Season of Consolation

Ash Wednesday 2023 We think of the sins we must avoid but rarely do we think of the virtues we must practice.  How often when we confess, we think of the sins we commit but not the reasons why we commit them.  We forget that all the hardships we face in life are given to…

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Join The Sacrifice

Quinquagesima Sunday 2023 This is a time of examination of conscience.  Once our predominant fault is identified, we can battle against it.  At the end of this Septuagesima season, the Church reminds us that we must have Charity.  We should not only go to confession when we are in mortal sin, but often.  This is…

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The Judgment of God

4th Sunday Of Advent 2022 The theme of the Epistle for this Mass is judgment.  Not only the judgments that men make towards each other, but especially the Last Judgment at the end of time.  We are forbidden to judge rashly, but we are not forbidden from making any judgments at all.  We have all…

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The Rosary Of Peace

18th Sunday After Pentecost 2022 “Pray the Rosary for peace…”  This was the instruction of the Blessed Mother at Fatima.  We were given this great sacramental for our protection, so that we might pray with the Holy Mother of God and through her, and she might supply what is lacking in our prayers.  In reciting…

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A More Perfect Humility

10th Sunday After Pentecost 2022 This Mass is a Mass for the proud.  Every aspect of this liturgy has some reference to the superior moral virtue of humility.  The Gospel exemplifies humility in the publican, but as we advance in the practice of this virtue our understanding of it must develop as well.  Not only…

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Examples Of Sanctity In The Midst Of Corruption

9th Sunday After Pentecost 2022 We must not neglect the saints.  We should know something about the great saints this week like Saints John Vianney, Lawrence, and Clare.  But we must not forget those saints that are especially attacked in our day, like St. Philomena and St. Christopher.  Those who speak ill of God and…

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Fall Forward

6th Sunday After Pentecost 2022 This Sunday brings our minds back to the two great sacraments of Holy Week: Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.  Through the former we are given life in the Mystical Body and by the latter that life is nourished and grows.  Those who fall short in attempting to “walk in newness…

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Hear the Word and Keep It

Third Sunday In Lent 2022 Yesterday’s feast of St. Joseph with the solemn Mass was another encouraging grace during our Lenten retreat days.  Now St. Joseph prepares us for this week’s feast of the Annunciation which celebrates the Incarnation and the beginning of our redemption.  Every day in Lent has its own Mass and stational…

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The Devil Hates Us

First Sunday In Lent 2022 This Friday begins Stations of the Cross and this is an appropriate devotion for Lent that was begun by our Mother of Sorrows.  Fasting and abstinence began on Ash Wednesday and their origins go back to Noah.  These practices are essential to our Lenten retreat days.  This week is the feast…

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Lent Is A Season Of Joy

Ash Wednesday 2022 Septuagesima season has prepared us for this time of removing sin from our lives.  This should comfort us as we begin this time of penance.  When examining our conscience we should not look at self but at Our Lord crucified to realize the effects of our evil on Him.  Lent is the…

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