Blessing of St. Blaise

Feast Of St. Blaise 2018 St. Blaise was an early martyr bishop whose intercessory power was well-known especially by two famous miracles.  The elements of these divine favors are what make up the blessing of throats on his feastday.  The spiritual benefits from this sacramental are increased by our devout reception of this blessing. #20180203

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Remission Of Temporal Punishment

First Friday December 2017 In this conference, the beautiful and consoling teaching of the Church on Indulgences is explained.  Beginning with the early Church we see how the treasury of merits won by Christ, His Blessed Mother and the saints was opened for the benefit of sinners.  The errors of the Reformation in distorting this…

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This Is Our Feast

All Saints Day 2017 The origins of this feast of All Saints come from the consecration of the church St. Mary of the Martyrs (formerly the pagan Pantheon temple) and the transfer of many of the relics of the martyrs from the catacombs to this church.  This holyday of obligation recalls the mark of the…

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Spirits By Nature, Messengers By Office

Dedication of St. Michael The Archangel 2017 Angels are God’s gift of love to us and we should never scandalize the young whose angels always behold the face of God.  Angels are created spirits with understanding and a free will who often function as messengers from God to us.  St. Michael’s church was dedicated today…

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I Will Save Through The Rosary

Feast Of St. Dominic’s Feastday – 1st Friday August 2017 St. Dominic travelled through southern France on a trip to Rome with his bishop in the 13th century and he was moved with compassion for the plight of the fallen away Catholics there who were deceived by an ancient heresy which had made a resurgence and…

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St. Peter, Model Of Priests

1st Friday July 2017 – Feast Of Saints Cyril & Methodius Saints Cyril and Methodius were blood brothers who were the missionaries that converted many of the people of central Europe.  Their Mass Alleluia mentions Melchisedech who is a mysterious person from the Old Testament that prefigures Our Lord’s priesthood.  St. Peter typifies everything a…

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The Feast Of The Hail Mary

4th Sunday after Pentecost 2017 The Bible records the greetings of St. Gabriel at the Annunciation and St. Elizabeth at the Visitation which the Church has combined into the beautiful prayer of the Hail Mary.  July 2nd commemorates the Blessed Mother generously traveling to assist her cousin during the final months before the birth of…

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St. Peter’s Faith And Virtues

Feast Of Saints Peter And Paul 2017 Today honors the martyrdom of Saints Peter and Paul.  St. Peter is highlighted in Mass texts which describe his miraculous escape from prison and certain death plus his attesting to the divinity of Christ which secured the Church on the solid rock of St. Peters faith.  He was…

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Nothing Is Impossible With God

Feast Of The Annunciation 2017 The Son of God became a Man at the Annunciation and so began His priesthood as the mediator between God and men.  At the same time, Our Lady became the Mother of God.  This could only take place because, as St. Gabriel the Archangel said, “nothing is impossible with God”. …

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St. Joseph Is Essential To Redemption

Feast Of St. Joseph 2017 St. Joseph was a holy man who fulfilled the law with devotion and heart-felt piety.  He was chosen to be the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and to be the foster-father of the Son of God.  In that capacity he was the image of God the Father.  As the…

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