Untainted Love of God

5th Sunday after Easter 2024 The Gospel for today recalls the words of Our Lord at the Last Supper and is chosen to prepare us all for the Ascension and Pentecost.  We should pray with all our heart and will to receive the Holy Ghost in a more perfect way this year.  It does not…

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The Christian Society

Conference given on 1st Friday May 2024 Although some traditional Catholics refuse to celebrate the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, because they believe it is Communist in origin, the fact is that it is an example of the Church’s Christianization of something contrary to the Faith.  There are many examples of this throughout the…

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Lest You Lose Your Way

Confirmation Sunday 2024 The youth of our day are in the greatest need of the sacrament of Confirmation. The Holy Ghost gives an outpouring of strength and a unique participation in the share of Our Lord’s passion and death in this sacrament. In His weakness we receive our strength. The Gifts of the Holy Ghost…

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Milites Christi

Confirmation Saturday 2024 Confirmation marks a new outpouring of the graces of the Holy Ghost.  At Baptism we are able to teach the Faith in our own name, but with Confirmation we are given a new strength and the ability to teach and defend the Faith in the name of the whole Church.  In days…

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Necessity of Priestly Vocations

Good Shepherd Sunday 2024 If we have charity, we desire the salvation of all our neighbors and pray for both our loved ones and our enemies.  The words, “I know mine and mine know me,” refer especially to the clergy.  How could we be saved without the priest – without his prayers and instructions.  Those…

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Avoiding Occasions of Sin

Low Sunday 2024 Today is called Low Sunday because it is small in comparison to the great feast of Easter.  St. Thomas’ doubt has made it easier for us to believe, because the proofs of the Resurrection that Christ offered help strengthen our faith.  Now that we have put to death the old man, we…

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The Heroic Life Of Mothers

5th Sunday after Easter 2023 This Mass prepares us for the feast of the Ascension.  We are joyful because “God has liberated His people.”  There are many who hear the word, but it does not move them to action.  The faith of those people is dead, and they will not enter Heaven.  We look to…

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His Necessary Departure

4th Sunday after Easter 2023 This is a season of consolations, but we know the consolations must soon pass.  We see the heinousness of the sin committed in condemning Christ to death even more clearly when we witness the great gifts given to the Apostles on Pentecost.  The Gospel for today proves the Catholic belief…

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True And False Obedience

3rd Sunday after Easter 2023 Only those who are sorry receive that forgiveness of Christ.  Our Lord in this Gospel says that in a little while He will die and then in a little while His Apostles will see Him alive again in glory.  It is not in the Resurrection but in His glorious Second…

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Complete Trust In The Shepherd

2nd Sunday after Easter 2023 There is only one fold and one shepherd. We have complete trust in Christ as our Good Shepherd, and it is the call of all priests and bishops to watch over the flock and to bring those who are lost back to the true fold. As we have heard before…

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