Undying Confidence

Last Sunday After Pentecost 2022
Even at the end of the liturgical year we are still filled with great hope.  The virtue of hope, not based on natural motives, but based on our confidence in God, gives us the help we need to overcome the obstacles which stand in the way of our eternal goal.  If we desire to persevere in the practice of this virtue, we must practice mortification, and custody of the senses.  Only then are we able to respond to God’s grace, overcome our vices, and truly be numbered among the elect.

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The Story Of Faith

23rd Sunday After Pentecost 2022
Even though we are given great graces we still fall into sin, and many of these sins are committed out of weakness rather than malice.  We must never forget the great power of the sacramental of holy water, the use of which can take away our venial sins.  We have been given ample stories of the power of God and the aid He gives to the faithful.  Just as the enemies of Our Lord mocked Him, our enemies today do the same.  Throughout our life, it must be God alone who matters.

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Render Your Life To God

22nd Sunday After Pentecost 2022
In this Epistle we see how, through the perfection of charity, St. Paul suffers cheerfully and remembers his people even in pain. “How beautiful to see brethren dwelling in unity.” We are called to be one with our neighbor, forgiving his offenses just as we wish to be forgiven. St. Augustine tells us that we have the character of Christ on our souls just like the denarius of the Gospel. We belong to God entirely and must be on guard against the godless media and entertainment of our day, which seeks to corrupt our youth.

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Fraternal Charity

5th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
We just celebrated the feast of St. John the Baptist and this week we have the beautiful feasts of Saints Peter and Paul, the Precious Blood and the Visitation.  Today is also the day in honor of our Mother of Perpetual Help.  In today’s Mass St. Peter is commanding us to practice charity towards one another.  We should not let unjust anger fester in us and we should not hesitate to approach humbly our wronged brethren and reconcile with them.  Our Lord warns that this must be done before worshipping Him at the altar.  Love of our neighbor should progress so that we practice patience towards all even considering their imperfections.  We must learn to listen to others and not try to improve on their stories.

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Thou Art My Hope

3rd Sunday After Pentecost 2021
This Mass and the recent feast days are about union with God, His Love and His Mercy. The earliest depiction of Our Lord in the catacombs is taken from today’s parable of the Shepherd carrying the lost sheep on His shoulders.  This season after Pentecost is one of hope and shown by the liturgical color of green.  The devil tries to discourage us and drag us into despair or inflate us with presumption.  We must maintain our humility in the face of these diabolical attacks and will thereby receive mercy proportionately.  Always have confidence in the Sacred Heart and never in the world.

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Language of Love

17th Sunday after Pentecost 2020
The Epistle for today points us to the Catholic Church which we are blessed to have.  It has the one true Faith and a unity of belief, worship, sacraments and hierarchy.  Christ gave us this as a means of fulfilling the two great commandments of love which He repeats in the Gospel for this Sunday.  In this kingdom we learn to speak the language of love so that we will be fluent when we reach heaven.  We must prepare now for our death which will usher us into heaven.  Pride is the obstacle and we have time now to remove this from our spiritual life.


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Friend, Come Up Higher

16th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
This week we have the Ember Days and the feasts of St. Matthew and the North American Martyrs.  St. Paul in the Epistle for today’s Mass writes about God the Father as the source of all fatherhood in the world.  Our Lord in the Gospel teaches the importance of humility in the parable of the wedding feast.  Pride is the vice that is the worst obstacle we face in our spiritual life.  The Collect for today is about grace and how it inspires us in good works and helps us complete them.  Always follow the motions of grace that God sends.


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Our Souls Must Rule Our Bodies

14th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
This week has two Marian feasts: the Nativity and the Most Holy Name of Mary.  These give us the opportunity to increase our devotion to the Blessed Mother for her role in our salvation, sanctification and protection.  In the Epistle for today St. Paul warns his converts again of the sins which will keep them from entering heaven.  Instead they should put to death the works of the flesh and practice the works of the spirit which result in the twelve fruits of the Holy Ghost.  Our Lord in the Gospel teaches us to seek first His kingdom and everything we need will be given besides.  This has always been our experience.

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Love God With Your Whole Being

12th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
The month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and we should imitate our Blessed Mother whom Our Lord said “heard the word of God and kept it”.  This Gospel about the Good Samaritan reminds us that we can see how much we love God by how we love our neighbor.  Christ summarized all the law by saying that we must love God with all our being and our neighbor as ourselves.

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The Prayer Of The Proud Man

10th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
Today’s Gospel contrasts the prayer of the Pharisee and the Publican.  The proud Pharisee thanks God for making him better than everyone else, especially the Publican.  We should compare ourselves to the best so as not to be complacent and even foster our own humility at the same time.  Humility of will is that virtue by which we not only realize our need for humiliation but enjoy it.  We learn this in the lives of the saints like St. Peter.  This holiness of the saints is one of the ways, along with Christ’s miracles like the Resurrection, to find proofs that Catholicism is the True Church.

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