Easter Joy

Easter Sunday 2022
Lent has passed by quickly but we take away the lesson that the “Imitation of Christ” reiterates for us that we win heaven by work and suffering.  With the Resurrection we share in the happiness of being with Our Lord once again.  Christ has proved that He conquered sin by overcoming its consequence, death.  As soon as He rose again He visited His Blessed Mother and later St. Mary Magdalen and all the others during His active Easter Sunday.  We must not let the fervor and devotion that carried us the past forty days subside so that we are reduced to anything less than our spiritual enthusiasm today.  We must build on what we have so to draw closer to our Risen Lord and Savior.

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Catechumen To Neophyte

Easter Vigil 2022
The Easter Vigil is the culmination of our Lenten retreat and especially for the catechumens who are baptized and who will receive their first Holy Communions at the Mass which follows.  The Liturgy brings light to the darkness of the world of sin and sings the praise of Our Lord’s Paschal candle.  Then we are reminded of the miracles around water in preparation for the blessing of the Easter and baptismal waters which lead to the baptism of our catechumens.  The Mass of Christ’s triumphant Resurrection will end with our Easter communion and our union with the Risen Savior.  The newest members of the Church now begin their lives as part of the faithful.

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The Only Solution

Holy Thursday 2022
Today is a good day to remind everyone about how to receive Holy Communion properly. The Epistle is a warning from St. Paul that is timely  because we live in a time of unprecedented sacrileges against Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.  The Gospel describes the Mandatum when Christ washed the feet of His apostles.  This was the first interruption of what was the last Passover meal.  The second interruption near the end when when Our Lord gave His most precious gift just before His death – Himself in the Holy Eucharist.  This is the supreme sacrament in the Church that everything revolves around.  The Mass and priesthood which were instituted this night with the Holy Eucharist are essential to Its continuation to the end of time.  All the problems which face us can and will be solved by God in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar.

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Pascha Florida

Palm Sunday 2022
Our Lord’s triumphal procession into Jerusalem today was prophesied and predicted the role that the Gentiles would have in the new kingdom of Christ the King.  This joy is seen in the powerful sacramental of the palms which are carried in procession.  This festive mood soon changes to sadness in the Liturgy as the Passion is presented to us during the Mass.  This all is a warning to each of us that we must beware lest we rejoice with Jesus only to join shortly thereafter in calling for His death as the people of His time did.  We are guilty of such betrayal by our sins and a return to mediocrity after Easter.

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Appreciate What We Have

Second Sunday In Lent 2022
Today we reviewed the first of the six Commandments of the Church and how to observe it regarding the Holy Mass and the Sunday obligation.  These treasures from heaven have been given to us and we need to be thankful to God for them.  Today’s Epistle is addressed to the early church which St. Paul evangelized.  He warns these Christians of the dangers to their morals in the world around them.  We can learn from this about the situations we face in our own surroundings.  Finally, we too are strengthened with the apostles by the Gospel account of the Transfiguration.  Christ touches us also with His hand through reception of Him at Holy Communion.

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Our King

Feast Of Christ The King 2021
We are subjects of Christ, our King, and as such we are grateful to assist at this feast day and to follow Him faithfully.  Pope Pius XI instituted this feast almost a century ago and placed it before All Saints day.  This highlights His authority over the saints and encourages us to pray to them for their intercession.  The encyclical of the pope teaches about the basis of Our Lord’s Kingship in the Incarnation.  It explains His three fold powers as executor, legislator and judge.  His is a gentle rule over the hearts of men and in due time He rescues us.  On our part, we must never compromise what our King has asked us to do and the best way to honor Him is by denying ourselves, taking up our crosses daily and following Him into His heavenly kingdom.

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God Is The Solution

20th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
It is important not to waste time especially with today’s technology which causes many distractions.  It is more common now for people to be depressed, sad and lonely more than at other times in the past.  This is because they are not looking to God and the Blessed Mother.  Especially during this month, we should turn to the Holy Rosary which has many consoling promises attached to its recitation.  We should frequent the sacraments like Penance after making an examination of conscience and we should attend Mass with reverence and attention.

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Saint Pius X, Our Pope

1st Friday Conference, October 2021
This conference begins with a sobering account of the current problems with the validity of the sacraments because of the devil’s hatred of priests and the means of salvation.  The story of today’s Saint Remy is encouraging in the face of this new paganism because this holy bishop baptized Clovis which began the life of the eldest daughter of the Church – France.  This month is dedicated to the Holy Rosary and quotations about it from the saints encourage us to pray it devoutly.  Finally, we recall our holy pope, St. Pius X, who enriched the Church and souls during his papacy.  His love for God and neighbor was evident in his efforts to preserve the Faith pure and undefiled, to honor Our Lady as Co-Redemptrix, to emphasize the Liturgy, increase devotion to the Holy Eucharist, increase study of the Bible, restore Gregorian chant, revise the Code of Canon Law, reform the Breviary and much more.  His sanctity was attested by conversions and miracles during his lifetime and during this canonization process.  He is our strong protector and supporter today against the evil of modernism.


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Quis Ut Deus?

Feast Of St. Michael The Archangel
Today’s new vestment is a beautiful depiction of St. Michael defeating the devil who rebelled against God.  St. Michael received his name from his response to Lucifer’s challenge to the Blessed Trinity.  The leader of the good angels asked “who is like God” (Quis ut Deus)? And that became his name Michael.  On this day in the fifth century a church was dedicated to God in St. Michael’s honor and this feast celebrates that event and honors all the spirits called angels who are organized into nine choirs with different functions.  We have prayers and devotions which honor St. Michael and the angels.  He is the patron of many and one of our own was recently saved by invoking this protecting spirit.  A powerful exorcism against the devil invokes St. Michael’s aid and the uplifting hymn from today’s breviary praises him.

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The Care Of Sacred Things

14th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
God and His worship is the most important thing on this earth and everything that surrounds Him and the Liturgy are treated with the utmost respect and care.  This explains all that we do and why we encourage all to do the same.  Today is also the feast of the beheading of St. John the Baptist who perfectly parallels Our Lord in having a miraculous birth, a private and public life and a passion and death.  St. Paul’s epistle describes the fruits of the Holy Ghost which are the benefits of those advanced in the spiritual life who achieve virtuous acts with ease.  The Gospel is the warning by Christ that we must not compromise with the mammon of the world.  This is a particular monitum for parents who instill material instead of supernatural values in their children.

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