The Dogmas of Christmas

Christmas Conference 2024
In a moment in time the Word assumed a human nature and from then on, He was completely God and completely man and will be so for all eternity.  This feast of Christmas also includes the doctrine of the Virgin Birth.  The Blessed Mother was virgin before, during, and after the birth of Christ.  This miracle foreshadowed the Resurrection, in which Christ passed through His tomb while leaving it shut.

The reason why the Son became man was first to honor His Father, and only secondarily for the salvation of mankind.  All things were made as an expression of His goodness, and all mankind was made for God first.  God became a Father in a new way on Christmas, because it was only then that He became Father in the flesh.  Our Lord came to dwell forever in our hearts as the King of Peace.  This is a feast of hope which offers a foretaste of the final victory at the end of time.  The three Masses of Christmas focus, first on the eternal birth of the Son from the Father, then the birth of the Word in the Flesh, and finally the birth of the Word in men’s hearts.  Christ appeared as a helpless child, and all are drawn to the innocence and purity of an infant.  It teaches each one of us to become like little children so we might enter the kingdom of Heaven.

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Our Belief In Purgatory

All Souls Day 2024 – Evening
The Vestment for tonight’s Mass displays a cross intertwined with the branches of a weeping willow, reminding us to weep for those souls who have not reached their heavenly reward.  Because of its implicit denial of the general resurrection of the dead, the practice of cremation was so condemned by the Church that it incurred the penalty of excommunication.  We see how ancient the practice of praying for the dead is from the account of the Machabees.  To say that everyone goes to Heaven directly contradicts the words of Christ, the Scriptures, Tradition, and reason.  The souls in Purgatory are so close to their eternal end, and we must do what we can to speed their journey.

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Your Steps To Sanctity

All Saints Day 2024
This feast has a twofold purpose: firstly, to give honor to all the saints, especially those unknown saints in Heaven; and secondly, to remind us of our ultimate goal.  We are given great encouragement to follow their example in the pursuit of holiness, knowing that if they could achieve sanctity in this life, so can we.  Our Lord began His public teaching with His instruction on the beatitudes – the summit of Christian perfection.  Like a fruit that has not yet ripened, the practice of virtue in its early stages is hard, bitter, and distasteful, but with continual practice virtue ripens into the Fruits of the Holy Ghost, which make the service of God sweet, easy, and enjoyable.  If we steadfastly follow the example of the saints, this will be our feast as well someday.

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A Fertile Ground for Prayer

Assumption Evening 2024
The Assumption is not an event recorded in Scripture, but we must remember faith does not come through reading but through hearing.  The Apostles learned everything by listening to the teachings of Our Lord.  Our bodies are destined to be with our souls in Heaven, not to remain in the world.  How could a person expect to be admitted into Heaven if he denies that Our Lord’s own Mother is there?  We must make up for that neglect shown to the Blessed Mother by our own fervor on this day. We must continue the fight for the Virgin Mary’s honor and our salvation.

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He Glorified His Ark

Feast Of The Assumption 2024
This is the greatest of the feast days in honor of the Blessed Mother.  This dogma, which has been passed down to us from the Apostles, is so critical that we cannot be saved without belief in it.  All the aspects of the Assumption call to mind the prerogatives of the Mother of God.  She is above all women, untouched by sin and death.  This Mass begins with the words of St. John, recalling his vision of the woman of the Apocalypse, and continues with the story of Judith, a type of the Blessed Mother.  We are her seed, and we follow the great Queen of Heaven in the battle with the seed of the devil.  Her body was the tabernacle of the Son of God and was so sanctified that it deserved its glorification.

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The Paschal Mystery Completed

Ascension Thursday Morning 2024
After Christ sacrificed Himself for our sins and conquered death through His Resurrection, His physical, glorified Body entered Heaven so that we may all follow Him there.  The Paschal Candle is extinguished after the Gospel to represent Our Lord’s departure from the Earth.  This is the day of great joy because today the Son of God went home.  We will all receive our bodies at the end of time.  To deny this dogma is the heretical rejection of the teaching of Our Lord.  Even the apostles were rebuked by Christ for their lack of faith.  This is a warning to all of us who are so weak in faith.  We must not be discouraged; we have become new people and have been prepared for a greater calling.

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Our Joyous Victory

Easter Sunday Morning 2024
To prove His divinity, Our Lord truly rose from the dead – physically, materially, corporeally.  The signs of His divinity are so abundant that it would be foolish to deny its truth, but we must still be given the gift of Faith to affirm it.  Christ rose by His own power just as much as He was raised from the dead by His Father.  The risen Savior filled the terrified Apostles with peace.  Christ tells us that although we are sorrowful now, one day we will be filled with joy and vindicated in the eyes of the world.  Our Faith is the victory which overcomes the world.

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Our Promised Land

Easter Vigil 2024
Our time of training as catechumens and penitents is almost over.  We begin this ceremony in the darkness of the tomb where the light of Christ will be restored.  Without the Resurrection, our faith is in vain.  This light is carried by the clergy and the people and is meant to be spread throughout the whole world.  The deacon represents St. Mary Magdalene while he proclaims the joy of the Resurrection.  By God’s grace we may be restored to our baptismal innocence and be worthy to enter the true Promised Land of Heaven.

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We Must Be Changed

Good Friday 2024
We do not have the Mass today because even though the Mass is the re-presentation of Our Lord’s death, it is also the reminder of His Resurrection.  The Church avoids even the slightest hint of joy on this day.  An infinite offense was offered to God and only an Infinite Being could make up for it.  Why did Christ do this?  So that we would appreciate the evil of sin, and the great love of God.  We prostrate under the weight of our sins at the beginning of this ceremony, and we recite the solemn prayers in union with Christ on the Cross.  We must pray that today we remove all the obstacles we have placed in the way of God’s grace.

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A Silent And Holy Night

Christmas Midnight Mass 2023
It is a true joy to relive the happiness of that night in Bethlehem in which our Savior was born.  It was in silence and solitude Our Lord entered the world.  Just as Christ passed through the rock of His tomb at the moment of His Resurrection, He passed through the womb of the Blessed Mother, without violating her virginity.  This chapel is our Bethlehem, in which we relive the moments of the Nativity.  We are united with all of our forefathers throughout the history of the Church.  Our Lord came not only for the glory of His Father, but for us and our salvation.  Christmas is the beginning of Christ’s victory over the world.

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