
Septuagesima Sunday 2019 Septuagesima Sunday starts the new Paschal cycle and serves as a time of examining our consciences in preparation for Lent.  The Mass texts, especially the Introit, teach us about death being the consequence of original sin.  The Epistle encourages us to be as generous as the pagans are in obtaining their perishable…

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How Often Do We Thank Him?

5th Sunday After Epiphany 2019 On this Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany St. Paul reminds us that charity is the bond of perfection.  Our Lord gave us the example of forgiving sinners as an expression of our love.  We can imitate that towards our neighbor, especially the ones who might annoy us.  God will help…

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Ordinary Means of Holiness

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2019 The Introit and some of the Mass propers for the Third Sunday after the Epiphany will be repeated on the next two Sundays.  They renew the joy of the Incarnation and show forth the divinity of Our Lord.  These are reminders of the essential quality of the liturgy in sanctifying our…

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Herald Of Christmas

Gaudete Sunday 2018 The Third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete Sunday because of the mitigated penance it communicates as we draw closer to Christ’s arrival.  St. John the Baptist comes before us again in today’s Gospel as he heralds the Messiah and Christmas.  He had great holiness and all the qualities necessary to prepare…

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Bible Facts

19th Sunday after Pentecost 2018 The 19th Sunday after Pentecost reminds us not to neglect the divine invitation to the marriage feast and to come prepared wearing our wedding garment symbolizing grace.  Clothed as a new man we will put aside sin and follow the commandments.  Today is also the feast of St. Jerome, the…

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We Cannot Serve Two Masters

14th Sunday after Pentecost 2018 The Epistle and Gospel for the 14th Sunday after Pentecost make as clear as black and white the battle between good and evil.  We must renounce our vices and not let anything stand in the way of our progress towards God and Heaven.  As we can fall by degrees from…

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Depart From Me For I Am A Sinful Man

4th Sunday after Pentecost 2018 The humility of St. Peter in the Gospel is a virtue we all must practice as a promise of heaven.  We should be as attentive as possible at Mass so we can pray well.  We witness the death of Our Lord again during the Holy Sacrifice and we hear His last…

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Your Treasure Is In Your Heart

Fourth Sunday after Easter 2018 In the Epistle for this Sunday St. James describes God as the immutable Father of Lights who wills the salvation of all men.  Any who are lost are victims of their own malice in refusing the graces offered by God.  Our response must be one of love which will guide us along the way…

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Strangers In This World

Third Sunday After Easter 2018 The Collect of the Mass for the Third Sunday after Easter instructs us to think of ourselves as passing through this life on the way to eternity.  The Gospel recounts the words of Our Lord at the Last Supper about the little while before the apostles will see Him again.  In comparison to eternity…

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Do Not Be Distracted

Palm Sunday 2018 Palm Sunday is an encapsulation of all of Holy Week as the triumph of the Resurrection is seen with the entry of Our Lord into the Holy City and the sacrifice of the Cross in the Passion.  We must not waste this week nor be distracted.  We can win souls to Christ by imitating the…

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