Nothing Without God

3rd Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Green vestments are worn during this season to express the virtue of Hope.  We are instructed to hope in nothing but God Who tells us, “Without Me you can do nothing.”  We must know the truth about ourselves, always remembering what we used to be and remaining prepared for the time of our visitation.  Evil people are rewarded in this life for those good things they do because they cannot receive any recompense in Hell.  God’s friends are persecuted and suffer in this life, but will be rewarded for all eternity in the next.  We must pray without ceasing that we will be saved.

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The Compendium of All Religion

Feast of The Sacred Heart 2024
This feast was created relatively recently in the history of the Church, yet it was foreshadowed even in the Old Testament.  As God took the rib from Adam’s side while he slept to form his great love, Eve, so while Christ slept in death on the Cross the Church was brought forth from the wound in His side.  In this Epistle St. Paul speaks in utter amazement about the love of the Sacred Heart.  The essence of religion is found in the love of God the Son for God the Father, and all our prayers find their value when they are united with this love.  Even if we possess all the faith in the world, we will still not be saved if we do not have love.  Anyone who has loved has known the pain of love.  Can we even imagine the pain of Christ’s Heart when He saw how little He would be loved in return?

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A Vocation Worth the Fight

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Tonsure Ceremony
With first tonsure one becomes a cleric.  This ceremony has been part of the Church since the 5th century.  Just as slaves were shorn to show their complete ownership by their master, so the cleric shows that he now belongs to Christ.  The surplice is imposed to represent putting on the new man, because holiness is no longer an aspiration but a direct call.  Our Lord promised to those who give up the world a hundredfold in this life.  The candle carried in procession represents the soul of those to be tonsured, and when the bishop receives and extinguishes the candle, it demonstrates that the very will of the cleric is offered to God.  God will grant the necessary graces to do everything he asks, if the cleric remains confident in Him as he forges on towards the goal.

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Communion of Reparation

Feast of Corpus Christi 2024
We should strive to better understand the feast of Corpus Christi from both a historical and doctrinal perspective.  The Church is called to celebrate today with even greater joy and reverence knowing that the doctrine of the Holy Eucharist is so ignored, unknown, and attacked.  The Holy Eucharist is both a sacrifice and a sacrament.  The sacrifice is remembered on Holy Thursday, while the sacramental aspect is celebrated today.  Christ deliberately called for two consecrations at the Mass, so that under the separation of these signs the mystical sacrifice would take place.  We are at the Cross in a mystical way, and receiving God in this sacrament brings us into the Trinitarian life.  We must not only adore Our Lord and thank Him today, but also make reparation for all our sins and those of our fellow man.

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Trinity In Unity

Trinity Sunday 2024
Today we honor the dogma at the heart of our Catholic Faith.  God, through His Divine Son, chose to reveal the truth of the Holy Trinity to mankind.  Although we could never reason to the existence of this great doctrine on our own, nor can we completely understand it in our finite minds, we firmly believe it through the gift of faith.  We should recite the Athanasian Creed to reaffirm our faith in opposition to those who deny it.  We must believe everything that Christ has revealed to us and be prepared at every moment to defend it.

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Where Are The Martyrs?

Pentecost Sunday 2024
Pentecost is called the birthday of the Catholic Church because, although it was conceived on the Cross, this is the first day the Church manifested herself in the world.  Not only every human being, but all nations and governments are called to convert to Christ.  True Catholics reject the false tenets of religious indifferentism.  The Holy Ghost expresses God’s love for us because He is the Person of Love.  In these days when there is such great cowardice within the Church, we pray for the virtue of fortitude to help us persevere in the face of adversity.  The Holy Ghost will provide us with the strength of the saints and martyrs.

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The Sin of Human Respect

Sunday after the Ascension 2024
Our Lord warned us that we would be ridiculed and persecuted by the world so we may not feel ashamed in the face of these attacks.  The sin of human respect causes us to imitate the bad habits of evil companions.  Although this sin especially affects the youth, it can also affect mothers who care more about the feelings of their children than correcting sinful habits when they begin to develop.  We fight the sin of human respect with a holy contempt of the world and by preferring grace over all the world offers.  With these resolutions and the grace of the Holy Ghost we are prepared for the spiritual battles ahead.

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Why Did He Ascend?

Ascension Thursday Evening 2024
Today is one of the happiest days of the year because we celebrate the triumph of Christ, and through Him the triumph of the Church.  Christ ascended into Heaven to begin His heavenly priesthood of mediation between God and man.  By this mediation He sent us the Holy Ghost and His sevenfold gifts.  He proved that His kingdom is not of this world, increased the merit of our faith, and invited us to follow Him to our celestial home.  By separating Himself from us for a time, Our Lord purifies and spiritualizes our love, so we may be more perfectly united with Him in this life and the next.

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The Paschal Mystery Completed

Ascension Thursday Morning 2024
After Christ sacrificed Himself for our sins and conquered death through His Resurrection, His physical, glorified Body entered Heaven so that we may all follow Him there.  The Paschal Candle is extinguished after the Gospel to represent Our Lord’s departure from the Earth.  This is the day of great joy because today the Son of God went home.  We will all receive our bodies at the end of time.  To deny this dogma is the heretical rejection of the teaching of Our Lord.  Even the apostles were rebuked by Christ for their lack of faith.  This is a warning to all of us who are so weak in faith.  We must not be discouraged; we have become new people and have been prepared for a greater calling.

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Untainted Love of God

5th Sunday after Easter 2024
The Gospel for today recalls the words of Our Lord at the Last Supper and is chosen to prepare us all for the Ascension and Pentecost.  We should pray with all our heart and will to receive the Holy Ghost in a more perfect way this year.  It does not matter how evil or how ignorant we are, God will still hear our prayers when we ask for anything to aid in our salvation.  The day of our First Holy Communion is the most important day of our lives.  God made us to receive Him on Earth and join Him in Heaven when we die.

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