His Providence Never Fails
7th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
As St. Paul points out in today’s Epistle, what did our past life dedicated to sin accomplish for us? Unless we repent, sin leads us to a sad end all alone except enslaved by our vices. In contrast, how happy is the life of one dedicated to prayer! This is something for which one will sacrifice all to gain it. Prayer lifts us to the Trinity and Its Interior Life which perfects charity in us by the gift of wisdom.
Keep The First Fervor
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 2020
After hearing about Saints John Gualbert, Veronica, Bonaventure, Henry, the Carmelite Sisters of Compiegne and Camillus we had a renewal of the Paschal sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist in the Epistle and Gospel. The Divine Office recounts the story of King David and how his sloth led to sins of adultery and murder. His meekness saved him when his crimes were exposed by the prophet Nathan. We should imitate his repentance and reject the devil and all his works. Receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion faithfully will lead us to union and heaven one day.
Are We Afraid Of Battle?
5th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
In the Gospel Christ condemns unjust anger and asks us to love our enemies. Will we shirk this duty as a soldier who refuses to go into battle? In the Epistle St. Peter writes that we should be merciful and in return we will receive mercy.
Our Most Sublime Prayer
3rd Sunday After Pentecost 2020
The Gospel shows Our Lord coming to protect us and this is perfect for Father’s Day as well. When asked how to pray Christ gave us the Our Father. When we receive Holy Communion we are united with Our Lord. We are meant to be saints and must pray and strive for that always. Not to desire sanctity is a sin. We should do everything for our Heavenly Father and someday reach eternal happiness.
We Rest In His Hand
2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2020
Among the themes of the time after Pentecost which we are beginning is the assurance given us by Divine Providence. No matter the crisis we face God is always with us and never tests us beyond our strength. The Holy Ghost reminds us of this through the sacred liturgy which celebrates feasts of consolation like the Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi and Sacred Heart. Today’s Mass provides us with the same confidence and in the Gospel which describes sufficient and efficacious grace we are cautioned not to allow the concupiscence of the eyes, the flesh and the pride of life to deflect us in our journey towards God and heaven.
Pray All Be Saved
Trinity Sunday 2020
The angelic St. Thomas Aquinas has his feast day this week and we are reminded of his being a patron for the finding of lost items. God is wonderful in His saints. This feast of the Holy Trinity starts a new season of the liturgical year. It is right that this be the case because everything comes from the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and all honor, praise and glory return to the Triune God. This fundamental mystery of Three Divine Persons in One and the Same God is essential for salvation because denial of this prevents one from entering heaven. God has revealed to us His inner workings where the Unbegotten brings forth the Only Begotten and Their mutual Love is the Person of Love, the Holy Ghost. This Trinitarian life goes on within the souls of those in the state of grace and is offered to all. Christ’s final command to the apostles was to go forth and baptize in the name of the Blessed Trinity. We must pray that all will be saved.
Take Your Cross And Follow
7th Sunday after Pentecost 2019
The Church reminds us today to avoid sin. If not we will be subject to punishment. Our Lord uses a parable that everyone can understand. He equates false religious leaders to the tree that brings forth bad fruit and that we can judge by those fruits. God is always looking after us by His Divine Providence and nothing is left to chance. He sees every detail of our lives and allows all for our ultimate goal of happiness with Him in heaven.
Enkindle The Fire For Heaven
Lynn Burdi Funeral Mass
We miss and will always pray for the deceased who had a love for the traditional Latin Mass and for the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her rose garden in front of the chapel is the constant reminder of that. We here who mourn our loss must pray and sacrifice for her to be released from Purgatory if she is there being purified in preparation for her entrance into heaven. The merciful fire that accomplishes this is ignited by our love through the Holy Mass so we must pray fervently for her now and in the future.
Our Lord’s Retreat
6th Sunday after Pentecost 2019
The Gospel has us join the Supreme Retreat Master as He conducts a three day retreat with over 4,000 people. The intensity of the conferences was such that fasting and praying were done effortlessly under Our Lord’s gentle direction. He then fed them miraculously at its conclusion so they were strengthened for their return to their daily lives. What a beautiful goal for each of us to strive after by scheduling time for our own retreats with the Master. Today is also the first Holy Communion for our convert and such a wonderful day to receive Jesus Christ for the first time.