Our Day of Celebration

All Saints Day 2024 – Evening
This is the feast day on which our heavenly victory will be celebrated one day.  Many of us personally know saints in Heaven – the baptized infants who have died.  The sign which marks the saved on their forehead is that sign given to us in Baptism.  Every time we come to Mass the liturgy is training us how to get to Heaven.  We can see this in the word “labor,” which is sung over a long melisma during the Mass.  This is to encourage us to persevere with diligence in this life.  A priest, who lived near a religious community dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, once remarked how often he was called to give a dying religious Extreme Unction on Friday nights.  There is little doubt that this was because Our Lady desired to take them to Heaven on Saturday, the day dedicated to her.

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Your Steps To Sanctity

All Saints Day 2024
This feast has a twofold purpose: firstly, to give honor to all the saints, especially those unknown saints in Heaven; and secondly, to remind us of our ultimate goal.  We are given great encouragement to follow their example in the pursuit of holiness, knowing that if they could achieve sanctity in this life, so can we.  Our Lord began His public teaching with His instruction on the beatitudes – the summit of Christian perfection.  Like a fruit that has not yet ripened, the practice of virtue in its early stages is hard, bitter, and distasteful, but with continual practice virtue ripens into the Fruits of the Holy Ghost, which make the service of God sweet, easy, and enjoyable.  If we steadfastly follow the example of the saints, this will be our feast as well someday.

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St. Francis’ Knowledge and God’s ‘Little Ones’

1st Friday Conference, October 2024
St. Francis of Assisi is greatly misunderstood and mistakenly viewed as the saint of the ecologists.  He composed a poem, which he gave to the members of his order, and this “Song of the Sun” demonstrates St. Francis’ love of nature – not for its own sake but because of its Creator.  The gift of knowledge gives one a better appreciation of God’s attributes through the beauty of the natural world.  This makes us desire the happiness of Heaven and earnestly pray that we may possess it.

The hallmark of the life of St. Therese of Lisieux is the doctrine of spiritual childhood.  In the Gospels, Our Lord not only spoke of the necessity of spiritual childhood for salvation, but warned against giving scandal to the innocent “little ones.”  St. Therese made the appreciation of her helplessness and complete trust in God the foundation of her spiritual life.  She spent her life doing little things with great love, and if we do the same, we too will be safe.

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O Victorious Prince

Feast of Saint Michael 2024
We all need a greater faith in God and His angels.  Every Catholic believes that God created creatures both spiritual and corporal, and virtually every civilization has acknowledged the existence of angelic, spiritual beings.  With the help of St. Michael and the Blessed Mother, we too can crush the devil under our feet.  This Gospel refers to the guardian angels who act as our constant protectors.  A conversion of life is the best way in which we may show honor to God and the angels.  They intercede for us, protect our purity of body and soul, and help us love God and despise the evils of the world.

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God’s Promises Accomplished

Conference on 1st Friday July 2024
In St. Paul’s instruction to the young bishop, St. Timothy, he emphasized the importance of spiritual reading.  If this instruction is given to a bishop, it applies all the more so to the laity.  Prayer and spiritual reading are necessary for the growth of sanctity.

St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria became a physician in his early life but soon discovered that his calling was not to heal men’s bodies but their souls.  He dedicated his life to the assistance of the dying and the welfare of children, and his great love of the Holy Eucharist led to his institution of the 40 Hours Devotion.

In gratitude for the victory over the forces of Free Masonry, Pope Pius IX elevated the feast of the Visitation.  There were two annunciations in preparation for the coming of the Redeemer – the annunciation of the birth of St. John the Baptist and that of Our Lord.  St. John the Baptist was the herald of Our Lord not only in his words, but in his life.  In the Visitation we see the great love of the Blessed Mother, who cares for even our smallest needs.

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God, Help Your Spouse!

Feast of Saints Peter & Paul 2024
This feast is considered so great that, since the earliest days of the church, it was given a vigil for preparation.  Red vestments are used on this day to symbolize not only the blood of these two great martyrs, but more importantly the fire of their love.  They died for everything that true Catholics believe today.  This Epistle reminds us that God is protecting us, even in our darkest moments.  We must respond to the graces of God generously and promptly, following the example of St. Peter.  The conversion of St. Paul demonstrates God’s power to bring good out of evil.  We should be inspired to see how these two great sinners became two of the greatest saints.

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Saints Who Changed The World

All Saints Day Evening 2023
Today we celebrate one of the marks of the true Church – her holiness.  The almost innumerable saints in Heaven are the result of the redemption Christ won on the cross.  Today we especially celebrate the unknown saints.  If we wish to change the course of history, we must be saints.  There are many examples of God using His holy people as instruments of change in the world, but we must first overcome our self-will and prideful inclinations.  God has great things in store for us.

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Everything Is For The Saints

All Saints Day 2023
St. John expresses God’s love and mercy for the Hebrews in today’s passage from the Apocalypse, but it is also a call for all men.  Every man is called to be a saint.  The origins of this feast go back to the beginning of time, because even the angels are included today.  We gain innumerable graces when we imitate the saints.  Today we also make up for neglecting the saints throughout the previous year.  One soul is worth more than all the rest of creation.  It is not only possible but necessary for us to be saints.  We must be Christians, not in name only, but we must be truly Christlike.

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The Sword Of Salvation

21st Sunday after Pentecost 2023
The martyrology, used in the Divine Office, is a great treasure of the Church.  We belong to the Catholic Church, which alone possesses the mark of holiness.  Not only was the Founder holy, being God Himself, but its truths and sacraments are holy and lead men to sanctity.  We are not fighting against flesh and blood but against spiritual enemies.  The sacraments are the greatest help against temptations.  We must pray, remain occupied, and when we are tempted, we must respond promptly.  The ingratitude we see in the Gospel is rampant in our own age.

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His Battle Is Continued In Us

Feast of St. Michael 2023
Devotion to St. Michael predates the Church herself.  In the Old Testament he was the protector of God’s people and now he is the protector of the Catholic Church.  St. Michael is truly a universal devotion and can be found throughout the centuries in both the Eastern and Western Church.  We should imitate the priest and call upon the help of this great Archangel at every Mass to protect us against temptations in our prayers.  St. Michael defends those who are loyal to Christ, but he will justly punish the proud.

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