Gospel Of Consolation

12th Sunday after Pentecost 2017
Conference After Mass
The parable of the Good Samaritan revolutionized the ancient world’s outlook on how to treat the less fortunate.  Its impact is still felt today because even our secular society has “Samaritan” laws and institutions recalling this lesson from Our Lord.  There is a deeper meaning to this story which explains how Christ is the Good Samaritan toward each of us who have fallen because of our sins.  A yet more elevated understanding of this truth creates the desire in a Christian to face the evils in this world and transform them into good.  The practice of a deep interior life is necessary to accomplish this sanctification of self and of the world around us.


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Be A Man Of Prayer

11th Sunday After Pentecost 2017

We must do good to others and be grateful for whatever gifts we receive.  To live a spiritual life requires prayer more than our natural life needs the air we breathe.  By its power we are enabled to make all the daily sacrifices God requires of us along the path of perfection.  The goal is heaven and the greatest experience of seeing God whereas the alternative is the terrible pain of loss in hell.


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Her Heart – A Symbol of Love

Assumption Evening 2017 The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is her ultimate triumph over the devil, sin and death.  This is why the story of Judith is recounted in the Mass for this feastday.  Our Lady was taken to heaven at the end of her life by the power of God and she reigns…

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Grace, Love And Union

Assumption Day 2017
Through Our Lady’s Assumption God has empowered the Mother of God with extraordinary intercessory power which enables Our Lady at Fatima to promise salvation to those who embrace devotion to Her Immaculate Heart.  The anticipated resurrection of the Blessed Mother is one of the reasons why She can assure heaven to Her devotees.  The Immaculate Conception and the Blessed Virgin Mary’s fullness of grace and love are causes of Her Assumption.  Her union with the Passion and Death of Her Son is a further reason for Her joining Him in His Resurrection and Ascension.

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Sunday Of Humility

10th Sunday after Pentecost

In today’s Gospel about the Pharisee and the Publican Our Lord taught a valuable lesson to those who trusted in themselves and despised others.  The teaching concerned having a humble estimation of ourselves which would thereby prepare us for the glories of heaven because those who humble themselves shall be exalted.


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Co-Heirs Of Heaven

Feast Of The Transfiguration 2017

The Transfiguration of Our Lord came six days after St. Peter’s confession of Faith in the Son of God.  Then Christ took the three leading apostles up a mountain where He permitted them to glimpse His divinity while He spoke to Moses and Elias.  This was to encourage the apostles for the trials ahead.  We too are meant to be strengthened by this feast and to realize that everything leads us to our true inheritance in heaven.


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I Will Save Through The Rosary

Feast Of St. Dominic – 1st Friday August 2017

St. Dominic travelled through southern France on a trip to Rome with his bishop in the 13th century and he was moved with compassion for the plight of the fallen away Catholics there who were deceived by an ancient heresy which had made a resurgence and was known as Catharism (or Albigensianism).  St. Dominic besought the help of the Blessed Mother when his efforts were not successful and Our Lady told him to use Her Rosary as an aid to his preaching.  This assured him success and has done the same throughout the centuries as seen at Lepanto and Belgrade, for examples.  The Blessed Virgin Mary promised that someday She would save the world through the Rosary.


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Live By Love Not Fear

8th Sunday after Pentecost 2017

The Introit for this Mass speaks of the beautiful temple which was a faint image of the church wherein Our Lord is present.  Yet God loves us and not just a building.  He is our Father and loves us like that.  Prayer enables us to feel God’s presence in our lives and make us long for our home in heaven.  Sin is the horrific obstacle which can block that path and defile us.  More is expected of us than the pagans because greater love is demanded of us because we have received greater gifts.


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Forewarned Is Forearmed

7th Sunday after Pentecost 2017

During the current crisis a spirit of normalcy has pervaded this chapel but it is good to remember that we are in the midst of a tremendous struggle for the Christian world order and the salvation of souls.  Parents have a particular responsibility in preparing their children well to live in this society while not being dragged down by it.


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