God Will Hear Us

Ash Wednesday 2018 In 1741 the pope declared that Lent is the true sign of the Christian fighting for his salvation by means of penance through fasting which is understood by the receiving of the sacramental of ashes today.  The entire Septuagesima season focused our attention on sin and our identifying the predominant fault we want…

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Love Created Us And Must Be Returned

Quinquagesima Sunday 2018 This season is almost over and our training for Lent should be completed.  Abraham is emphasized during these days because of his fidelity to God when so many others were not.  He was willing to sacrifice his own son, Isaac, who was a willing victim as Christ would be in the future.  Today…

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Where Is Your Faith?

14th Sunday after Pentecost 2017 Seek first God’s holiness and that begins with the virtue of Faith.  We need that to achieve everything worthwhile in our daily activity.  We should strive to learn more and more about God.  The acts of the virtues produce the fruits of the Holy Ghost which give us a certain sweetness in…

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Lent Comes From The Heart of God

Ash Wednesday Evening 2017 Our sins have caused the death of God on the cross and from the Sacred Heart comes the means of repairing this.  Ash Wednesday is the call to conversion and the ashes we receive remind us of our own death and that this may be our last opportunity to change.  Pope…

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Bear Wrongs Patiently

15th Sunday after Pentecost 2016 Father speaks on the topic of our fallen nature versus grace, wherein grace acts as a curb to our tendencies to rail against and provoke our neighbor.  As Christ was often criticized by the crowd while he was preaching, so we are subject to the same sort of provocations by…

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God Will Win

Sermon From The 5th Sunday After Pentecost 2015 Fraternal charity is a theme of this Mass. Tomorrow is the feast of St. Peter and he is a great person who was trained well by Our Lord. A test of courage is the ability to endure challenges patiently. We should imitate the saints in seeking peace…

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Convert All Nations

Ascension Thursday 2015 The dogma of the Ascension of Our Lord is the only dogma to be proclaimed by the angels.  The Scriptures were written by practical men who desired proofs to support their belief.  We review the story of the Ascension to increase our understanding and to love it better.  The souls of the…

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Distinguishing Truth From Error

4th Sunday after Easter 2015 Why is the month of May dedicated to the Blessed Mother?  The practice began by the efforts of a Jesuit priest of the 18th century in Rome, who dedicated the youth of his time to the Virgin Mary.  By devoutly reciting the Rosary during this month we will remain under…

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The Father of Vocations

Feast of Saint Joseph 2015 When a person is given a vocation, he is always given the divine help necessary to reach his final goal of Heaven.  Even the people who miss their divine calling are given sufficient grace to save their souls.  Many people, especially in our days, lack confidence in God and are…

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