites as they did.  When Our Lord died on the cross He made a special effort to direct and to entrust us to His own Mother.  We honor and love her as the Co-Redemptrix and Mother of Sorrows because her Divine Son instructed us to do this.  We must appreciate what our sins have done to Son and Mother and detest them by an immolation of our selfishness with Christ on the cross.

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The Only Solution

Holy Thursday 2022
Today is a good day to remind everyone about how to receive Holy Communion properly. The Epistle is a warning from St. Paul that is timely  because we live in a time of unprecedented sacrileges against Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.  The Gospel describes the Mandatum when Christ washed the feet of His apostles.  This was the first interruption of what was the last Passover meal.  The second interruption near the end when when Our Lord gave His most precious gift just before His death – Himself in the Holy Eucharist.  This is the supreme sacrament in the Church that everything revolves around.  The Mass and priesthood which were instituted this night with the Holy Eucharist are essential to Its continuation to the end of time.  All the problems which face us can and will be solved by God in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.

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Pascha Florida

Palm Sunday 2022
Our Lord’s triumphal procession into Jerusalem today was prophesied and predicted the role that the Gentiles would have in the new kingdom of Christ the King.  This joy is seen in the powerful sacramental of the palms which are carried in procession.  This festive mood soon changes to sadness in the Liturgy as the Passion is presented to us during the Mass.  This all is a warning to each of us that we must beware lest we rejoice with Jesus only to join shortly thereafter in calling for His death as the people of His time did.  We are guilty of such betrayal by our sins and a return to mediocrity after Easter.

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