His Kingdom Of Love

Feast Of Christ The King 2018
After a preview of All Saints and All Souls Days, the sermon proper for the feast of Christ the King begins after the Epistle and Gospel.  Pope Pius XI established the feast in 1925 to counter the secularism that permeates our society.  After an examination of the causes leading up to our modern errors we are given the teaching on the social kingdom of Christ which frees us from the shackles of sin.  Our Lord has given us a kingdom of peace, unity, holiness and above all love.  We must love in return and not despise His love.

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Draw Us To Yourself

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2018
The feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is a renewal of Good Friday but with the emphasis on the glorifying of the instrument of our salvation. From His Holy Cross, He calls to us and draws us to Himself.  At this Mass we are meant to respond generously to this invitation and become as Tertullian described the early Christians “Cross Lovers”.  The Cross was the means by which the Church was delivered from three centuries of persecution when Constantine triumphed by it.  His mother, St. Helen, shortly after discovered the true Cross.  Centuries later the emperor restored the Cross to its basilica in Jerusalem.  All these events are remembered today and encourage us to remain faithful.

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Prevenient And Concomitant Grace

16th Sunday after Pentecost 2018 Conference
The Collect of the Mass for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost is a concise and direct statement about another beautiful aspect of the doctrine on grace.  The realization of this teaching will make us better appreciate how much we depend on God for the littlest supernatural act we perform – no matter how easy and even connatural it seems to us.  St. Paul’s Epistle shows us the principle that is God, namely, that Goodness is self-diffusive and more so the closer we are to It.

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Our Sufficiency Is From God

12th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
This week is the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady, body and soul, into heaven.  The feasts of the school teacher, St. Cassian, and the foundress of the Poor Clares.  The Epistle for the 12th Sunday after Pentecost teaches about sufficient grace and its necessity in our lives – without it we cannot be saved.  The Gospel is the beautiful story of the Good Samaritan which reveals the Sacred Heart in all its mercy for any unfortunates.  It has the deeper meaning concerning the seeking out of every sinner by Our Lord who heals him and entrusts him to His Church for care and comfort.

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The First Novena

Pentecost Sunday 2018
Before the Epistle and Gospel for the feast of Pentecost we hear about St. Gregory VII and St. Philip Neri.  After nine days of prayer from the Ascension the birthday of the Church took place with the coming of the Holy Ghost.  The Person of Love completed the preparation of the apostles for their mission to convert the world to the one Faith and worship through the many charisms including the preaching which enabled all to understand their speech.  O Holy Spirit, Soul of my soul, strengthen me, console me. Amen.


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The Greatest Peace

Sunday After The Ascension 2018
Heaven became our home at the Ascension when Christ entered it.  Now no matter what happens to us in our daily lives we can live in the security and hope of eternal happiness with Our Lord.  As members of the Mystical Body of Christ we are destined to live where our Head is.  He promised that He was going to prepare a place for us and the Ascension time reminds us of this pledge.


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Your Treasure Is In Your Heart

Fourth Sunday after Easter 2018
In the Epistle for this Sunday St. James describes God as the immutable Father of Lights who wills the salvation of all men.  Any who are lost are victims of their own malice in refusing the graces offered by God.  Our response must be one of love which will guide us along the way to holiness and love of God and neighbor.


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Remember The Bells Of Joy

Holy Thursday 2018
The bells of thanksgiving and joy are rung during the Gloria of this Mass which celebrates the birthday of the priesthood, the Mass, the Holy Eucharist and the Sacred Liturgy.  These gifts of love from the Sacred Heart of Jesus must be appreciated as the heavenly treasure and the pearl of great price.  We renew our oath of allegiance to promote, to defend and never to compromise what Our Lord gave us this night before He died.


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Be Humble Like The Baby Jesus

Christmas 2017 Midnight Mass

Against the world’s propaganda, we proclaim the truth of Christmas that the Son of God became man and was born in Bethlehem of the ever Virgin Mary who remained a virgin physically and morally before, during and after the birth of her Son. Christ did this first for the glory of His Father and then to give Himself to us.  This union of the divine and human natures in the Person of the Word is a supreme act of humility that will last for as long as God is God.  As Jesus showed us the way by becoming a little Infant, so we must heed His words that unless we become as little children we will not enter the enter the kingdom of heaven.


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All Souls Day 2017

Pray for the faithful departed, especially those from this chapel.  We must appreciate how perfectly pure and reverent one needs to be in order to enter Gods presence.  Holy Souls are in peace and depend on the living to be purified.  Have mercy on them because the hand of the Lord has touched them.  Have Masses offered for them.  Our known vices must be eliminated now with merit or else they will be the cause of our punishment without merit.  A word to the wise is sufficient.


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