The Only Solution

Holy Thursday 2022
Today is a good day to remind everyone about how to receive Holy Communion properly. The Epistle is a warning from St. Paul that is timely  because we live in a time of unprecedented sacrileges against Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.  The Gospel describes the Mandatum when Christ washed the feet of His apostles.  This was the first interruption of what was the last Passover meal.  The second interruption near the end when when Our Lord gave His most precious gift just before His death – Himself in the Holy Eucharist.  This is the supreme sacrament in the Church that everything revolves around.  The Mass and priesthood which were instituted this night with the Holy Eucharist are essential to Its continuation to the end of time.  All the problems which face us can and will be solved by God in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.

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Pascha Florida

Palm Sunday 2022
Our Lord’s triumphal procession into Jerusalem today was prophesied and predicted the role that the Gentiles would have in the new kingdom of Christ the King.  This joy is seen in the powerful sacramental of the palms which are carried in procession.  This festive mood soon changes to sadness in the Liturgy as the Passion is presented to us during the Mass.  This all is a warning to each of us that we must beware lest we rejoice with Jesus only to join shortly thereafter in calling for His death as the people of His time did.  We are guilty of such betrayal by our sins and a return to mediocrity after Easter.

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Traditor Not Traitor

Passion Sunday 2022
Saints this week include Sts. Isidore and Vincent Ferrer.  Friday honors our Mother of Sorrows.  We should imitate St. Joseph and the Holy Family and make every effort to attend Holy Week ceremonies, especially the Sacred Triduum.  St. Paul in the Epistle shows how the Old Testament prefigured Our Lord’s Passion and Death.  In the Gospel we see the conflict intensifying between Christ and the Pharisees because Jesus identifies Himself as God and one with the Father.  This so infuriates His enemies that they pick up building materials to stone Him but Our Lord hides from them.  We are reminded of this by the draping of the statues during these last two weeks of Lent called Passiontide.  We sinners, also,  have offended God and driven Him from our temples, our souls.

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Lent Is A Season Of Joy

Ash Wednesday 2022
Septuagesima season has prepared us for this time of removing sin from our lives.  This should comfort us as we begin this time of penance.  When examining our conscience we should not look at self but at Our Lord crucified to realize the effects of our evil on Him.  Lent is the bond of unity in the Church when we all struggle together. By  Penance we understand different things.  It is the sacrament, a moral virtue and the acts flowing from it.  Ashes are given today because they are one of the three major sacramentals in the Church and remind us powerfully of death which is the consequence of Adam’s sin.  Finally, practical suggestions are given to help us choose and practice spiritual exercises which will make Lent truly beneficial for us.

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Signs Of His Second Coming

First Sunday Of Advent 2021
Today begins a new liturgical year and prepares for Christmas and Christ’s return at the end of time.  We have been given signs which will alert us to the second coming and these are explained so that we who remain faithful to Our Lord will lift up our heads and rejoice when we see Him with His angels coming to judge the world and take His own with Him into heaven.  Isaiah, St. John the Baptist and the Blessed Mother are the persons who will guide us throughout Lent.  This Q&A ends with answers about the current situation, exorcists, conclaves and the remembrances of the living at the dead at Mass.

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Our King

Feast Of Christ The King 2021
We are subjects of Christ, our King, and as such we are grateful to assist at this feast day and to follow Him faithfully.  Pope Pius XI instituted this feast almost a century ago and placed it before All Saints day.  This highlights His authority over the saints and encourages us to pray to them for their intercession.  The encyclical of the pope teaches about the basis of Our Lord’s Kingship in the Incarnation.  It explains His three fold powers as executor, legislator and judge.  His is a gentle rule over the hearts of men and in due time He rescues us.  On our part, we must never compromise what our King has asked us to do and the best way to honor Him is by denying ourselves, taking up our crosses daily and following Him into His heavenly kingdom.

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The Co-Redemption Is Not Foolishness

Seven Sorrows Of The Blessed Virgin Mary 2021
This is an apologetic against calling the Co-redemption foolishness because it offends against the Faith and personal devotion.  The teaching that Our Lord, Who did not need any assistance in saving the world, deliberately chose to have His Blessed Mother participate in His redemptive act is proximate to Faith and so must be believed and loved by Catholics in order to reach heaven.   St. Pius X and Benedict XV were recent popes who taught this clearly from quotes we have in their encyclicals.  These show the doctrine and explain the difference between the redemption by Christ out of justice and that co-redemption by Our Lady congruently.  To deny or demean this imperils one’s eternal destiny.  On the personal side, this devotion to the ever Virgin Mary under the title of Co-Redemptrix and Mother of Sorrows made Father’s spiritual life deeply attached to her and led him to dedicate his priesthood to her under this aspect.  Many events of his life show this and call for this defense of our heavenly Queen.

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Sign Of Contradiction

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2021
Crucifixion was an ancient form of torture and execution which was designed to horrify the people and deter anyone from imitating the criminal’s behavior.  All this changed when Our Lord saved us by dying on His Cross.  Now this means of death became our means of life while also showing how much God loves us and how evil sin must be.  This was prefigured by the brazen serpent in the desert which saved the chosen people from poisonous snake bites during their Exodus from Egypt.   Now the Cross is a symbol of victory for us and instead of deterring us from imitating Its Victim It encourages us to follow in His footsteps out of love and devotion.

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This Is God’s Blood

Precious Blood 2021
This feast was instituted by Pope Pius IX even before the liberation of Rome from the Freemasons in thanksgiving for the Church’s deliverance from these forces of evil.  The Blood of Christ was pre-figured in the Old Testament starting with Saint Abel.  The power of the Precious Blood is infinite and the least drop would save countless worlds so the greatness of God’s love is shown by His shedding every drop for our salvation.  We receive His Blood whenever we receive Holy Communion and are meant to be overwhelmed by His love.  St. Hildegard, a twelfth century mystic, saw how the Mass was celebrated with angels in attendance and how the chalice holding the Precious Blood was specially honored.

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Built On A Rock

Feast Of Saints Peter & Paul 2021
This feast honors Saints Peter and Paul who were martyred in Rome on this day.  Today concentrates on St. Peter and tomorrow is dedicated to St. Paul.  The Introit and Epistle show us the deliverance of St. Peter from Herod at the last moment and the Gospel etc. point to St. Peter’s special mission from Our Lord as the rock upon which He will build His Church.  Christ gave Simon Bar-Jona training that tempered his natural impetuosity and made him into the humble and wise visible head of His Mystical Body.  We can rest assured that St. Peter continues to safeguard the Church and its members today and will see that we are safe from harm and the machinations of the evil one.  St. Peter will also teach us in our personal lives how to overcome our own vices to become true followers of Our Lord.

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