
Victory Was Won Today

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Good Friday 2019
The Church is in sorrow and desolation on God’s Friday because it is the day He died for our sins.  This should move us to deep repentance for what our sins have done and thanksgiving to Our Lord for His great love in redeeming us this way.  The Solemn Liturgical Action for today includes the opening prostration and prayer; the prophecies and Passion, solemn collects, veneration of the Cross and finally Holy Communion.  All lead us to victory with Christ.

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We Are The Coin Of Tribute

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22nd Sunday after Pentecost 2018
In the Epistle for the Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost St. Paul gives us consoling words from his place of imprisonment.  God will see the good work He has begun in us reach its perfection. On our part we need to pray for final perseverance.  In the Gospel Christ is not making a political statement as much as one of prioritizing our concerns – starting with God in the first place.  This hierarchy of values will guide us in our daily lives and especially assist us when voting.


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Purification, Presentation, Procession

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Feast Of The Purification 2018
This ancient feast is celebrated today in the same way as Sylvia described the ceremony in the fourth century.  Our Lord and His Mother exercised humility by submitting to the Mosaic laws that did not apply to these sinless Personages.  The Holy Infant was ransomed this day so that He could be offered for our redemption in the future.  Our Lady did not need any purification in order to return to the temple but she identified herself with us sinners.  The first procession took place on this day with Simeon and Anna joining the Holy Family.


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Nothing Is Impossible With God

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Feast Of The Annunciation 2017

The Son of God became a Man at the Annunciation and so began His priesthood as the mediator between God and men.  At the same time, Our Lady became the Mother of God.  This could only take place because, as St. Gabriel the Archangel said, “nothing is impossible with God”.  Virginity and Maternity were joined miraculously and the Blessed Mother lived a life of trust in God that made her magnanimous and munificent.  Devotion and imitation of her will enable anyone to overcome any challenge in fulfilling God’s Will.


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St. Joseph Is Essential To Redemption

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Feast Of St. Joseph 2017

St. Joseph was a holy man who fulfilled the law with devotion and heart-felt piety.  He was chosen to be the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and to be the foster-father of the Son of God.  In that capacity he was the image of God the Father.  As the redemption depended on Our Lady’s “Fiat” at the Annunciaton so it was protected by her marriage to St. Joseph and his protection of her and the Holy Infant.


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Peace Of Conscience

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9th Sunday after Pentecost

The life of St. Mary Magdalen is a perfect example of the serenity that comes to anyone who converts from sin and begins to love God above all else.  The Act of Contrition is our way of imitating this holy penitent.  St. Camillus is another case of a beautiful conversion which led him to express his love of God through heroic care for the sick and dying.  Finally, this sermon gives several practical ways of living a spiritual life in today’s world.  It explains the difference between temptation and sin and how to deal with both.  Discerning God’s Will for us requires prayer, reflection and counsel.



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God Founded The Church He Wanted

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7th Sunday After Pentecost

Father cautions everyone to be aware of the great danger of pornography and he stresses the need to be aware of false prophets.  He quotes our Lord: “not everyone who says Lord, Lord, shall enter heaven but those who do the Will of God the Father.  He reminds us that good trees bear good fruit but bad trees only bad fruit.  We must practice the good fruits of the Holy Spirit if we are to achieve eternal salvation.  We cannot be like those who preach the Faith outwardly but inwardly work against it.



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Remember Where You Come From

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Ash Wednesday 2016
We hear the words of Genesis today that we are dust and unto dust we shall return.  The Church tells us these words to help us remain humble.  Following the example of Job, even in the midst of troubles and sufferings we must remain docile to God’s will.  Practicing penance will avert the punishments of God, but we must have sincere sorrow from the depths of our heart for having offended Him.  Fasting, almsgiving, prayer, and spiritual reading, are powerful means of sanctification.  However, we should never allow these good works to become a show or hypocritical.  God gave us a free will so that we may choose to love Him.  This is not a time of sorrow, but one of inner peace and happiness.

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Have We Progressed?

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Quinquagesima Sunday 2016
This Epistle is beloved among all Christians because of its beautiful explanation of charity.  We can see from St. Paul’s words how far-removed true charity is from the false notions held today.  In our days, great emphasis is placed on giving aid to the poor, which is a truly important work of mercy, but we are seldom reminded that if these works are not done with love of God for His own sake, and love of neighbor for God’s sake, they will profit us nothing.  As we approach the season of Lent, we must ask ourselves if we have improved in our spiritual life over the last year.  If we have not, then we have great work ahead of us.  However, we are not alone.  Our Lord and His Mother stand by our side to lift us up.

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