He Must Rule

Christ the King 2017 The feast of Christ The King sums up our faith in the Incarnate God and makes us pray “Thy Kingdom Come.”  As good subjects we should know the catechism, pray and give ourselves in return for the divine self sacrifice of Our Lord.  We have the examples of the saints who…

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Live By Love Not Fear

8th Sunday after Pentecost 2017 The Introit for this Mass speaks of the beautiful temple which was a faint image of the church wherein Our Lord is present.  Yet God loves us and not just a building.  He is our Father and loves us like that.  Prayer enables us to feel God’s presence in our lives and…

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Pray With All Of Your Heart

Second Sunday in Lent 2017 The Transfiguration of Our Lord showed Him in all His Glory and it was an event that at first frightened the apostles, then reassured them in the Faith.  The Voice from Heaven, “This is My Beloved Son, hear ye Him,” shook the apostles to their very core.  We must realize…

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Hope In His Irresistible Power

26th Sunday after Pentecost 2016 We are reminded that prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory is important and having Masses offered is the best aid we can give them.  Hope is critical for us despite all the difficulties we face individually and collectively.  The parable of the mustard seed teaches us to have trust…

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Poverty And Fear Of The Lord

Feast of St. Stephen Of Hungary And First Friday Of The Month In this first Friday conference, Father briefly talks about St. Stephen, the King of Hungary, whose feast it is today.  Father continues with the first words from the sermon on the mount, “Blessed are the poor in spirit,” and explains this beatitude and…

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God Will Win

Sermon From The 5th Sunday After Pentecost 2015 Fraternal charity is a theme of this Mass. Tomorrow is the feast of St. Peter and he is a great person who was trained well by Our Lord. A test of courage is the ability to endure challenges patiently. We should imitate the saints in seeking peace…

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Fear And Encouragement

Sermon From 9th Sunday after Pentecost 2014 We are given tremendous encouragements in this Mass.  Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and it is that fear which we are taught today.  Even as the elect, we can still be lost, but God is faithful and will not abandon us.  Just as Christ wept over…

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Come To The Feast

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2014 This Sunday sets the tone for the rest of the year.  The liturgical color of this season after Pentecost is green, which represents hope.  The Mass is filled with all the tools necessary to make us saints.  Just as we read the Gospel account, we too receive invitations from God…

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The King and His Saints

Sermon From The Feast Of Christ the King 2013 On this feast of Christ the King we recall Quas Primas, the encyclical letter of Pope Pius XI, which explains this teaching on Our Lord’s social kingdom and the reasons for instituting this feast.  Later this week we have the holyday of obligation known as All…

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Why God Permits Suffering

Sermon From The 4th Sunday After Pentecost 2013 Today is also Father’s Day.  This vocation is attacked in our society and only adds to the suffering and sacrifices that fathers must endure for the sake of their families but God always hears their prayers and heaven awaits them.  The Black Forest fires that have been…

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