Lex Orandi Lex Credendi

First Sunday of Advent 2018
The First Sunday of Advent begins the Church’s new liturgical year and reminds us that the way we pray is the way we believe.  The liturgy is the official prayer of the Church and the ordinary means of holiness.  It is also a weapon against the devil.  Prayer is an excellent penitential practice for Advent and the Blessed Mother is the perfect model of this practice.  Our Lady will prepare us for Christmas through her Rosary devoutly recited.

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May God Rebuke Him

St. Michael the Archangel 2018

The feast of the dedication of St. Michael the Archangel includes all the angels or created spirits who are distributed among nine choirs based on their function.  Angel means messenger and these are the ones which communicate God’s Will to us.  St. Michael is their leader because he responded so vigorously to Lucifer’s temptation.  In addition to his warrior role he also is known for miraculous healings that come through his intercession.  He is the defender of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her offspring in the Church and will exercise his patronage in the days ahead.


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Tap Into Her Heart

Feast Of The Annunciation 2018
This year the Annunciation is celebrated after Easter.  Our feast recalls the moment when the ever Virgin Mary became the Mother of God.  All the details of this Gospel account took place in her home which is known as the holiest place on earth.  In penetrating this mystery from inside the Blessed Mother, we see how great was her virginal/maternal heart which was so generous, courageous, faithful, trusting and loving.  We, especially the young, should reach into her heart and use these qualities on our road to heaven.


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Be Humble Like The Baby Jesus

Christmas 2017 Midnight Mass

Against the world’s propaganda, we proclaim the truth of Christmas that the Son of God became man and was born in Bethlehem of the ever Virgin Mary who remained a virgin physically and morally before, during and after the birth of her Son. Christ did this first for the glory of His Father and then to give Himself to us.  This union of the divine and human natures in the Person of the Word is a supreme act of humility that will last for as long as God is God.  As Jesus showed us the way by becoming a little Infant, so we must heed His words that unless we become as little children we will not enter the enter the kingdom of heaven.


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Today You Know Christ Is Coming

Vigil Of Christmas 2017

At the vigil Mass the joy of Christmas is already felt and this happy way that we receive the Infant King reassures us that His second coming will not be a harsh one for us.  On this last day of Advent St. Joseph is brought before us as the worthy descendant of David who will protect the Blessed Mother from scandal, hardship and from the devil.  Our receiving this “Bread from Heaven” will ease our burdens in this life.


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Spirits By Nature, Messengers By Office

Dedication of St. Michael The Archangel 2017

Angels are God’s gift of love to us and we should never scandalize the young whose angels always behold the face of God.  Angels are created spirits with understanding and a free will who often function as messengers from God to us.  St. Michael’s church was dedicated today and he is the leader of the angels.  Our immortal soul is so important that we each receive a guardian angel to protect us in life and lead us to heaven.  Pray to St. Michael using his prayer to be victorious in our daily battles and ask our guardian angels help in all things – even the little things.


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Humble Yourself To Be Exalted

16th Sunday after Pentecost 2017

The Holy Spirit speaks to us through the Epistle and Gospel of every Mass so we should pay close attention.  He also aids us in our spiritual life which must be grounded in charity.  We should learn to trust the Advocate and not ourselves because we are often attached to self.  Do not despise our neighbors and thereby fall into false humility.


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Ascension Evening in the Cenacle

Ascension Thursday Evening 2017

The truth of the Ascension was revealed by the angels and the liturgy celebrates the feast forty days after Easter just as it is described in the Bible.  After the events of this day the young Church gathered around the Blessed Mother in the upper room  and continued steadfast in prayer for the coming of the Holy Ghost.


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The Ascension Makes Us Happy

Ascension Thursday 2017

We learn several things on this feastday.  The dogma that Christ returned to heaven on Ascension Thursday was revealed by the angels who told the apostles.  Among Our Lord’s last words were His instructions not to worry about the future because the Father in His Providence will take care of everything and to go forth and preach the Gospel.  Most importantly, today heaven became our home because Our Savior, the Head of the Mystical Body of which we are members, is there preparing a place for us.


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God Became A Man

Christmas Midnight Mass 2016

St. Joseph’s care for Blessed Mother and The Holy Infant is explained.  We also learn of the significance of the swaddling clothes and that the Savior wrapped in them was how the shepherds recognized Him.  Finally, the beautiful and consoling doctrine of the Incarnation is clearly stated for us to appreciate.


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