Bringing Heaven To Earth

Corpus Christi 2023
This feast was requested by God Himself so that the Blessed Sacrament might be honored not only as a sacrifice but also as the greatest of sacraments.  It is the reason for the other sacraments, It is the reason for the priesthood, and It is the cause of unity in the Mystical Body of Christ.  This feast is perfectly placed after the feast of the Blessed Trinity because it is the greatest means of achieving our last end in possession of the Blessed Trinity.  God placed in our hearts a desire to taste the Infinite, and in the Holy Eucharist we fulfill that desire.

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The Heroic Life Of Mothers

5th Sunday after Easter 2023
This Mass prepares us for the feast of the Ascension.  We are joyful because “God has liberated His people.”  There are many who hear the word, but it does not move them to action.  The faith of those people is dead, and they will not enter Heaven.  We look to the Blessed Mother as the model of all mothers.  We see her share her Divine Son with the world.  She offers up her Son on the cross for the love of God and all mankind who are also her children. It is a heroic life to be a good mother.

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His Necessary Departure

4th Sunday after Easter 2023
This is a season of consolations, but we know the consolations must soon pass.  We see the heinousness of the sin committed in condemning Christ to death even more clearly when we witness the great gifts given to the Apostles on Pentecost.  The Gospel for today proves the Catholic belief in the Filioque – that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son.  In our own spiritual life, it is sometimes necessary for Christ to hide Himself from us so that we may live more perfectly by Faith with the help of the Holy Spirit.

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One Redeemer, One Priesthood

Low Sunday 2023
50th Priestly Anniversary of Fr. Ward
We are here first to love and honor God, because this day is dedicated to thanking Him.  We thank God for sending us a holy priest, for the Church, and for her truth.  What better day to speak about the priesthood than the day on which we were given the sacrament of Penance.  The words of Our Lord, “you shall be holy because I am holy,” were said to everyone, but first of all to His priests.  It was Christ who said, “To you it is given to know the mysteries of God.”  Priests are privileged to share in the royal lineage as Christ Himself.

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The Fight for Salvation

Laetare Sunday 2023
As we pass the middle of Lent, we are given this Sunday a spirit of joy.  The Holy Catholic Church is the new Jerusalem, and we, as the Church Militant, are called to fight for our salvation with the use of prayer and the sacraments.  There are no exceptions when it comes to accepting God’s Word and the articles of Faith.  In the miracle of this Gospel account, we see the figure of the Eucharist and Baptism in the multiplication of the loaves and fishes.

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Join The Sacrifice

Quinquagesima Sunday 2023
This is a time of examination of conscience.  Once our predominant fault is identified, we can battle against it.  At the end of this Septuagesima season, the Church reminds us that we must have Charity.  We should not only go to confession when we are in mortal sin, but often.  This is a great aid in cutting down our vices.  The priest at the “Orate Fratres” asks you to join with him in his sacrifice.  Let us truly join the priest at his Sacrifice at the Altar.

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We Fear Our Mighty King

Feast Of Christ The King 2022
We often forget that Christ, as the Son of God, owns us completely.  We belong to Him because He created us.  All power on earth comes from above, because it all comes from God.  Although, we often remember the meekness of Christ, we should also be filled with holy fear when contemplating His might.  We read in the Scriptural account how an entire cohort of men, armed with weapons, drew back, and fell to the ground at the words and look of the Savior and how St. John describes a formidable image of the conquering Christ in his apocalyptic vision.  We desire the social kingdom of Christ in which Our Lord is obeyed by all nations and all governments throughout the entire world.

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Taste And See His Sweetness

8th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
”Taste and see how sweet the Lord is”  These words are from the earliest Communion psalm, which was a favorite among the early Christians.  We celebrate the feast of the Holy Maccabees, the only Old Testaments saints celebrated in the liturgy, and their story reminds us of our need for fortitude during suffering, to stand against persecution, and to be true to our principals.  Our Rosary and spiritual reading are more powerful against the world than carrying signs of protest.

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What Really Matters

After brief account of St. Peter Chrysologus the Gospel about the salt of the earth was explained.  The epistle about St. Paul teaching his disciple, St. Timothy, about work as a bishop. Finally, understanding “to love is to give” and do we really care? By this we can evaluate how much we love and give.

Sermon #20151204
Liturgical day: First Friday – St. Peter Chrysologus
Length: 64 minutes

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Her Sacrificial Heart

Feast of the Seven Sorrows 2015
The Epistle for this Mass makes reference to Judith of the Old Testament who was a type of the Blessed Virgin.  The seven swords depicted in the Immaculate Heart represent seven key moments of suffering in the life of our Holy Mother, however, her life was filled with many sorrows.  We have been given a privilege to live in times of great trials in the Church in which we may suffer for Our Lord.  Everything that Christ merited on the Cross He willed to share with His associate, His Virgin Mother.  Few remember that the basis of this feast is found in the Immaculate Conception, which prepared the Blessed Mother to be a pure victim.  Her suffering was made far greater because of her sensitivity of soul and her deep hatred of sin.  She has her Immaculate Heart in Heaven to this day so she might compassionate us in the sorrows of our life.

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