Christ Was Not A Grudge-Holder

St. Pius V – 1st Friday April 2017 Christ’s first words to His Apostles on Easter night were Peace be to you.  By this He re-assured them that He had forgiven them for abandoning Him during His Passion and Death.  We must imitate Our Lord and not hold grudges.  Also, the Introit for the feast of…

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By His Stripes We Are Healed

Good Shepherd Sunday The words of today’s gospel:  “I am the Good Shepherd” have a significant meaning for those of us “sheep” who look for protection and guidance from their Shepherd.  There is also a reference to the last three chapters of the Book of Isaiah – prophecies relating specifically to the coming of Christ…

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Believe With Confidence

Low Sunday 2017 Low Sunday is the culmination of the eight-day celebration of the Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The term Low is intended to indicate the contrast between it and the great Feast one week earlier of Easter Sunday, certainly the greatest of all liturgical feasts. The Octave…

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Resurrection Compels Belief

Easter Sunday 2017 On Easter Sunday St. Paul tells us to purge out the old leaven and that Christ is our Passover.  His rising from the dead still shocks and amazes the modern world as it did in His day. One of the purposes for Our Lord’s Resurrection is as an aid to believe all…

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We Are The Machabees

11th Sunday after Pentecost With the Commemoration of the Holy Machabees we are reminded of their heroic sacrifice for the Faith and its practices.  We are called to be like them today and prayer is essential to remaining faithful. #20160731M  

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I, Myself, Will Tend My Sheep

2nd Sunday After Easter – Good Shepherd Sunday Today’s sermon delves into why there is One we call the Good Shepherd who is willing to die for His sheep and also why there are hirelings who abandon the flock in need.  The Introit of today’s Mass clearly invokes Mercy under the Banner of the Good…

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The Paschal Flame Will Never Fail

Easter Sunday Morning Mass 2016 Lumen Christi, intoned by the Celebrant three times with increased vigor as he approached the Altar during the Easter Vigil, is a reminder to us that the Light of Christ will remain with us even in the darkest hour – that period of time between Christ’s Death and His Resurrection. …

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The Thirteenth Apostle

8th Sunday after Pentecost 2015 St. Mary Magdalene is one of the only saints given the title of “Penitent.”  After living a life of great impurity, she became one of the most dedicated disciples of Our Lord.  She is sometimes called “The Thirteenth Apostle” because of the great privileges she received in witnessing the death…

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Distinguishing Truth From Error

4th Sunday after Easter 2015 Why is the month of May dedicated to the Blessed Mother?  The practice began by the efforts of a Jesuit priest of the 18th century in Rome, who dedicated the youth of his time to the Virgin Mary.  By devoutly reciting the Rosary during this month we will remain under…

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