Lent Is A Season Of Joy

Ash Wednesday 2022
Septuagesima season has prepared us for this time of removing sin from our lives.  This should comfort us as we begin this time of penance.  When examining our conscience we should not look at self but at Our Lord crucified to realize the effects of our evil on Him.  Lent is the bond of unity in the Church when we all struggle together. By  Penance we understand different things.  It is the sacrament, a moral virtue and the acts flowing from it.  Ashes are given today because they are one of the three major sacramentals in the Church and remind us powerfully of death which is the consequence of Adam’s sin.  Finally, practical suggestions are given to help us choose and practice spiritual exercises which will make Lent truly beneficial for us.

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Indirect Charity

5th Sunday After Epiphany 2022
We have many wonderful saints this week and also the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes at the end of the week.  St. Paul in today’s epistle teaches us how to practice love of neighbor through mercy, humility, meekness and kindness.  In the Gospel Our Lord prepares His disciples for the reality that the devil will seek to destroy the spread of the Faith.  Christ teaches patience so that the good will not be uprooted with the evil but that all will be made right at the final judgment.

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God Will Provide

Feast Of The Holy Family 2022
This first Sunday after the Epiphany begins the short season of manifesting the divinity of God made Man.  The Gospel contains the first words of the Word made Flesh and clearly reveal He is completely aware of His identity and mission.  The Holy Family is the model for all of us who belong to families and Pope Leo teaches in his encyclical about the domestic life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and how our families should imitate them.  This is also the 45th anniversary of the beginning of our religious community and a time for thanksgiving.  It is a reminder that one must follow principles no matter the sacrifice entailed and maintain loyalty.  God, who permits evil so to draw good from it, will do the rest.

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Saint Pius X, Our Pope

1st Friday Conference, October 2021
This conference begins with a sobering account of the current problems with the validity of the sacraments because of the devil’s hatred of priests and the means of salvation.  The story of today’s Saint Remy is encouraging in the face of this new paganism because this holy bishop baptized Clovis which began the life of the eldest daughter of the Church – France.  This month is dedicated to the Holy Rosary and quotations about it from the saints encourage us to pray it devoutly.  Finally, we recall our holy pope, St. Pius X, who enriched the Church and souls during his papacy.  His love for God and neighbor was evident in his efforts to preserve the Faith pure and undefiled, to honor Our Lady as Co-Redemptrix, to emphasize the Liturgy, increase devotion to the Holy Eucharist, increase study of the Bible, restore Gregorian chant, revise the Code of Canon Law, reform the Breviary and much more.  His sanctity was attested by conversions and miracles during his lifetime and during this canonization process.  He is our strong protector and supporter today against the evil of modernism.


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Start Living Heaven Now

Trinity Sunday 2021
God has endowed us with an intellect that enables us to see the world around us and reason to its Creator.  However, we could never know about the inner life of the Blessed Trinity except that He revealed this to us by His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Before the Annunciation we were given indications of this absolutely supernatural mystery but not the clear teaching as the Second Person gave us.  Our Lord commanded the preaching of this truth and baptizing in the name of the Trinity just before His Ascension.  St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that God has left us many signs of the Trinity in our very nature and everything around us.  Our prayers and the liturgy express the Holy Trinity often.  The eternal Trinitarian life is ours when in the state of grace and is realized perfectly in heaven.

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Pray All Be Saved

Trinity Sunday 2020
The angelic St. Thomas Aquinas has his feast day this week and we are reminded of his being a patron for the finding of lost items.  God is wonderful in His saints.  This feast of the Holy Trinity starts a new season of the liturgical year.  It is right that this be the case because everything comes from the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and all honor, praise and glory return to the Triune God.  This fundamental mystery of Three Divine Persons in One and the Same God is essential for salvation because denial of this prevents one from entering heaven.  God has revealed to us His inner workings where the Unbegotten brings forth the Only Begotten and Their mutual Love is the Person of Love, the Holy Ghost.  This Trinitarian life goes on within the souls of those in the state of grace and is offered to all.  Christ’s final command to the apostles was to go forth and baptize in the name of the Blessed Trinity.  We must pray that all will be saved.

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That They May Be One

11th Sunday after Pentecost 2019
Q&A Conference

The Introit for this Mass states that God is in His holy place and the people dwell there in union of mind.  This unity in Faith is a gift we enjoy and is a fulfillment of Christ’s prayer at the Last Supper when He compared this oneness to that which the Father and Son have.  Our Sacred Heart shrine contains the relic of an early Christian.  This man believed the same Faith and lived according to the same moral life that we profess and follow today.  This relic is our tangible link to the Faith of the Apostles.  The Gospel today reminds us of the ceremonies of Baptism which free us from the evil influences of the devil.

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The Remains of Sin

All Souls Day 2015

Very few in our day remember the souls of the departed because of the false belief in the universal salvation of all men.  In assisting the suffering souls in Purgatory, we gain friends who will intercede for us.  We must never waste the time we have been given, because the way we choose to spend our moments on earth will make the difference between an eternity in Heaven or Hell.  Many souls can be released on this day, especially through the intercession of the Virgin Mary.  All our sins have a debt of punishment attached to them.  If we pray our penance well, we could remit our entire debt of temporal punishment, but if we die with these dispositions of soul, we would rather throw ourselves into the punishments of Purgatory than remain in the presence of the infinitely perfect God.

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We Must Desire Sanctity

All Saints Day 2015
Today we rejoice because this is the day on which the Church celebrates all her children who have overcome the world.  In the process by which a saint is canonized, it must be determined that they expressed nothing contrary to faith and morals, and that they practiced virtue in a heroic way.  After this, the Church waits for God to affirm the individual’s sanctity by miracles attributed to their intercession.  It is not enough for a Catholic merely to recite the Creed, he must believe it and practice it.  For every walk of life, there is a saint who has lived it as an example to follow.  Today we adore God as we honor His saints, and desire to make the little sacrifices necessary on our road to holiness.

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The Master Of The Universe

Feast of Christ the King 2015
All Saints Day celebrates the canonized saints as well as the unknown saints in Heaven.  We are all called to imitate their virtues in our lifelong pursuit of sanctity.  The process of progressive incorporation into Christ mirrors the development of our natural lives.  We show reverence to the images of the saints because of what they represent and because of the favors that are given to us through them.

Catholics do not believe in freedom of religion or religious indifference but rather religious toleration.  Pope Pius XI wrote the encyclical Quas Primas in which he denounced men’s refusal to recognize God’s rights over all nations.  He instituted this feast to assert the truth of Christ’s royal power.  Catholics know that they belong to their Divine King, Who is God and Master of all.

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