Behave, Believe And Love the Angels

20th Sunday after Pentecost 2016

The Introit of this Mass reminds us that we suffer because of the misfortunes of life and we can avoid this by behaving and practicing virtue.  The Gospel teaches the importance of believing in order to gain favors, even miracles, from God.  Finally, we have been given guardian angels and we should love these closest friends and have devotion to them.



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Who Is Like Unto God?

Feast Of St. Michael The Archangel 2016

With the battle cry “Who is like unto God?” the great archangel, St. Michael, defended the honor of God and won forever his name.  This ancient feast recalls the dedications of a couple of famous churches where St. Michael is venerated.  It also celebrates all the heavenly spirits who lead us in worship and prayer while watching over the whole created cosmos and each of us.  Ask for the intercession of St. Michael and all the angels that we become devout and one day see them in heaven.



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A Mélange

Sermon From
17th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
Today will be a mixture of considerations based on the feasts presented to us through the liturgy of these days.  A favorite of ours is that of the Angels who are so much a part of our lives and not always appreciated.  Even the pagan philosophers knew about them.  We have experienced their aid many times.  We are given ten important truths about the angels to stimulate our devotion to them.  We have another great saint to celebrate and that is St. Francis of Assisi.  His biography is charming and encouraging because he was just like us as a typical son of a middle class businessman.  He was converted by hearing a Gospel verse and in a short life reached heights of sanctity which brought him a restoration of original justice.  His prophecy of a future leader with his name that would be a destroyer is chilling.  In conclusion we recall the feasts of the Rosary and Divine Maternity.

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Joy Amidst Suffering

Conference On Purgatory
1st Friday November 2012
The Holy Souls in Purgatory experience eviternity, or what is called discontinuous time, which is that time which measures the change in a soul.  God lives in a reality independent of time, and one might say that the souls in Purgatory live in a reality between time and eternity.  If one dies without being completely prepared, the presence of God would be too intense for the soul to endure.  It must first be purified completely before seeing God, and this is the reason for Purgatory.  The joy experienced in Purgatory is like the joy of Heaven amidst suffering.

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