Pentecost Law and Language

Pentecost Sunday 2021
This feast is known as Red Easter because catechumens are baptized now who were unable to do so earlier.  The Blessed Mother and the Apostles were in Jerusalem awaiting the coming of the Holy Ghost because Our Lord commanded that.  The Jews from places near and far were there to celebrate the promulgation of the old law to Moses.  The Holy Ghost brought the new law of love.  The special vestments for this Mass teach the doctrines contained in the liturgy.  An immediate result from the coming of the Holy Ghost was the miracle of the preaching of the Apostles being understood by all.  This continues today for us by the use of the Latin language at Holy Mass.

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His Infinite Suffering

Holy Week begins with Our Lord’s triumphal entrance into His city, Jerusalem.  The outpouring of fervor by the pilgrims there for the Passover was increased by the recent raising of Lazarus from the dead.  The city, which did not welcome Him when the Magi came and announced His birth, did so now in such a way that His foes were left feeling powerless.  All would change by the end of the week and today’s liturgy shows that as well with the Passion.  First Communion today is an opportunity to receive Our Lord as the children of the Hebrews did many years ago.

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Father Of God

Feast Of St. Joseph 2021
The Incarnation and the Redemption depend also on the head of the Holy Family, St. Joseph, who was the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the father, although not the biological father, of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Without St. Joseph our salvation would not have been accomplished.  God the Father infused a spark of His own paternal love and care into the heart of St. Joseph so this man would love His Son on earth and raise Jesus to be the Perfect Man.  Although Christ looked like His Mother, Jesus acted like St. Joseph.  As he cared for Our Lady and Our Lord, St. Joseph has cared for us and all those dedicated to him.  The vestments today attest to that care by St. Joseph and miracle of the Holy Stairs in Santa Fe do also.  Go to Joseph because he watches over us.

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Purification, Presentation and Candles

Feast Of The Purification 2021
This feast was already old in the fourth century.  It celebrates Our Lady’s fulfilling the Law by going to the temple forty days after giving birth so she could be admitted once more ceremonially to worship.  Her humility was extraordinary because she was not bound by the Law but she freely submitted as her Divine Son did also.  In addition, on this same day, Christ was presented in the temple as the first born Son to receive His rightful place and to be ransomed for a time until His hour has come and He will return to complete the sacrifice.  The candle which is blessed and used in today’s procession reminds us of the Holy Infant being carried in the first procession centuries ago which revealed the Light of Revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Israel.

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The Epiphany And The Holy Family

Feast Of The Holy Family 2021
The crèche is a composite of many events surrounding the Nativity and culminating with the adoration of the Magi which is celebrated on the feast of the Epiphany.  The first Sunday after this feast is that of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  The Gospel tells the story of the finding of Our Lord in the Temple at the age of 12.  The Holy Family is a model of liturgical prayer for our families because of its fidelity and devotion to all the celebrations of the Old Testament like the Passover.  Our religious community has enjoyed the patronage of the Holy Family for 44 years and we are grateful for that and for all the assistance we have received from the faithful.

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Bride, Spouse and Victim

Laetare Sunday 2020 – Carmelite Clothing Day
This is a joyful day and a preparation for the total gift of self that is to come at the religious profession.  All has been left behind and that includes any reliance on self because now it is time to rely on God alone.  Religious life is the proximate call to holiness and the ceremony of the clothing in the Carmelite habit is meant to impress this on us.  The habit, especially the Brown Scapular, is the constant sacramental reminder of the call to contemplative prayer and divine union.  As a chosen bride and spouse of Our Lord, the religious is joined to Him on the Cross as a victim for the Church, priests and the salvation of souls.  Do not look back but press on to the goal of union with Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.

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Patron Of All

Feast Of Saint Joseph 2020
St. Joseph is described as a just man in the Gospel which means he was deeply religious.  His virtues prepared him for his vocation to be the spouse of the Blessed Mother and foster father of the Son of God.  His fears after the Annunciation were about his own worthiness to fulfill his role in so Divine a mission.  The angel reassured St. Joseph and he never wavered in his loving fidelity to duty.  Unlike the Apostles, his job was to protect and to conceal the Savior until His hour had come.  His virginal paternity is a perfect reflection of that of God the Father.  St. Joseph fulfilled his roles as saint, husband, father and worker so that he truly is the patron of all.

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What Is Keeping Me From God?

First Sunday of Lent 2020
This sermon begins with a review of the Lenten regulations and a recalling of the life and the struggle for his vocation of St. Thomas Aquinas, whose feast is this week.  Then we learn about the sacramental of ashes which is a powerful aid during this season which offers us more graces than at any other time during the year.  With this help we perform supernatural works which overcome everything that separates us from God.  After His forty days of fasting in the desert, Our Lord showed us how to defeat the devil and his temptations.  We are meant to follow Christ’s example.

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Lost And Saved Through A Tree

Sexagesima Sunday 2020
The Divine Office for this week recounts the story of Noah and his Ark.  This is the type for Christ and His saving Cross which undo the fall of Adam caused by his eating the forbidden fruit of the tree in Paradise.  We learn also that God’s grace is offered to us in abundance and we should not reject it. Our Faith allows us to attend Mass as if we are already in heaven.  We must live for God and not self.  Now is the time to dedicate ourselves to God during these holy days.

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The Candle Shows The Beauty Of Christ

Feast Of The Purification 2020
For only the second time in a couple of decades we are celebrating this wonderful feast of the Purification on a Sunday and this enables more of the faithful to participate in this sacred Liturgy and to hear the doctrines about this feast.  This ceremony is ancient, recorded in the fourth century by a holy pilgrim sister, Sylvia. It is celebrated in the same way today.  Christ, now forty days old, was presented in the temple and restored to His parents by their offering a gift in exchange for Him.  Also, the Blessed Mother submitted to the law, which was not intended for her, by her offering of doves for purification.  The first procession took place with Simeon and Anna joining the Holy Family and this is renewed by our procession with the candle, a sacramental which depicts the Son of God made man.


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