The Holy Family Provides

Feast of the Holy Family 2025
The Blessed Mother kept the mysteries of Our Lord’s life in her heart, and we should invoke her help whenever we meditate on those mysteries.  Holy Scripture shows St. Joseph to be the clear head of the Holy Family, not by his words but by his actions.  The event recorded in the Gospel took place when Christ was twelve years old, at the time when He became a “Son of the Law.”  By His words Christ makes it evident to the whole world that He knew He was God at every moment of His life.  St. Paul tells us in his Epistle the virtues of the Holy Family which we must imitate and use in examining our consciences.  The father is the head of the family and must be the example of the virtue of religion.  The mother is the heart of the family, who keeps all the spiritual and material needs of the children in her heart.  God has given us parents to assist us in attaining Heaven, and children are called to submit to their parents in holy obedience.  Nothing bad will ever happen to us but that which our loving Father allows.

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No Lover But Christ

16th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Carmelite Perpetual Profession – The perpetual vows are received by the prioress of the convent, but the veil comes from the hands of the priest or bishop.  In taking the black veil the novice shows herself to be a true bride of Christ, so it is fitting that it be given by him who is acting in Persona Christi.  In the early days the veil sheltered the face of a married woman from the gaze of the world, her beauty and innocence being reserved for her spouse alone.  So too with the perpetual vows of a nun.  She is the spouse of Christ and she will accept no other lover.  The nun is called to be generous and giving especially in the service of Christ’s representatives – the priests.  The Carmelites in particular share in a special way in the interior life of the priest.  This life is the means of sanctification and union with God.  It requires great love and confidence in the unfailing assistance of Our Lord.

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God, Help Your Spouse!

Feast of Saints Peter & Paul 2024
This feast is considered so great that, since the earliest days of the church, it was given a vigil for preparation.  Red vestments are used on this day to symbolize not only the blood of these two great martyrs, but more importantly the fire of their love.  They died for everything that true Catholics believe today.  This Epistle reminds us that God is protecting us, even in our darkest moments.  We must respond to the graces of God generously and promptly, following the example of St. Peter.  The conversion of St. Paul demonstrates God’s power to bring good out of evil.  We should be inspired to see how these two great sinners became two of the greatest saints.

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A Vocation Worth the Fight

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Tonsure Ceremony
With first tonsure one becomes a cleric.  This ceremony has been part of the Church since the 5th century.  Just as slaves were shorn to show their complete ownership by their master, so the cleric shows that he now belongs to Christ.  The surplice is imposed to represent putting on the new man, because holiness is no longer an aspiration but a direct call.  Our Lord promised to those who give up the world a hundredfold in this life.  The candle carried in procession represents the soul of those to be tonsured, and when the bishop receives and extinguishes the candle, it demonstrates that the very will of the cleric is offered to God.  God will grant the necessary graces to do everything he asks, if the cleric remains confident in Him as he forges on towards the goal.

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Necessity of Priestly Vocations

Good Shepherd Sunday 2024
If we have charity, we desire the salvation of all our neighbors and pray for both our loved ones and our enemies.  The words, “I know mine and mine know me,” refer especially to the clergy.  How could we be saved without the priest – without his prayers and instructions.  Those who do not answer the call to follow their vocation are in grave danger.  We must follow our calling even if we lack the sensible feeling of enthusiasm towards that state of life.  The Blessed Mother loves priests as she loves her own Son.

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The Prerequisite of Charity

Holy Thursday 2024
These are the most sacred days of the liturgical year, because they make present the very act of our Redemption.  The Holy Oils, from the Mass of the Chrism, receive their efficacy from the Holy Eucharist.  Today is the birthday of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which was offered in anticipation of Christ’s death on the Cross the following day.  A gift of Faith is required to believe the dogma of the Holy Eucharist.  The Holy Oils made this morning are prepared to sanctify us.  The exorcisms performed over these oils drive away the influence of the devil from the oils themselves and from all whom they will anoint.


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Impurity and Penance

1st Sunday in Lent 2024
We are particularly the objects of temptation during this season in which God is calling us to sanctity.  During the temptation of Christ in the desert, Our Lord was not drawn to the evil as we are.  St. Margaret of Cortona after discovering her lover’s body, made a complete conversion of life.  The great sin combatted during Lent is impurity.  Many vocations and many marriages are destroyed by pornography, which is now so accessible, even to little children.  Parents will be greatly punished if they are not vigilant in protecting their children from this danger to their souls.  Penance is a virtue that is infused by almighty God, which inclines a soul to hate its sins, because they offend almighty God.  It is up to us to make up for the sins we have committed.

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The Family, The Foundation of the World

Feast of the Holy Family 2024
St. Joseph is the head of our family.  He was formed in the image of God the Father because he was given a share of the same love that God possesses for His Son.  St. Joseph loves us as he loved Christ, because we are part of the Mystical Body.  The Blessed Virgin is the true Mother of God because she gave Him His human life.  Our Lord knew all things in His Divine Mind, but He chose to learn as we do in His human mind, so He could be the perfect model of humility.  He wanted to be like us, so we would want to be like Him.  Today we are taught about the virtue of obedience, without which we cannot be saved.

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Running To Our Lord

Feast of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus 2023
Investiture of Sister Rose Michael
When the priest gives the habit of Mount Carmel, it is Christ Himself giving the habit and all the graces attached to it.  God wishes that a person embrace religion willingly, without any external pressure.  In poverty we place all our trust in divine assistance.  In chastity we experience the true meaning of love, offering body and soul to our Divine Savior.  In holy obedience we follow God’s Will through our superiors.  God is calling us to live a life joined to the Passion.  We will be sanctified if we maintain great desires in our holy vocation.

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The Davids Of The Future

4th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
This is a Mass of great courage and hope.  We know that even when the enemies are encamped around us, they will weaken and fall.  God allows us to see our weakness so that we may turn to Him in prayer.  This is the Mass which tells us not to be afraid.  The evil powers will continue to attack and their propaganda is stronger than ever but if we walk with God, they cannot stop us. We must be faithful to the sacraments and attached to the teachings of Christ.

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