Our Faithful Angels

1st Friday Conference October 2015
So many Catholics desire a greater understanding of the Mass.  The Consecration of the Mass is surrounded by rituals and rubrics that are filled with meaning.  When you appreciate the meaning of these rubrics you see the true beauty of the Mass and the great evil of those who would wish to destroy it.  There is no dogma of the Faith which teaches infallibly the doctrine of Guardian Angels, however, the evidence from Scripture and Tradition is so overwhelming that it is considered infallible.  When Christ speaks of the angels watching over the “little ones,” He is not speaking only of children but of all who are innocent.  Our Guardian Angels preserve us from dangers to our body and soul, as well as temptations from the evil spirit.  They inspire holy thoughts and aid us in performing virtuous acts.  From the testimonies of many saints, we know that our angels never tire of being with us all day long and watching over us at every moment.

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Restoration Through The Rosary

17th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
There was only one religion started by Our Lord, and we should never be swayed to think otherwise.  Centuries ago, when devotion to the Holy Rosary had begun to decrease, a terrible plague was sent throughout Europe as a chastisement.  The Blessed Mother and Our Lord appeared to Blessed Alan de la Roche and instructed him to promote the Rosary through his preaching.  By his efforts, this devotion was restored.  In our own day the Holy Rosary is often ignored or suppressed.  We should be on fire for the defense of Our Lord and His Mother and use the Holy Rosary as a prayer of penance to make up for the sins of mankind.

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The Results of Pride

10th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
The Gospel for this Mass warns us of the catastrophic results of pride.  Firstly, God does not hear the prayers of the proud man.  Secondly, pride leads to hatred of God and neighbor, due to our inordinate love of ourselves.  We should think often of our death and judgment, especially when we are tempted to the sin of pride.  How beautiful it is to see someone accept humiliation with a smile.  Everything that happens to us comes from God.  Even the evil in the world is permitted by Him for our good.  Our Lord endured humiliation to serve as an example for us to follow.

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Keep A Good Conscience

Sermon From
7th Sunday After Pentecost 2015
Compline, the final prayer of the Divine Office each day, reminds us that our struggle is against the devil who is the primary source of our temptations.  We can overcome him by a pure intention supported by the sacraments, prayer and moral practices.  We should avoid the occasions of sin like people, places and things which put obstacles in our road to heaven.  For the young especially they must not imitate the ways of the world and its celebrities.  Bad friends are the worst influence.  Today we are also celebrating the reception of First Holy Communion.  You have prepared well and now to Baptism and Penance you are adding the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.  Our Lord has miraculously saved many through the Sacred Host and will do so for you.

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Bearing Our Burdens with Christ

6th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
The Holy Ghost tells us, through the words of St. Paul, that we die to sin and rise with the new life of Sanctifying Grace.  We endure a daily struggle to endure and overcome our faults.  Depression and anxiety have no place when we remember that God remains with us at every moment.  Tepidity must be combatted, because those who are lukewarm are, in a certain way, the farthest from God.  Let us make every effort to honor God in the best way we can, to express our unspeakable gratitude for everything we have received from His hand.

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Our Voyage to Heaven

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2015
Today, St. John instructs us on how to live the Christian life, and how this life of grace and love demands good works.  The whole first half of the liturgical year is summed up in the feast of the Holy Trinity.  Now the Father and the Son have sent the Holy Spirit to draw us towards Heaven.  The three Theological Virtues and the four Moral Virtues are like the oars of our ship which we actively use to help us reach our celestial destination; but the seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost, like the sails of our ship, operate more passively when we are open to His inspirations.  Although we have all the benefits, we must be vigilant, because our lives are still fraught with dangers.

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Melt Our Frozen Hearts

Pentecost Sunday 2015
We must remember to pray for the fallen soldiers on Memorial Day.  We are not bound to love our government, but, in the virtue of patriotism, we are bound to love the country that supports us and the people who live in it.  A good Catholic soldier endures hardships and makes reparations for the sins of his fellow countrymen.  After the Ascension of Our Lord, the Apostles spent nine days in prayer.  These days are duplicated in every soul purified in the last stages of perfection.  The Apostles were deprived of the sensible consolations of the Savior so that they would be purified of all attachments, even misplaced attachments in the spiritual life.  We are given gifts from God that we may love Him more.

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Season of Conversion

Passion Sunday 2015
“The reason that you do not hear is because you are not of God.”  We should pray that these frightening words are never directed towards us.  We must ask ourselves who is more evil, the people in this Gospel who desire to put Christ to death, or all of us, who believe in Christ’s divinity and still continue to sin?  There is still time to hear the voice of God and change the direction of our lives.  This season of the Passion is given to us so we may make a conversion of life.  We must follow the example of the Apostles’ conversion in these final days of Lent.

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The Language of Lent

Laetare Sunday 2015
Penance has a variety of meanings.  It refers to the infused virtue that inclines a person to hate his faults, the sacrament of penance, and the works we perform to make up for our sins.  Mortification refers to works which put to death evil inclinations.  Propitiation is an act by which someone who has been offended is now appeased.  The Mass and our prayers are great works of propitiation.  When we make satisfaction, we punish ourselves for our sins.  Our sufferings may be offered to God as a form of satisfaction.  Atonement refers to the union with God which is achieved when our sins are expiated or wiped away.  This is the Sunday of the Golden Rose, on which the pope would take a golden rose and give it to a privileged monarch, who was favored by the pope.  The rose is seen as a foretaste of the happiness of Heaven.

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Mass of Sight

3rd Sunday in Lent 2015
This is the Mass of sight, and today we ask God to let us see the truth and follow it.  Today we are reminded to know our enemy and not underestimate him.  The miracle of this Gospel is discredited by modern “theologians,” who are the equivalent of the pharisees in our day.  Every Mass during this season is teaching us.  We are like the catechumens during this season and should take advantage of the lessons in the Mass texts, which warn us about the devil and encourage us to be forearmed against his assaults.

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