The Holy Family Provides

Feast of the Holy Family 2025
The Blessed Mother kept the mysteries of Our Lord’s life in her heart, and we should invoke her help whenever we meditate on those mysteries.  Holy Scripture shows St. Joseph to be the clear head of the Holy Family, not by his words but by his actions.  The event recorded in the Gospel took place when Christ was twelve years old, at the time when He became a “Son of the Law.”  By His words Christ makes it evident to the whole world that He knew He was God at every moment of His life.  St. Paul tells us in his Epistle the virtues of the Holy Family which we must imitate and use in examining our consciences.  The father is the head of the family and must be the example of the virtue of religion.  The mother is the heart of the family, who keeps all the spiritual and material needs of the children in her heart.  God has given us parents to assist us in attaining Heaven, and children are called to submit to their parents in holy obedience.  Nothing bad will ever happen to us but that which our loving Father allows.

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Care For The Departed

All Souls Day 2024
We come to this Mass to help the Poor Souls.  Holy Mother Church does not neglect any of her children, even those detained in Purgatory, because God greatly desires that we care for the dead.  The origin of the maniple that the priest wears was originally a handkerchief to wipe the tears from his eyes, and in union with him we all weep for the Holy Souls today.  Everything is directed to the souls in Purgatory.  Even on this First Saturday, when the Blessed Mother is usually the focus, she defers to the suffering souls.  We pray for final perseverance, so that when we are attacked by the devil in our last moments, we will turn to God.  Heaven is only for the perfect, and in order to enter we must have no attachment to sin.  If we do not remove those attachments in this life, we must remove them in the next.

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For Those Who Have Lost Their Way

1st Friday Conference September 2024
St. Tarcisius lived during the days of great persecution.  He was ordained an acolyte or deacon as a young man, and was commissioned to care for the Christian prisoners.  While bringing Viaticum to these captives, St. Tarcisius was accosted by a group of pagans.  He gave his life rather than expose the Holy Eucharist to desecration.

Devotion to the Holy Infant of Prague is loved and honored by Our Lord Himself.  Our Lord is not a child now, but this is the humble state in which He first appeared in the world.  The statue depicts the Holy Infant as both God and Man, as well as King of all creation.  His welcoming gentleness seems to radiate out from the Infant Jesus of Prague.  He makes Himself a guide to all those who have lost their way.

Much is said about the accomplishments of St. Pius X, but not enough about his interior life.  His prayer had reached the heights of contemplation and was directed by the Holy Ghost.  He radiated goodness and wanted to comfort everybody, yet fought unwaveringly against the enemies of his spiritual children.

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His Will Be Done

14th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Those souls who are advanced in the spiritual life begin to experience the sweetness and joy of virtue in the Fruits of the Holy Ghost.  It is difficult to live a life of virtue when one first begins his journey, but it becomes easier the more one progresses.  The Gospel for this Mass is meant to reassure the faithful that, in His divine providence, God will provide all we need for the future.  Our anxiety is dispelled when we remember that even the difficulties and trials of our life come from the hand of God for the sake of sanctifying our souls.

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Be Resourceful for Holiness

8th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
We are living in a constant spiritual battle.  With the grace of Confirmation, we become true soldiers of Christ.  We must preserve the health of our souls at all costs, so we do not perish in the next life.  The Our Father is the prayer taught to us by God Himself.  It is a powerful prayer and should be recited daily.  We should be just as prudent, clever, and resourceful in obtaining Heaven, as the worldlings are in providing for their temporal lives.

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The Gift of Wisdom

7th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
The readings for today’s Mass teach us about the seventh Gift of the Holy Ghost – wisdom.  Our Lord has warned us that our path will be difficult, but He has also assured us of His help.  Parents must combat the pagan principles being instilled in their children.  Even within those of the elderly population, who should be wiser, we find misplaced priorities and worldly ambition.  We must be willing to make sacrifices to reach Heaven, as we remain vigilant in avoiding false guides. We must never do the work of God for ourselves.

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Our Hope in His Blood

Feast of the Precious Blood 2024
The devotion to the Most Precious Blood encompasses every aspect of our Faith, because it is through the merits of Christ’s Blood that all good things come to us.  The sacrifice of the Son of God surpasses all the sacrifices of mankind in every conceivable way.  Just as the Blood of Our Lord flowed from the wound in His side, the devotion to the Precious Blood flows from the devotion to the Sacred Heart.  In honoring the Sacred Heart, we honor Our Lord’s great love and mercy, while devotion to the Precious Blood pays homage to the fruit of that love in the Redemption.  Even our ability to give adequate thanksgiving to our Redeemer comes through the Eucharistic Body and Blood of the altar.  It is only in the infinite merits of the Precious Blood that we have hope for the future.

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The Compendium of All Religion

Feast of The Sacred Heart 2024
This feast was created relatively recently in the history of the Church, yet it was foreshadowed even in the Old Testament.  As God took the rib from Adam’s side while he slept to form his great love, Eve, so while Christ slept in death on the Cross the Church was brought forth from the wound in His side.  In this Epistle St. Paul speaks in utter amazement about the love of the Sacred Heart.  The essence of religion is found in the love of God the Son for God the Father, and all our prayers find their value when they are united with this love.  Even if we possess all the faith in the world, we will still not be saved if we do not have love.  Anyone who has loved has known the pain of love.  Can we even imagine the pain of Christ’s Heart when He saw how little He would be loved in return?

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A Vocation Worth the Fight

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Tonsure Ceremony
With first tonsure one becomes a cleric.  This ceremony has been part of the Church since the 5th century.  Just as slaves were shorn to show their complete ownership by their master, so the cleric shows that he now belongs to Christ.  The surplice is imposed to represent putting on the new man, because holiness is no longer an aspiration but a direct call.  Our Lord promised to those who give up the world a hundredfold in this life.  The candle carried in procession represents the soul of those to be tonsured, and when the bishop receives and extinguishes the candle, it demonstrates that the very will of the cleric is offered to God.  God will grant the necessary graces to do everything he asks, if the cleric remains confident in Him as he forges on towards the goal.

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Communion of Reparation

Feast of Corpus Christi 2024
We should strive to better understand the feast of Corpus Christi from both a historical and doctrinal perspective.  The Church is called to celebrate today with even greater joy and reverence knowing that the doctrine of the Holy Eucharist is so ignored, unknown, and attacked.  The Holy Eucharist is both a sacrifice and a sacrament.  The sacrifice is remembered on Holy Thursday, while the sacramental aspect is celebrated today.  Christ deliberately called for two consecrations at the Mass, so that under the separation of these signs the mystical sacrifice would take place.  We are at the Cross in a mystical way, and receiving God in this sacrament brings us into the Trinitarian life.  We must not only adore Our Lord and thank Him today, but also make reparation for all our sins and those of our fellow man.

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