What the Transfiguration Promises

Sermon From The 2nd Sunday of Lent 2014 At the Transfiguration, Christ took three apostles that represent three virtues. St. Peter represents duty, St. James represents knowledge, and St. John represents love. It was as if Christ relaxed and allowed His Divinity to shine through His human nature. This was shown to the apostles and…

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Lent Has Formally Begun

Sermon On The 1st Sunday of Lent 2014 Father Violette✟ Our sins are an infinite offense, because they offend an infinite God and although we cannot make adequate reparation, Our Lord has still instructed us to do penance.  This penance can only be performed with God’s supernatural help of grace.  We are guided by the…

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Penitential Mercy

Conference On Ash Wednesday 2014 Although many outside the Faith look askance at the penances Catholics perform, they are unable to explain the meaning of Christ’s words, “unless you do penance you will perish.”  We have great attachments to our vices, and it is only through grace and penance that we can learn truly to hate…

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Conversion of Life

Sermon From Sexagesima Sunday 2014 We are reminded at this Mass that we are in need of a conversion of life.  However, since knowledge does not equal virtue, so we must place ourselves in a retreat from the world in order to accomplish this goal.  We must have a true desire to convert ourselves and…

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The Devil’s Weapon

Sermon From Septuagesima Sunday 2014 We have begun a new season, and we are in a transition preparing us for Lent.  We must be aware of what we are struggling against in this season of examination.  This Sunday focuses especially on Original Sin and the story of Adam and Eve.  We have been thrown out…

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The Irony of God

Sermon From The 3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2014 The conversion of St. Paul was the single most important moment in the spread of the Church.  St. Stephen’s prayer, as he was stoned to death, called down on Saul the grace of his conversion.  This conversion in St. Paul meant a real change, unlike the half…

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Examination for the New Year

Sermon From Last Sunday After Pentecost 2013 At the end, Christ will come openly for all to see, and yet many evil people will remain unrepentant.  Why?  Because they do not want to be converted.  We must not be among them, and we must begin our preparation now by using the sacrament of Penance and…

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Believe And It Shall Be Done To You

Sermon From 24th Sunday After Pentecost 2013 Father Violette✟ We must first love God, then our neighbor, and then love ourselves according to God’s Will.  The three theological virtues are freely given, not earned.  When we reach heaven, faith and hope will no longer be needed, only charity will remain.  We practice charity, which is…

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Love Never Fails

Sermon From All Souls Day 2013 This beautiful Mass for the Holy Souls in Purgatory has its own sequence entitled “Dies Irae” which means the Day of Wrath.  It is a warning to the living of the judgments of God but ends with hope of happiness in heaven.  Today is proof that the debt for…

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The King and His Saints

Sermon From The Feast Of Christ the King 2013 On this feast of Christ the King we recall Quas Primas, the encyclical letter of Pope Pius XI, which explains this teaching on Our Lord’s social kingdom and the reasons for instituting this feast.  Later this week we have the holyday of obligation known as All…

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