Join The Sacrifice

Quinquagesima Sunday 2023
This is a time of examination of conscience.  Once our predominant fault is identified, we can battle against it.  At the end of this Septuagesima season, the Church reminds us that we must have Charity.  We should not only go to confession when we are in mortal sin, but often.  This is a great aid in cutting down our vices.  The priest at the “Orate Fratres” asks you to join with him in his sacrifice.  Let us truly join the priest at his Sacrifice at the Altar.

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Conversion Sunday

Sexagesima Sunday 2023
St. Paul, one of the greatest converts in the history of the Church, instructs us on our need for conversion.  This conversion of St. Paul could not have happened without the prayers of St. Stephen.  We must pray for our friends and our enemies.  We must not think that we are the good seed of the Gospel.  The word of God has not brought forth fruit a hundredfold in our hearts yet.  We wish to be better, we wish to learn, and this is the time for vigilance and growth in the love of God.

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Without Fear, We Are Lost

Septuagesima Sunday 2023
Because of the great importance of the season of Lent, the Church gives us a season to prepare us for it.  We should possess a single-minded vision of achieving salvation.  We share in St. Paul’s desire for be dissolved in Christ, while sharing his fear that we could be lost.  This fear is a necessity.  God wants all our love.  Just as people expect their lover to have no one else, God wants us to love Him alone.  We do not know when God will call us, so we must be always prepared.

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Danger in the Calm

4th Sunday after Epiphany 2023
This season reiterates the Church’s teaching that Jesus Christ is both human and divine, a belief which is under attack in our day.  We see both natures of our Redeemer on display in the Gospel account for this Mass.  God sends storms and trials into our lives to shake us from our apathy, purging us of our attachments, and drawing us to Himself.  When we live lives of relative peace, we must be on guard against allowing our fervor to diminish.  Let us use the difficulties of life to stoke the fire of devotion in our hearts.

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Loving God Through Neighbor

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2023
Before we make our offering at the altar we must first reconcile with our neighbor, and we also have an obligation to thank God and our neighbor for the gifts we have been given.  All the miracles of Our Lord recounted during this season after Epiphany teach us Christ’s motivation.  He performed them to confirm the words that He taught.  From the humility of Christ, we learn spiritual childhood and our dependence on God.  Let us pray for both the conversion of our neighbor and the conversion of ourselves.

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Ponder This in Your Hearts

2nd Sunday after Epiphany 2023
This Epistle tells us that we should bless and not curse our enemies.  We see this exemplified in the story of St. Maria Goretti, who wanted her murderer to be with her in Heaven.  We see it in the prayer of St. Stephen offered for Saul, which led to his conversion.  We see it in the prayer of Christ Himself from the Cross, “Father, forgive them, for the know not what they do.”  The miracle at the wedding feast of Cana was the first of Christ’s miracles, and it reminds us that marriage was lifted from the natural to the supernatural order when it was made a sacrament by Our Lord.  Prudent deliberation must be made when searching for a spouse.

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Your Path to Heaven

Feast Of The Holy Family 2023
In these days, when the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Mother is so often attacked by the world, we must defend the doctrine that she was virgin before, during, and after the birth of Christ.  Because the pain suffered in childbirth is a consequence of original sin, the Mother of God, who was free from sin and its consequences, did not suffer any such pains.  Christ is the model of obedience, that supernatural virtue which inclines us to submit to lawful authority.  If the Son of God was willing to submit to men, who are we to resist the virtue of obedience?

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The First Day of Our Redemption

Octave Of Christmas 2023
Based on the infallible consensus of the Church Fathers, and the unaltered testimony of Tradition, Catholics believe in the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Virgin.  Just as Christ passed through the stone of His tomb after His resurrection, He passed through the womb of His Mother on the day of the Nativity, leaving it unopened.  On this octave day after His birth, Our Lord shed His first drops of blood for our redemption.  Every suffering of God in His human nature had infinite merit, and His humility in those moments is beyond all understanding.  Let us promise once and for all to be good this year.

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God’s Gift to Man

Christmas Midnight Mass 2022
This is the Feast of light, the Feast of Hope, the Feast of Victory, but this feast is also a Gift to us.  A gift is valuable because it contains the giver, just as offering a meal to a friend is a way of sharing oneself.  This is most perfectly exemplified in the fact that God truly gave us Himself.  While our enemies want us to forget this great gift of the Incarnation, we must resist and fight, for ourselves and for our children.  We must stand united, and we must love God better.

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The Judgment of God

4th Sunday Of Advent 2022
The theme of the Epistle for this Mass is judgment.  Not only the judgments that men make towards each other, but especially the Last Judgment at the end of time.  We are forbidden to judge rashly, but we are not forbidden from making any judgments at all.  We have all experienced the harm of rash judgment, but it should make us strive all the more towards keeping our conscience clear, as St. Paul instructs.  If we are followers of Jesus Christ, we have nothing to fear.  We must use the extra week of Advent that has been given to us by beginning to live with true Catholic hearts.

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