Rule Of Faith

2nd Sunday After Epiphany 2017 St. Paul instructs us in today’s epistle to do all by the Rule of Faith which is the guide that Tradition has over the written word of God.  Faith is paramount in life and essential to enter heaven.  The entire Liturgy was given by Our Lord and the miracle of…

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Contemplative Feast

Feast Of The Holy Family 2017 After a brief remark about the great reformer pope, St. Gregory VII, we learn what St. Paul means in his epistle to do all in the name of Jesus.  The story of the Magi and the epiphany is explained.  Finally, our patronal feastday of the Holy Family is spoken…

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Live In The Present

Octave Of Christmas 2017 The Octave Day Of Christmas is a re-celebration of the Nativity.  It also commemorates the Circumcision of Our Lord as well as the Solemnity of The Blessed Virgin Mary.  The Church has long celebrated major feasts for more than just one day through what are called octaves or 8-day periods, week-long…

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God Became A Man

Christmas Midnight Mass 2016 St. Joseph’s care for Blessed Mother and The Holy Infant is explained.  We also learn of the significance of the swaddling clothes and that the Savior wrapped in them was how the shepherds recognized Him.  Finally, the beautiful and consoling doctrine of the Incarnation is clearly stated for us to appreciate.…

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Go To Heaven For Christmas

Second Sunday of Advent 2016 “Art thou he that art to come, or look we for another?”  This question posed to Our Lord by the disciples of St. John the Baptist in no way implies that St. John himself had any doubts about the Divinity of Our Lord.  St. John had been informed by revelation…

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What Really Matters

After brief account of St. Peter Chrysologus the Gospel about the salt of the earth was explained.  The epistle about St. Paul teaching his disciple, St. Timothy, about work as a bishop. Finally, understanding “to love is to give” and do we really care? By this we can evaluate how much we love and give.…
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Combating Evil

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2015 In today’s Epistle St. Paul is telling the Christians of Rome to be at peace as much as possible with all men.  We must make an answer to God for all we do, even our idle words.  We make converts by the good example we give as Catholics.  During His…

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The Best For Last

2nd Sunday after Epiphany 2015 We are instructed today to use our gifts and talents with care, intention, and love of God.  We must use the Faith and Tradition to guide our interpretation of Holy Scripture.  Without the Faith we remain confused and are easily misled.  Prayer keeps our mind on Heaven and prevents us…

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His Hidden Life

Feast of the Holy Family 2015 Children belong to God, and it is the responsibility of the parents to instill the principles and values necessary to live in the world.  Children must remember that their parents are people, not simply objects fulfilling a role in their lives.  In all the years of Christ’s private life…

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Ask In His Name

Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus 2015 All Catholics bow their heads in reverence when they hear the name of Jesus because it is the name of God.  It is only in the name of Jesus that we will be saved.  When St. Peter says that “God the Father raised His Son from the…

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