Communion of Reparation

Feast of Corpus Christi 2024
We should strive to better understand the feast of Corpus Christi from both a historical and doctrinal perspective.  The Church is called to celebrate today with even greater joy and reverence knowing that the doctrine of the Holy Eucharist is so ignored, unknown, and attacked.  The Holy Eucharist is both a sacrifice and a sacrament.  The sacrifice is remembered on Holy Thursday, while the sacramental aspect is celebrated today.  Christ deliberately called for two consecrations at the Mass, so that under the separation of these signs the mystical sacrifice would take place.  We are at the Cross in a mystical way, and receiving God in this sacrament brings us into the Trinitarian life.  We must not only adore Our Lord and thank Him today, but also make reparation for all our sins and those of our fellow man.

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Our Promised Land

Easter Vigil 2024
Our time of training as catechumens and penitents is almost over.  We begin this ceremony in the darkness of the tomb where the light of Christ will be restored.  Without the Resurrection, our faith is in vain.  This light is carried by the clergy and the people and is meant to be spread throughout the whole world.  The deacon represents St. Mary Magdalene while he proclaims the joy of the Resurrection.  By God’s grace we may be restored to our baptismal innocence and be worthy to enter the true Promised Land of Heaven.

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We Must Be Changed

Good Friday 2024
We do not have the Mass today because even though the Mass is the re-presentation of Our Lord’s death, it is also the reminder of His Resurrection.  The Church avoids even the slightest hint of joy on this day.  An infinite offense was offered to God and only an Infinite Being could make up for it.  Why did Christ do this?  So that we would appreciate the evil of sin, and the great love of God.  We prostrate under the weight of our sins at the beginning of this ceremony, and we recite the solemn prayers in union with Christ on the Cross.  We must pray that today we remove all the obstacles we have placed in the way of God’s grace.

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The Prerequisite of Charity

Holy Thursday 2024
These are the most sacred days of the liturgical year, because they make present the very act of our Redemption.  The Holy Oils, from the Mass of the Chrism, receive their efficacy from the Holy Eucharist.  Today is the birthday of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which was offered in anticipation of Christ’s death on the Cross the following day.  A gift of Faith is required to believe the dogma of the Holy Eucharist.  The Holy Oils made this morning are prepared to sanctify us.  The exorcisms performed over these oils drive away the influence of the devil from the oils themselves and from all whom they will anoint.


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He Bought The World

Precious Blood 2023
This feast is the liturgical completion of Good Friday, the day when the Precious Blood was poured out for our salvation.  In these days when our holy Faith is in danger and under attack, we recall the great heritage of martyrs who shed their blood in imitation of Christ.  At the true Mass we have no doubt what takes place at the Consecration.  Christ’s death continues to the end of time and we are invited to be part of it.  If not for the Precious Blood no sins would be forgiven.

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The True Passover

Easter Vigil 2023
Everything is dark at the beginning of this ceremony, just as it was before the creation of the cosmos.  The darkness is representative of the Old Testament, while the Lumen Christi, or Light of Christ, is the New Testament.  The completion of the Passover takes place this evening.  Evidence has been found in recent years of the passage through the Red Sea, but tonight, in a real way, we celebrate the true Passover, which is renewed through the liturgy.  All of creation is made clear to us this night.  Our faith is made perfect in the Resurrection.

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Children of The Hebrews

Palm Sunday 2023
We are a liturgical people, and as we pray so we believe.  Christ bridged the gap between God and man, and He gives us the vehicle through which we may bridge that gap back to Him, in the sacraments and sacramentals of the Church.  Sacramentals are given by Christ through the Church, and the grace we receive is dependent upon our fervor.  The palm gives us the victory; it gives us the strength to persevere towards Heaven.  We should fight during these days to be as close to Our Lord as possible.

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Closing Our Eyes to the World

Passion Sunday 2023
During the season of Passiontide, we are meant to die completely to the “old man.”  Our conversion during Lent is now to be perfected during these last two weeks.  We have not only given up our vices, but now even the spiritual consolations that we find in the saints, and the greatest consolation of the crucifix, are all veiled and removed from our view.  We have been given the chance to close our eyes to the world and practice true recollection in our mediation on Christ’s sufferings.  With the use of the Mass, we can amend all the shortcoming of our Lenten practices, and be truly united to the sacrifice of our Savior.

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Fall Forward

6th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
This Sunday brings our minds back to the two great sacraments of Holy Week: Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.  Through the former we are given life in the Mystical Body and by the latter that life is nourished and grows.  Those who fall short in attempting to “walk in newness of life” have the example of the reparation of King David along with the conversions of so many saints.  Just like those saints, we must use our falls to our advantage, being urged on with greater zeal to fight harder than ever.  In doing so, our frailty becomes our strength, and our falls only propel us forward to our goal.

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Easter Joy

Easter Sunday 2022
Lent has passed by quickly but we take away the lesson that the “Imitation of Christ” reiterates for us that we win heaven by work and suffering.  With the Resurrection we share in the happiness of being with Our Lord once again.  Christ has proved that He conquered sin by overcoming its consequence, death.  As soon as He rose again He visited His Blessed Mother and later St. Mary Magdalen and all the others during His active Easter Sunday.  We must not let the fervor and devotion that carried us the past forty days subside so that we are reduced to anything less than our spiritual enthusiasm today.  We must build on what we have so to draw closer to our Risen Lord and Savior.

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