Learn As A Catechumen In Lent

2nd Sunday of Lent 2020 Lent is a long retreat for catechumens to prepare for Baptism and for penitents to prepare for Communion. We follow in their footsteps as we learn from each of the Lenten Masses as seen, for example, in this week’s story of Esau and Jacob.  Today’s Epistle stresses God’s holy will…

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She Reaches Out to Us

Feast Of The Assumption 2019 This is Our Lady’s greatest feast which marks the triumphant conclusion of her life when God took her body and soul into heaven where she reigns today.  This is an ancient feast which requires us to thank God for the Assumption.  We read this in the definition of the dogma…

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Completion Of Easter

Ascension Thursday 2019 Today is a Holyday of Obligation because of the importance of Our Lord’s return to heaven forty days after His Resurrection.  The Son of God descended, became a Man, suffered, died, rose again and ascended to His Father.  Today completes this Paschal mystery.  Prayer is essential, especially during these days leading up…

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Pray The Catholic Way

5th Sunday After Easter 2019 As we approach the end of Easter season and the extinguishing of the Paschal candle we should remember the importance of lighting votive candles.  We should heed the practical advice of St. James in his epistle today when he tells us to put our faith into action.  We must not…

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Christ’s Love Is Causative

Conference On The 4th Sunday After Easter 2019 In this talk after Mass we learn about the qualities of glorified bodies.  Our Lord exhibited these after rising from the dead and they are: subtlety, agility, clarity, impassibility and immortality.  We will also possess them one day in heaven with Christ if we imitate His life…

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Thank God For Gift Of Faith

Low Sunday 2019 The Epistle draws the comparison between the Persons of the Blessed Trinity and the witnesses left for us in the world: The Spirit, the water and the blood.  The Gospel about doubting Thomas reminds us that we owe much more to St. Thomas for our Faith than to St. John who believed…

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History Of The Resurrection

Easter Sunday 2019 The details given in the Gospels about Our Lord’s rising from the dead provide the compelling evidence for our faith in the Resurrection.  Christ first came to visit His own Mother and spent time with her until His appearances around the sepulchre.  Later in the afternoon He walked with the two disciples…

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Saviors Of The World

Easter Vigil 2019 God created on the first day of the week at midnight, He was born at midnight and we keep vigil now waiting for His rising at midnight.  All the infinite merits of Christ’s Passion and Death were won on the Cross but only applied to us when He rose from the dead…

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I Know Mine And Mine Know Me

Good Shepherd Sunday 2018 The Church continues to celebrate the Resurrection in the Mass texts for this second Sunday after Easter known as Good Shepherd Sunday.  The Epistle and Gospel highlight the beautiful aspect of Christ as the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls.  Psalm 22 expresses so well His care and love. The prophet Ezechiel prophesied that Our…

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Feast Of Feasts

Easter Sunday 2018 The Resurrection is the miraculous proof of everything Our Lord said and did.  Easter then is the greatest solemnity in the liturgical year.  We must purge out the old leaven of sin and celebrate with the new leaven of holiness and truth.  Our patrons for this are the Blessed Mother whom the Risen…

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