Vessel Of Election
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2021
Profession of Sr. Josepha
All profession days are beautiful moments for our religious communities and for the people. Today is also unique and reminiscent of Jesus’ words about St. Paul at his conversion, “I will teach him to suffer for My Name”. This joyful day is also a pure and perfect sacrifice in union with Our Lord on the Cross. The means of this oblation are the evangelical vows of poverty, chastity and obedience that were professed this morning before Mass. These are counsels from the Gospel which are for those called to embrace them and who are generous in doing so. All the baptized must live the spirit of the vows but religious practice them. Now begins the work of living the interior life deeply and thereby becoming a fruitful spouse of Christ. There is much to learn about the theological virtues and the vows but the Sacred Heart and the Blessed Mother will be your guides. Be stout-hearted because the Lord is your light and salvation and He will never forget you.