The Fight for Salvation

Laetare Sunday 2023 As we pass the middle of Lent, we are given this Sunday a spirit of joy.  The Holy Catholic Church is the new Jerusalem, and we, as the Church Militant, are called to fight for our salvation with the use of prayer and the sacraments.  There are no exceptions when it comes…

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Join The Sacrifice

Quinquagesima Sunday 2023 This is a time of examination of conscience.  Once our predominant fault is identified, we can battle against it.  At the end of this Septuagesima season, the Church reminds us that we must have Charity.  We should not only go to confession when we are in mortal sin, but often.  This is…

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We Fear Our Mighty King

Feast Of Christ The King 2022 We often forget that Christ, as the Son of God, owns us completely.  We belong to Him because He created us.  All power on earth comes from above, because it all comes from God.  Although, we often remember the meekness of Christ, we should also be filled with holy…

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Taste And See His Sweetness

8th Sunday After Pentecost 2022 ”Taste and see how sweet the Lord is”  These words are from the earliest Communion psalm, which was a favorite among the early Christians.  We celebrate the feast of the Holy Maccabees, the only Old Testaments saints celebrated in the liturgy, and their story reminds us of our need for…

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What Really Matters

After brief account of St. Peter Chrysologus the Gospel about the salt of the earth was explained.  The epistle about St. Paul teaching his disciple, St. Timothy, about work as a bishop. Finally, understanding “to love is to give” and do we really care? By this we can evaluate how much we love and give.…
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Gratitude Is Our Goal

Good Shepherd Sunday 2015 This is the day we are called to a more perfect life.  Our Lord shows Himself to be the Good Shepherd Who truly loves His sheep.  Not only does He care for and nourish His flock, but He protects us from attacks, even to the point of giving His life for…

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The Language of Lent

Laetare Sunday 2015 Penance has a variety of meanings.  It refers to the infused virtue that inclines a person to hate his faults, the sacrament of penance, and the works we perform to make up for our sins.  Mortification refers to works which put to death evil inclinations.  Propitiation is an act by which someone…

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Lessons on Love and Suffering

First Friday Conference – March 2015 We know the story of Saints Perpetua and Felicity from their firsthand account.  During one of the general persecutions of the Church, these two heroic, young women gave their lives for Christ. It is important to understand the meaning of a “type” and how God uses types or prophecies…

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No Fear of the World

2nd Sunday in Lent 2015 There are Catholics who are giving their lives for the Faith in our own day.  What a powerful lesson that should encourage us to stand courageously with Christ in our own lives.  St. Thomas Aquinas is an excellent example for us of humility, obedience, and the need for spiritual reading.  Spiritual…

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Lent Restores Peace

Ash Wednesday 2015 Not one word is said about punishment or damnation in the readings for this Mass, and that should give a hint to Catholics about the true spirit of this season.  There is no such thing as a private sin.  Not only are all our sins known to the heavenly court, but the…

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