How We Save the World

20th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Rosary Conference – There are many sacramentals used by the Church, but none seem to be as favored by Our Lady as the Dominican Rosary.  It is a prayer to Our Lord with the Virgin Mary, and after the Holy Mass and Divine Office, it is the most powerful prayer a Catholic can make.  There is no request that is beyond its power.  In this world of secularism, religious indifference, and apostasy, we have one thing left – the Holy Rosary.  It originated as a replacement for the psalms for certain illiterate monks in the monasteries and was later used to assist the preaching of St. Dominic.  This spiritual weapon has led to many military victories throughout Church history.  It supplies in some way for what the faithful of today are being deprived of in the liturgy.  The Rosary offers lessons in the practice of virtue, helps us forget our fears and troubles as we are plunged into the Divine Heart of Christ, and disposes us to receive the gift of passive, infused contemplation.

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Our Hand In Hers

First Friday October 2023
There have been many sacramentals in honor of the Blessed Virgin, but the Dominican Rosary seems to be favored above all others.  The Rosary is the sign of a true Catholic.  It is a beautiful prayer, but it is difficult and is often neglected because it requires effort.  The Rosary is particularly a gift for our modern times because it is a weapon against secularism, religious indifferentism, and the other heresies which abound.  It disposes a person for infused contemplation.  This is what we pray for when we ask that we “may imitate what [the mysteries of the Rosary] contain and obtain what they promise.”

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The Rosary & The Transfiguration

1st Friday Conference August 2023
Feast of St. DominicSt. Dominic worked to combat the Albigensian heresy.  Despite his great ability in preaching, he had little success until he was instructed by the Blessed Mother to use the Rosary.  The power of this spiritual weapon is seen even to this day.

The three Synoptic Gospels speak of the miracle of the Transfiguration and even St. John refers to it when he says that we have seen the glory of the Lord.  Through this miracle, Christ showed Himself as He really is, by allowing His divinity to be shown through His human nature.

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The Rosary Of Peace

18th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
“Pray the Rosary for peace…”  This was the instruction of the Blessed Mother at Fatima.  We were given this great sacramental for our protection, so that we might pray with the Holy Mother of God and through her, and she might supply what is lacking in our prayers.  In reciting the Rosary, the whole man is occupied – his body, his imagination, his intellect.  We need not focus on the individual details of each mystery, but rather let the mysteries envelop us, removing all earthly ambitions and fears, and granting us a taste of the love of God.

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O Mary, We Crown Thee Today

Feast Of Our Lady Of The Holy Rosary 2020
Today’s Gospel is from St. Luke who records the mystery of the Annunciation as he learned it from Our Lady.  This is the first mystery of the Rosary which is meant to be a garland of roses in honor of the Blessed Mother.  The history of the Rosary shows its tie to religious life, the sacred Liturgy, devotion to the holy souls and victory against heretics and infidels.  This is the most favored prayer by the Holy Virgin and the means for her preserving us during these dark days and saving us for Heaven.  It is a contemplative and therefore difficult prayer that can be made easier if prayed alongside our heavenly Mother.

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See The Rosary As Our Lady Does

Feast Of The Holy Guardian Angels – First Friday Conference, September 2020
Devotion to the angels is critical for the priest and the faithful.  In the Gospel Our Lord says to become as little children and learn to trust Him.  This is indispensable. October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary and St. Dominic and Blessed Allan taught the people about its importance by giving the fifteen promises attached to its recitation.  The Mysteries of the Rosary are the memories for Our Lady of the Incarnation, Redemption and Heavenly reward of her divine Son. The Rosary is a prayer that easily leads to contemplation.  Any problems or difficulties will disappear with its recitation.


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Love Without Reserve

17th Sunday after Pentecost 2019
This Sunday continues the feast of St. Michael and as our statue of him points the way to God so St. Michael has been given to us to protect and to lead us to heaven.  This Mass celebrates the love of the Son of God in coming to earth to save us.  We should love Him in return and this virtue of charity with humility and meekness will help us love our neighbors too.  This month is dedicated to the Holy Rosary and we should honor our heavenly Mother’s request and pray it daily.  It is a contemplative prayer which is powerful for our spiritual life and for the restoration of the Church and the salvation of souls.

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Our Lady’s Anamnesis

Rosary Conference November 25, 2018
This conference explains how the Rosary is the living memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary praying at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.  We can pray in union with our Blessed Mother and penetrate the mysteries of the Rosary as She did.  This will make our recitation of the Rosary easier and elevate it to the contemplative order which is its purpose.  Thus fortified, souls will be led by the Rosary to victories greater than those accomplished in the past.

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The Promise Of The Rosary

20th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
After a brief explanation of sacramentals, the importance of catechism and an exposition on the Epistle and Gospel for the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost we learn about the Holy Rosary.  Our Lady used St. Dominic to propagate this highly indulgenced prayer that has its origins with the monastic brothers.  It has been the means of combatting heresy and anti-Christian armies.  It is our tie to the Liturgy and the means of overcoming all the problems facing us because of modern society.


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