Everlasting Pleasure

Sermon From The
2nd Sunday after Easter 2014
St. Peter reminds us in the Epistle for today that our obligation is to become saints.  Our Lord compares our relationship with Him to the relationship between Him and His Father.  The world mistakenly teaches that life is all about pleasure and worldly goals.  We either think as God thinks or as the world does.  If we seek the everlasting pleasure of Heaven, rather than the passing pleasures of this life, God will begin to reward us even now.

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Lent Has Formally Begun

Sermon On The
1st Sunday of Lent 2014
Father Violette✟
Our sins are an infinite offense, because they offend an infinite God and although we cannot make adequate reparation, Our Lord has still instructed us to do penance.  This penance can only be performed with God’s supernatural help of grace.  We are guided by the Church throughout Lent and given the weapons of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  When we use these weapons well, Lent becomes the best time of the year.  It is the time when we are preparing for our heavenly delights.

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The Angelic Doctor

Conference About St. Thomas Aquinas
1st Friday, March 2014
St. Thomas Aquinas belies the statement of atheists who claim that all religious people are ignorant.  Although St. Thomas offered astounding insights in philosophy, it was his prayer that helped him penetrate truth so profoundly.  His method for explaining the doctrines of the Faith has been admired even by the enemies of the Church.  The liturgy of Corpus Christi, which was written and compiled by him, is considered one of the most beautiful of the entire liturgical year.

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Conversion of Life

Sermon From
Sexagesima Sunday 2014
We are reminded at this Mass that we are in need of a conversion of life.  However, since knowledge does not equal virtue, so we must place ourselves in a retreat from the world in order to accomplish this goal.  We must have a true desire to convert ourselves and we must pray earnestly.  Perseverance in prayer is our only assurance of salvation, but it must be with all our hearts.  We are all called to sanctity, and there is no better time to follow the examples of the saints that came before us.

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The Irony of God

Sermon From The
3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2014
The conversion of St. Paul was the single most important moment in the spread of the Church.  St. Stephen’s prayer, as he was stoned to death, called down on Saul the grace of his conversion.  This conversion in St. Paul meant a real change, unlike the half measures so many of us take in attempting to amend our lives.  When we say in the Act of Contrition that we “detest all our sins” this should leave no room to sin again.  We must give up the love for our sins, faults, and vices, and truly strive for the conversion of our lives.

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St. Nicholas

Conference On
1st Friday, December 2013
St. Nicholas is the great saint of Christmas, and he is loved by all.  Similar to St. Martin’s Day, the celebration of St. Nicholas was so popular that it was even adopted by Protestants as Santa Claus.  This early-Church bishop was considered a martyr because of what he suffered for the Faith, although he was never killed. Through the text of his Mass we can learn a great deal about his story and its importance.

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Humility Makes Us Happy

Sermon From The
24th Sunday after Pentecost 2013
A Catholic should never be sad, despite his troubles.  We see the example of the Little Flower, who died a painful death, at the age of twenty-four, yet she died laughing.  It is pride that makes us sad, and humility which makes us happy.  The Epistle tells us to forgive friends and enemies alike.  We forgive and ask for forgiveness.  Comparing our lives to those of our neighbor will impede our progress, while comparing them to the lives of the saints will make us saints.  Prayer, rather than argument, is the most effective way of converting our neighbor.

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Sanctity Needs Great Desire

Sermon From The
Feast Of All Saints 2013
Our Lord in the Gospel teaches the Beatitudes which show the blessedness of the saints.  We must have great desire to be holy and we can achieve this with prayer and effort.  Although non-Catholics criticize devotion to the saints they are not following Christian practice which dates back to the second century when several Apostolic Fathers recorded how relics, feastdays and prayers in honor of the Blessed Mother and the martyrs were already well-established.  We must go to the saints who are more powerful now in heaven than they ever were on earth.  We should take the words of St. Augustine to heart: “If they can become saints why can’t I?”  Prayer to the saints will be rewarded.  Heaven is our home and for that we have been created.

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St. Francis & St. Thérèse

Conference On
First Friday October 2013
St. Francis is greatly misunderstood in our day but was, in fact, a true son of the Church.  By his words and example, he made innumerable converts.  The Gospel for the Mass of his feast day emphasizes his charity.  He was an utterly selfless man.  The Little Flower, St. Thérèse, despite all the differences between her life and St. Francis’, shared many similarities to him in spirit.  She promised to spend her Heaven doing good on Earth.  Poverty of spirit makes one recognize his nothingness.  We must remember that sometimes God sends us suffering to open our eyes to the truth.

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Surprising Apostle

Sermon From
18th Sunday After Pentecost 2013
This sermon tells the story of Saint Matthew who was unique and unlike any of the other disciples chosen by Our Lord.  However, this sermon includes multiple talks including loyalty and friendship with the example of the friends to the man who was lowered down to Christ in today’s Gospel.  Also, the vice of covetousness is warned against as seen in people of pride and those who have a grasping desire for power and wealth.  We are instructed to pray with faith because our prayers lack faith and this is the cause of the lack of miracles today.  Lastly, we are reminded that repentance for sins is paramount and a clear conscience allows one to pray better.

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