
Where Are The Martyrs?

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Pentecost Sunday 2024
Pentecost is called the birthday of the Catholic Church because, although it was conceived on the Cross, this is the first day the Church manifested herself in the world.  Not only every human being, but all nations and governments are called to convert to Christ.  True Catholics reject the false tenets of religious indifferentism.  The Holy Ghost expresses God’s love for us because He is the Person of Love.  In these days when there is such great cowardice within the Church, we pray for the virtue of fortitude to help us persevere in the face of adversity.  The Holy Ghost will provide us with the strength of the saints and martyrs.

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Born In The Desert

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9th Sunday After Pentecost 2023
God gives us virtues to help us cooperate in the salvation which He is accomplishing.  God gave a warning to Solomon that he would destroy Israel and make an example of it before all nations if it transgressed God’s law.  The Holy Machabees are a perfect example of divine fortitude and loyalty to God.  Even the Mother of the Machabees encouraged her sons in sacrificing themselves for God and resisting the temptations of evil men.  Let’s learn from our ancestors, as Saint Paul says, so that we may join them in Heaven.

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Be Wise As Serpents

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8th Sunday After Pentecost 2023
Christ does not commend the dishonesty of the steward in the Gospel, but rather his prudent foresight.  God has made us stewards of our lives and it is up to us to use our God-given talents to better know Him, love Him, and serve Him.  We see the ambitions of the world, but how much more desirous should we be for heavenly goods.  We too will have to make an account of our stewardship, and if we live our lives as a continual act of love we will be called to enter into the joy of our God.

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The Sabbatine Privilege

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7th Sunday After Pentecost 2023
Our Lady of Mount Carmel – We must not be deceived by wolves in sheep’s clothing.  There are many false teachers in the church who use the same language as true Catholics but mean something different.  In the disastrous results of modernism in the Church, we see the bad fruit of false prophets.  The Carmelite Order is the only religious order that has its origins in the Old Testament.  The Order fled to Europe when it fell under persecution and was placed under the rule of St. Simon Stock.  In great discouragement, St. Simon was visited by the Blessed Mother who gave him the scapular saying, “Whosoever dies clothed in this Scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.”

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The Simplicity Of Love

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6th Sunday After Pentecost 2023
No matter what our situation might be, we always have enough grace to avoid sin.  There is never an excuse for sin.  If we do not recognize our absolute dependence on God, we will fall.  God created us out of love and all He wants is our love in return.  Just like the saints we are called to love God simply and pray to God simply.  If we follow the simple steps of mental prayer and do this daily there is no doubt about our salvation.

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The Necessary Struggle

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5th Sunday After Pentecost 2023
We will always have both friends and enemies in this life.  Even the great North American Martyrs, who gave their lives to win converts to Christ, experienced both successes and failures.  Our Lord allows our enemies to tempt us in our continual battle all for a greater good.  Let us be patient and meek as the saints and not allow ourselves to become lax in the spiritual life.  We must remain ever watchful and never cease uprooting our vices.  Continual prayer will bring us to Heaven.

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He Bought The World

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Precious Blood 2023
This feast is the liturgical completion of Good Friday, the day when the Precious Blood was poured out for our salvation.  In these days when our holy Faith is in danger and under attack, we recall the great heritage of martyrs who shed their blood in imitation of Christ.  At the true Mass we have no doubt what takes place at the Consecration.  Christ’s death continues to the end of time and we are invited to be part of it.  If not for the Precious Blood no sins would be forgiven.

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The Perfect Image Of Christ

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Feast of Saints Peter & Paul 2023
This day, although it celebrates both apostles, is centered on St. Peter as the first Vicar of Christ on Earth.  God began to form the character of St. Peter from the moment of his birth because the Church was to be built on this man.  The reason He chose St. Peter above all the other Apostles was because he loved Our Lord more than the rest.  The prayers of the faithful saved their first pope so we must pray as if the outcome of the current crisis depends on us.

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The Davids Of The Future

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4th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
This is a Mass of great courage and hope.  We know that even when the enemies are encamped around us, they will weaken and fall.  God allows us to see our weakness so that we may turn to Him in prayer.  This is the Mass which tells us not to be afraid.  The evil powers will continue to attack and their propaganda is stronger than ever but if we walk with God, they cannot stop us. We must be faithful to the sacraments and attached to the teachings of Christ.

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The Invitation To God’s Mercy

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3rd Sunday after Pentecost 2023

Today’s Mass texts echo the feast of the Sacred Heart with their emphasis on God’s mercy.  Many Catholics with a false concept of this divine attribute use God’s mercy as an excuse to sin.  We know that God does not forget our sins when they are forgiven.  He remembers them in all their details and He offers His mercy anyway.  That is what makes God’s mercy so beautiful.  We must follow St. Peter’s instruction and remain sober and watchful with a penetrating knowledge of ourselves.  Humility is the virtue that invites the mercy of God.

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