Where Are The Martyrs?

Pentecost Sunday 2024 Pentecost is called the birthday of the Catholic Church because, although it was conceived on the Cross, this is the first day the Church manifested herself in the world.  Not only every human being, but all nations and governments are called to convert to Christ.  True Catholics reject the false tenets of…

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Avoiding Occasions of Sin

Low Sunday 2024 Today is called Low Sunday because it is small in comparison to the great feast of Easter.  St. Thomas’ doubt has made it easier for us to believe, because the proofs of the Resurrection that Christ offered help strengthen our faith.  Now that we have put to death the old man, we…

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The Call To Sanctity

Sexagesima Sunday 2024 St. Gregory tells us that this Gospel needs no explanation, because Our Lord explained it Himself.  We must ask ourselves, are we the “good ground” or are we the “bad ground”?  It is a dogma of our Faith that everyone, without discrimination, is given the chance to be saved.  If we are…

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Freedom From Anxiety

3rd Sunday of Advent 2023 Gaudete Sunday – This is a day in which we take joy in our Catholic Faith, a day without anxiety or trouble of heart.  We must make our petitions known to God, trusting that they will be answered in the best way possible.  God gives us the grace to ask…

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Ask and You Shall Receive

25th Sunday after Pentecost 2023 The Introit and other prayers of this Mass are repeated every Sunday in the weeks approaching the conclusion of the liturgical year.  The Church’s prayer gives us hope for our impending judgment.  The Collect reminds us that we must not simply rely on words, but we must also act.  A…

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Pray For Their Rest

All Souls Day 2023 The Mass of the dead is really the Mass of life.  Virtually nobody prays for the dead, which is a great injustice.  Although Purgatory is not formally denied, it is simply never mentioned.  We must pray for the priests and religious who held fast to the true traditions of our Faith,…

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Running To Our Lord

Feast of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus 2023 Investiture of Sister Rose Michael When the priest gives the habit of Mount Carmel, it is Christ Himself giving the habit and all the graces attached to it.  God wishes that a person embrace religion willingly, without any external pressure.  In poverty we place all our…

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Do Not Weep

15th Sunday after Pentecost 2023 No other religion has produced saints as the Catholic Church has.  The greatest mark of the Church is her holiness.  Discretion is one of the best ways to practice charity.  It allows us to know when to offer correction and when to simply let our example teach our neighbor.  Charity…

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Don’t Conform To The World

12th Sunday after Pentecost 2023 In the Gospel for today, we see Christ represented as the Good Samaritan – the one Who was rejected by the world.  He is the one Who saves the sinner who has been wounded by the devil.  We are that sinner and we must cry out for salvation.  We are…

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The Simplicity Of Love

6th Sunday After Pentecost 2023 No matter what our situation might be, we always have enough grace to avoid sin.  There is never an excuse for sin.  If we do not recognize our absolute dependence on God, we will fall.  God created us out of love and all He wants is our love in return. …

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