Be On Guard

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2025
As Catholics, we should be well informed about the feast days celebrated this week.  We should know the details of the account of St. Paul’s conversion and how it changed the course of the Church, as well as the lives of Saints Polycarp, Francis de Sales, John Bosco, and Ignatius of Antioch.  In the Epistle for today’s Mass, St. Paul instructs us to avoid the sin of revenge.  We must believe that God will reward the good and punish the wicked, either in this life or the next.  In this Gospel account, the deforming disease of leprosy is shown as a symbol of sin.  We are reminded to have gratitude toward God for both spiritual and corporeal favors.  The Roman centurion was a friend to the Jewish people and a monotheist.  His beautiful words of faith have echoed through the centuries at countless Masses.  We must imitate the virtues of this good centurion if we wish to be cured of our spiritual illness and live a holy life.

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He Is in Our Midst

3rd Sunday of Advent – Gaudete Sunday 2024
This is a season of penance, but today we have a glimpse of the coming joy of Christmas.  On this day, the Holy Ghost instructs us to rejoice.  The Blessed Virgin is one of the models for this season, especially during the Ember Days of Advent.  We are part of those generations prophesied in Holy Scripture who would call the Virgin Mary blessed.  St. Paul instructs us not to be anxious nor attached to the passing things of this world.  We must make the right choices, not because it will benefit us financially, but because of our love for God.  Although we are joyful on this day, we still have work to do.  Let us detach ourselves from the money and pleasures that so easily control us and follow Christ Our Lord to freedom.

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Our Spiritual Resolutions

1st Sunday of Advent 2024
Today is New Year’s Day in the Church, and we are reminded by the violet color at the beginning of the liturgical year to do penance for our sins.  We have a lot of work to do this Advent to prepare for the coming of Our Lord into our souls.  This is the time to make spiritual New Year’s resolutions.  If we wish to obtain our heavenly reward, we must perform the spiritual and corporal works of mercy and maintain purity of body and soul through prayer and mortification.  The Son of God honored our flesh when He took to Himself a human nature.  In following the purpose of this Advent season, let us “put aside the works of darkness and put on the armor of light!”

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We Must Answer to God

26th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
In this Epistle St. Paul encourages the Thessalonians, who were enduring persecution for the Faith, instructing them to persevere in their struggle.  The parables in the Gospel similarly encourage Christ’s followers by explaining the external growth of the Church as well as our internal growth in sanctity.  God’s ways are not ours; His way is irresistible.  We should be encouraged by the words of this Gospel and never forget the favors God has sent us.  Our battle is with principalities and powers, and it is easy to be fooled by the sophistries of a pagan society – a society which constantly makes excuses for the murder of the unborn.  Each of us, even the great and powerful, will have to make an answer to God for the choices of his life.

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An Audience With The Almighty

10th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Today’s liturgy is directed towards the proud.  St. Paul corrects the Corinthians who took pride in the gifts given to them by God and reminds them that these gifts are for the assistance of our neighbor.  An imperfect form of humility begins with a focus on self – our weakness, dependence, and need.  A more perfect humility remains focused on God and acknowledges both our gifts and shortcomings, without allowing pride to enter.  With prayer we can obtain true humility.  God offers us an audience at all times of the day or night.  Without asking Him for the graces necessary, we will not obtain salvation, but when we pray in all humility, we invite His assistance into our lives.

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God, Help Your Spouse!

Feast of Saints Peter & Paul 2024
This feast is considered so great that, since the earliest days of the church, it was given a vigil for preparation.  Red vestments are used on this day to symbolize not only the blood of these two great martyrs, but more importantly the fire of their love.  They died for everything that true Catholics believe today.  This Epistle reminds us that God is protecting us, even in our darkest moments.  We must respond to the graces of God generously and promptly, following the example of St. Peter.  The conversion of St. Paul demonstrates God’s power to bring good out of evil.  We should be inspired to see how these two great sinners became two of the greatest saints.

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Attraction to the Divine

3rd Sunday in Lent 2024
As children imitate their parents, so must we imitate God.  When St. Paul in this Epistle says, “how unbecoming of saints,” he is not referring to canonized saints, but all Catholics.  We are all called to sanctity.  We must battle the temptations about which St. Paul speaks by the Rosary, mental prayer, spiritual reading, and devotion to our guardian angels.  Aristotle, judged from reason alone, without the help of Divine Revelation, that “man should be attracted to divine and immortal things as much as he is able, and however little of these things he experiences, he should love them above all inferior substances.”  We should all heed these words.

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Jesus, Deliver Us!

Septuagesima Sunday 2024
These next three Sundays are for an examination of conscience, in which we search out those things in our soul which make us enemies of God.  Today we begin with a view of creation and the fall of man.  Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden because they did not want to be with God.  To choose sin identifies us with the devil, because we refuse to serve God just as he did.  We must follow Saint Paul as our retreat master during these next three weeks, so at the end of our journey we may be among the privileged few to enter the Promised Land.

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The Power of Desire

Last Sunday after Pentecost 2023
In this Epistle we are encouraged when St. Paul tells us that he never stops praying for us.  Yet we can still be lost if we do not desire to follow God’s will for us.  The greatest proof of union with God’s will is joy in adversity.  How much we should thank God and how seldom we do.  This day reminds us that soon the world will end, and we must prepare for our judgment.  In Heaven we will think the thoughts of God and love Him with His own love.  If our desire for love is great, we will obtain the fruit of that desire and the happiness of Heaven.

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Our Invitation To Heaven

19th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
The Epistle for today’s Mass speaks of Baptism, in which the “new man” of Sanctifying Grace is given to the soul, and the Holy Trinity comes to dwell within it. St. Paul tells us not to give place to the devil, and we can follow his direction by the use of the Rosary and the Brown Scapular. The wedding feast of the Gospel refers to Heaven, and the Rosary is the prayer which takes us there. We cannot enter Heaven without the wedding garment of Sanctifying Grace.

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